ALERT:  10-4-13

Message from CJA’s Director Elena Sassower



CJA’s People’s Campaign
to Hold the Commission to Investigate Public Corruption True
to its Name & Announced Purpose





As you know from my prior e-mail ALERTS, the Center for Judicial Accountability, Inc. (CJA) has launched a “People’s Campaign to Hold the Commission to Investigate Public Corruption True to its Name & Announced Purpose”, now accessible from our homepage,


Our goal is to alert victims of judicial corruption – as well as others having knowledge and experience of the breadth of public corruption in this state – to the HUGE opportunity we all have to bring forward our information and evidence to the Commission – and to do so publicly, to prevent it from covering up and pretending that it is cleaning up our government, when it is barely scratching the surface!  My prior ALERTS, setting forth the details, are posted on our “Opportunity for Action” webpage.  Here’s the direct link:


In going up to Albany for the Commission’s September 24th so-called “public hearing”, I did not just quietly sit in the audience.  I shouted out my support for the testimony of the final witness, Mark Sacha, a whistleblowing former assistant district attorney, who spoke, from his own direct, first-hand experience, about how district attorneys cover up political corruption cases because of conflicts of interest – identifying, specifically, Erie County District Attorney Frank Sedita, a member of the Commission.  And when the Commission then closed the topic-limited hearing half-an-hour early, without announcing any further hearings or allowing testimony at the Albany hearing on topics other than “campaign finance, outside income of state elected officials or political party housekeeping accounts”, I rushed forward to publicly ask what so many of you have asked me: when will the Commission be holding hearings for the public to testify about the breadth of public corruption in this state?   I also protested that the Albany hearing had been conducted without the backdrop banner “Restoring the Public Trust”, which had been used at the September 17th Manhattan hearing, and that the Commission’s name was not “Moreland Commission” – as was imprinted on the sign hanging from the dais for the Albany hearing – but “Commission to Investigate Public Corruption”, so-identified by the Executive Order creating it and on the banner that had hung from the dais at the Manhattan hearing. 


As a result of this activism, I was approached by Cynthia Pooler, a retiree whose passion for politics has led her to a new career in internet radio, with a show called “Focus on Albany”.  She asked if I would be willing to be interviewed about the Commission.  I’m pleased to report that Cynthia not only interviewed me, but is eager to develop further shows about our “People’s Campaign to Hold the Commission to Investigate Public Corruption  True to its Name & Announced Purpose”.  Here’s the direct link for her interview of me entitled “Center for Judicial Accountability, Inc. Seeks Public Participation in the Commission to Investigate Public Corruption”: .  Please listen – and share the link with others.  That’s how internet radio works.  We need to build our audience!!


For Cynthia’s next show – in about two weeks – she has proposed interviewing some of people who had registered for the Commission’s hearings who were turned away.  Isn’t that spectacular!   Call me if you would like to be interviewed on Cynthia’s show about your experience – or if you would like me to speak for you, summarizing what you submitted to the Commission as part of your registration and the last-minute phone calls and e-mails you received, turning you away, or, in some cases, telling you that you would be listed to testify, only to discover, thereafter, that you were not. When you contact me, we can review together the documents I should post with your names as part of our webpage “The People Have Something to Say – and Evidence to Back It Up!” Here’s the direct link:


This is not the only important media development to report.  Our own intrepid Will Galison – a CJA member of many years standing, who is a fabulous musician, with a sideline as a citizen journalist– used the half-hour that the Commission cut from its September 24th Albany hearing to approach the Commission’s Executive Director, Regina Calcaterra, and Legislative Director, John Amodeo, questioning them, with video running.  These revealing interviews, he has spruced up with dramatic music and explanatory text to underscore the discrepancy between the Commission’s name and purpose and how it is operating.   I have posted Will’s September 24th trilogy of videos on a new webpage within our People’s Campaign, entitled “Building Our Own People’s Media”.   Here’s the direct link: .  It is on this webpage that I have also posted Cynthia’s internet radio interview of me – and where I will post her future shows about the Commission and our People’s Campaign. 


Finally, I am pleased to report that we haven’t been entirely ignored by “mainstream” media.  Casey Seiler of the Albany Times Union, included a colorful description of my interjection during Mark Sacha’s testimony at the Commission’s September 24th hearing for the newspaper’s “Capitol Confidential” blog, also furnishing a link to our website!  Here’s the direct link to what he wrote: .


Remember, SPREAD THE WORD!   Forward this e-mail to others.  I am available to assist you in drafting your written statements to the Commission, in support of your requests to testify, publicly – or to assist in you in making a confidential/anonymous submission, if such is necessary.   


Elena Sassower, Director

Center for Judicial Accountability, Inc. (CJA)
