Yes, count me as a member!

Print out this form

Use this form to become a member of the Center for Judicial Accountability, Inc. Membership dues are $25 per year, which are waived in cases of financial hardship. Your tax-deductible donations make it possible for CJA to continue and expand its ground-breaking activities. Please be generous, as we are not yet funded by any outside source.

$25 Annual Dues:

$50 Friend:

$100 Sponsor:

$500 Benefactor:

$1000 Patron:

$ Other:



Address (Home):

Address (Business):

Phone (Home):

Phone (Business):


May we give your name to other CJA members in:
Your area?:
To the Media?:
To others?:
Or do you desire anonymity?:
If you have your own judicial horror story, send us a 3-page summary.  Summary enclosed:
If you have filed a complaint against a judge, send us a copy for our archives. Complaint enclosed:
If you belong to another judicial or law reform organization, give name, address, phone:

If you are interested in working on one or more of CJA's projects, or have projects to propose, please indicate below (use additional paper, if necessary):

Legal Projects. If you are a lawyer, paralegal or law student, are you willing to do pro bono work either in your own name or anonymously?:
Newsletter/Media Writing: Are you able to write articles, Letters-to-the-Editor, Op-ed pieces, etc. ? :
If you have a journalism background, describe:
Library Development: Can you help build CJA's library collection by sending us newspaper and magazine articles and/or taped radio and television segments on judicial selection and discipline? :
Local Chapter/Discussion Group Organizing. Create:   Participate:
On-Line Projects. Are you able to help expand CJA's Homepage and/or participate in Internet activities?:
On-Site Volunteer Work at CJA in White Plains, NY. Can you assist with research, writing, clippings, filing, Internet, and telephone work (minimum 5 hrs./wk.):


Other. Your ideas are welcome. Keep them coming !!!


Mail your completed form to:

Center for Judicial Accountability, Inc.
Box 8220
White Plains, New York 10602


Telephone:  (914) 421-1200
Fax:  (914) 428-4994