Searching for Champions - Organizations

Constitutional Accountability Center
formerly Community Rights Counsel


CJA's June 16, 1998 fax to Douglas T. Kendall, Community Rights Counsel Executive Director -- "RE: Introductions -- will send 'hard copies' by mail with CJA's informational brochure, etc."

CJA's August 2, 2002 letter to Douglas T. Kendall, Community Rights Counsel Executive Director -- "RE: Ascertaining the True Purpose of the November 29, 2001 'Oversight Hearing' on 28 USC 372(c), 144, and 455 by the House Judiciary Committee's Courts Subcommittee"

SEE: Searching for Champions-Federal: House Judiciary Committee

CJA's March 25, 2011 letter to Douglas T. Kendall, President/Constitutional Accountability Center -- "RE:  BEING TRUE to the Constitutional Accountability Center's 'Judicial Nominations and Accountability' 'Issue': (1) On Judicial Nominations: What is Your Response to the Center for Judicial Accountability's March 14, 2011 Letter to Senate Majority Leader Reid and Senate Minority Leader McConnell?; (2) On Judicial Accountability:  What is Your Response to the Center for Judicial Accountability's May 13, 2008 Memo to Senate Majority Leader Reid and Senate Minority Leadeer McConnell?


     Constitutional Accountability Center's March 17, 2011 letter to Senate Majority Leader Reid & Senator Minority Leader McConnell

            -- CAC's March 11, 2011 blog "A Note to Senator Grassley: Ten < Eleven" by VP Judith E. Schaeffer
            -- CAC's March 18, 2011 blog "D.C. Circuit Nominee Halligan to Argue Before U.S. Supreme Court on Monday"