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(pages 1-535)


 Appealed-From Judgment, Orders, & Pre-Trial Proceedings


Elena Sassower’s Notices of Appeal, filed June 29 and July 27, 2004
[#04-CM-760]....................................................................................................................................................... 1

Judge Brian Holeman’s Judgment and Commitment/Probation Order,
dated June 28, 2004............................................................................................................................................. 6

Judge Holeman’s Order Assessing Costs, dated June 28, 2004............................................................................... 7

Sassower’s Notice of Appeal, filed December 21, 2004 [#04-CO-1600]..................................................................... 8

Judge Holeman’s Order, dated November 22, 2004................................................................................................ 10

D.C. Superior Court Docket Entries [M-4113-03]................................................................................................... 16

Sassower’s October 30, 2003 motion to enforce her discovery rights, the prosecution’s disclosure
obligations, and for sanctions.......................................................................................................................... 39
[select and partial exhibits]   
Table of Exhibits................................................................................................................................................ 68

Ex. A:     Sassower’s August 12, 2003 first discovery demand, pursuant to Superior Court Criminal
              Rule 16(a)(1)(C)............................................................................................................................ 70

Ex. B:     AUSA Mendelsohn’s October 3, 2003 letter, purporting to make  “additional discovery” pursuant
              to Rule 16(b) and to “otherwise respond[]” to Sassower’s August 12, 2003 first discovery
              demand...................................................................................................................................... 74

Ex. F:      U.S. Attorney’s May 23, 2003 letter, signed by AUSA Belaire, making no plea offer, purporting
               to make “discovery”, purporting to be unaware of Brady evidence, and giving “Drew/Toliver
Notice”..................................................................................................................................... 77

                     Arrest/prosecution report (P.D. 163)..................................................................................... 84

                     Event report (P.D. 251)....................................................................................................... 86

                     Supplement report (P.D. 252).............................................................................................. 88

                     Supplement report (P.D. 252).............................................................................................. 89

                     Citation release determination report (P.D. 778).................................................................... 93

                     Annexed “copy of def’s handwritten statement from which she was reading during
                     disruption (1 page)”............................................................................................................ 94

Ex. G:    Information, dated May 23, 2003, illegibly signed by an unidentified AUSA
               -- given to Sassower at arraignment......................................................................................... 100

Ex. H-1: Amended “Gerstein”, dated May 23, 2003,
             discovered by Sassower in the court file on June 20, 2003............................................................101

Ex. I:      Sassower’s 39-page May 21, 2003 fax to Capitol Police Detective Zimmerman,
              as produced by AUSA Mendelsohn’s October 3, 2003 letter....................................................... 102

                     Sassower’s 2-page May 21, 2003 letter to Detective Zimmerman ........................................ 102

                     Sassower’s 2-page May 21, 2003 memo to Senate Judiciary Committee
                     Chairman Hatch & Ranking Member Leahy........................................................................ 104

                     Sassower’s 4-page May 21, 2003 letter to NY Home-State Senator Schumer
                     (with 9 pages of exhibits)................................................................................................. 106

                      Sassower’s 1-page May 21, 2003 letter to NY Home-State Senator Clinton ........................ 119

                      Sassower’s 18-page July 3, 2001 letter to Senator Schumer................................................120
                      with 3 pages from the transcript of the June 25, 1996 Senate Judiciary Committee hearing.... 138  

Ex. J-1:   Sassower’s May 23, 2003 signed notation in Capitol Police Prisoner’s Property Book,
              as produced by AUSA Mendelsohn’s October 3, 2003 letter ...................................................... 141

       Ex. K-1:  Sassower’s May 28, 2003 memorandum to Chairman Hatch & Ranking Member Leahy................ 142

Ex. L:    Sassower’s June 16, 2003 memorandum to Ralph Nader, Public Citizen, & Common Cause........ 149

       Ex. M:    Sassower’s September 22, 1996 police misconduct complaint, with certified mail/return receipts.... 154
                     [select & partial exhibits --  full complaint lodged with Clerk]

                      Ex. C:   Sassower’s June 28, 1996 letter to Chairman Hatch..................................................... 171

                              Ex. E:  June 25, 1996 Prisoner’s Property Receipt, identifying “Bignotti, K”
                                          as having “searched” Sassower..................................................................184

Ex. N-1:    Capitol Police Chief Gary L. Abrecht’s February 18, 1997 letter to Sassower dismissing her
                September 22, 1996 police misconduct complaint – produced by AUSA Mendelsohn’s
                October 3, 2003 letter ....................................................................................................... 185

Ex. N-2:    Capitol Police General Order #4430, “Citation Release Program”, March 18, 1997
                – produced by AUSA Mendelsohn’s October 3,  2003 letter.................................................. 186

Ex. O:     Sassower’s August 19, 1998 letter to Leah Belaire, Investigative Counsel/Senate Judiciary
              Committee, enclosing August 11, 1998 letter to ABA President and its exhibits pertaining
              to her, with certified mail/return receipt................................................................................. 190

Government’s November 13, 2003 opposition to Sassower’s motion to compel discovery, signed by AUSA Mendelsohn............................................................................................................................................ 212

