From:                                         Senate Foil <>

Sent:                                           Thursday, October 10, 2019 11:55 AM

To:                                               Center for Judicial Accountability, Inc.(CJA)

Subject:                                     Re: FOIL/Records Request:  Comptroller's annual accountings pursuant to Public Officers Law §17(3)(d)

Attachments:                          10-2-19-comptroller-acct-pol-17(3)(d)_0001.pdf; Rules and Regulations relating to Public Inspection and Copying of Legislative Records - January 2019_blue.pdf


                October 10, 2019

Elena Sassower,
Center for Judicial Accountability, Inc.
Post Office Box 8101
White Plains, NY  10602

Dear Ms. Sassower:

        This is to acknowledge receipt of your email dated October 2, 2019 pursuant to the Freedom of Information Law.

        You are requesting … “for the Comptroller's three most recent annual accountings submitted by him,”in consultation with the department of law”, to the Governor and Legislature" pursuant to Public Officers Law I l7(3) (d), and specifically, as relates to the litigation “type”: State Finance Law Article 7-A "citizen taxpayer action[s]", including their number and claims paid and expected to be paid …”.

        Please be advised there are no records that match your request as stated.  
        I have attached a copy of the Senate’s Rules and Regulations Relating to the Public Inspection and Copying of Legislative Records for your information.


                Alejandra N. Paulino, Esq.
                Secretary of the Senate

From:        "Center for Judicial Accountability, Inc.\(CJA\)" <>
To:        <>, <>, "'Senate Foil'" <>, "'Robin Marilla'" <>
Date:        10/02/2019 03:29 PM
Subject:        FOIL/Records Request:  Comptroller's annual accountings pursuant to Public Officers Law §17(3)(d)


Attached is CJA’s above-entitled FOIL/records request of today’s date, already sent to the Attorney General.   


Thank you.


Elena Sassower, Director

Center for Judicial Accountability, Inc. (CJA)
