ALERT:  9-19-13

Message from CJA Director Elena Sassower:




Opportunity to Testify against New York’s Corrupt Judiciary --
& the Worthlessness of Purported Safeguards


REMINDER:  The Commission to Investigate Public Corruption (aka Moreland Commission) will be holding its 2nd hearing – outside Albany – at 6 p.m. on Tuesday, September 24th.   AGAIN, this is a HUGE opportunity for victims of New York’s corrupt judiciary and other lawlessness of our state government to give testimony– and offer up evidence.


The Commission’s website is here: -- and it contains a button entitled “REGISTER TO SPEAK AT A PUBLIC HEARING”, with an online form for requests to testify at the September 24th Albany hearing.   DEADLINE for registration and written statement is noon, Monday, September 23rd.


I invite you to call me so that I can guide you as to how to be most effective in your presentations to the Commission, whether at the hearings or by written submissions.  Specifically, you should focus on the worthlessness  of purported safeguards, these being, for example, reargument motions, motions to vacate for fraud, motions to disqualify and for disclosure, requests for oversight by supervisory judges, Article 78 proceedings, appeals, federal lawsuits, complaints to the Commission on Judicial Conduct and attorney disciplinary bodies, complaints to the Chief Judge, Chief Administrative Judge, and to the Inspector General of the Unified Court System, complaints to the Attorney General and his “Public Integrity Bureau”, complaints to district attorneys and to U.S. Attorneys and the FBI, etc., complaints to other public officers – most importantly, to state legislators and state legislative committees, as, for instance, the Assembly and Senate Judiciary Committees – entreaties to the press, to academia, to bar associations, etc. 


I invite you, too, to call me so that I can add your name to the Center for Judicial Accountability’s webpage entitled “The People Have Something to Say -- & Evidence to Back It Up” – and so that I can create for you a hyperlinked webpage on which your submissions and testimony to the Commission may be posted.   Here’s the direct link to the roster of names we already have: .  You might want to scroll down to my name and click on my hyperlinked webpage so that you can see what I presented to the Commission – and how your own webpage might look.


It is extremely important that we “KEEP THE COMMISSION TO INVESTIGATE PUBLIC CORRUPTION TRUE TO ITS NAME & ANNOUNCED PURPOSE” – and you can see the set of webpages I’ve created on that topic, so far:


For a fuller overview of what the Center for Judicial Accountability, Inc. has been doing – including by our People’s lawsuit against the state, whose requested relief includes seeding a superfund for restitution to victims of judicial corruption, you can examine it from the hyperlinks on our “Latest News” webpage, accessible from our website’s top panel.  Here’s the direct link:


I look forward to hearing from you soon.


Meantime, SPREAD THE WORD!   



Elena Sassower, Director
Center for Judicial Accountability, Inc. (CJA)