Sassower’s December 3, 2003 affidavit in reply and in further support of her motion to enforce her discovery
rights, the prosecution’s disclosure obligations, and for sanctions................................................................ 222
[w/o exhibits]    Table of Exhibits.............................................................................................................. 246


Government’s December 3, 2003 motion in limine to preclude reference to Sassower’s political
motivations, political beliefs, political causes, etc., signed by AUSA Mendelsohn............................... 247

Sassower’s December 31, 2003 affidavit in opposition to prosecution’s motion in limine and
in further support of her motion for discovery, disclosure, & sanctions.......................................................... 251 
[w/o exhibits]    Table of Exhibits.............................................................................................................. 264


Sassower's February 23, 2004 motion to disqualify Judge Holeman & for postponement/continuance
of the March 1, 2004 trial date pending responsive, written adjudication of her still-outstanding
October 30, 2003 motion to enforce her discovery rights, the prosecution's disclosure obligations,
and for sanctions.................................................................................................................................265
[with select exhibits]
Table of Exhibits....................................................................................................................................289    

       Ex. T-1:    Sassower’s January 22, 2004 letter to Judge Holeman ...................................................... 291

Ex.T-2:     Sassower’s January 30, 2004 letter to Judge Holeman...................................................... 293

       Ex.T-3:     Sassower’s February 10, 2004 letter to Judge Holeman..................................................... 295

       Ex W:      Transcript of the December 3, 2003 oral argument before Judge Milliken
                       on Sassower’s October 30, 2003 discovery/disclosure/sanctions motion............................ 300


March 9, 2004 motion of Sassower’s legal advisor, Mark Goldstone, Esq., to change trial date
to May 3, 2004.................................................................................................................................... 343

Government’s March 11, 2004 opposition to Goldstone’s motion to continue trial date to May 3, 2004,
signed by AUSA Jessie Liu ................................................................................................................. 347


 Transcript of March 22, 2004 pretrial hearing before Judge Holeman............................................. 350


Sassower’s March 22, 2004 motion to vacate Orders of Judge Holeman for violation of
D.C. Superior Court Civil Procedure Rule 63-I pertaining to “Bias or Prejudice” & for
removal/transfer of this case to the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia pursuant
to D.C. Code §10-503.18..................................................................................................................... 375 
[with select exhibits]     Table of Exhibits............................................................................................... 404

     Ex. AA-1:     Judge Brian Holeman’s February 25, 2004 order denying first branch of relief  requested
                        by Sassower’s February 23, 2004 motion (disqualification).............................................. 407

     Ex. AA-2:     Judge Holeman’s February 25, 2004 order denying second branch of relief requested
                        by Sassower’s February 23, 2004 motion (continuance/postponement of March 1, 2004
                        trial date, pending responsive written adjudication of her October 30, 2003 discovery/
                        disclosure/sanctions motion)....................................................................................... 409

      Ex. AA-3:     Judge Holeman’s February 25, 2004 order denying third branch of relief requested by
                         Sassower’s February 23, 2004 motion (change of venue).............................................. 411

      Ex. AA-4:     Judge Holeman’s February 25, 2004 order granting the government’s December 3, 2003
                          motion in limine to preclude reference to Sassower’s political motivations, political beliefs,
                          political causes, etc................................................................................................. 413

      Ex.  AA-5:    Judge Holeman’s February 25, 2004 order releasing to Sassower the government’s
                         “Ex Parte In Camera Submission Regarding Evidence Relevant to Bias Cross-Examination
                         of Government Witnesses, filed with the Clerk of the Court on January 18, 2004”............ 414

                         Government’s ex parte in camera submission, signed by AUSA Liu.............................. 415

      Ex. BB:       Sassower’s February 26, 2004 memorandum for “IMMEDIATE SUPERVISORY
                        OVERSIGHT OVER JUDGE BRIAN HOLEMAN”, addressed to Chief Judge Rufus
                        King, III, Presiding Judge of the Criminal Division Noel Anketell Kramer, and Dan Cipullo,
                        Director of the Criminal Division.................................................................................. 426

     Ex. CC:       Sassower’s February 26, 2004 fax coverletter to Judge Holeman, transmitting her
                        February 26, 2004 memorandum for supervisory oversight............................................ 431 

    Ex. DD:       Judge Holeman’s February 26, 2004 order purporting to resolve all issues with respect 
                       to Sassower’s October 30, 2003 discovery/disclosure/sanctions motion......................... 433

    Ex. EE:       Sassower’s February 27, 2004 memorandum for “IMMEDIATE SUPERVISORY OVERSIGHT
                       OVER JUDGE BRIAN HOLEMAN”, addressed to Chief Judge King and Acting Presiding Judge
                       of the Criminal Division Harold Cushenberry................................................................. 435

    Ex. FF-1:     Sassower’s February 27, 2004 fax coverletter to Judge Holeman, transmitting her
                       February 27, 2004 memorandum for supervisory oversight............................................. 442

    Ex. FF-2:     Sassower’s February 27, 2004 letter to Judge Holeman for postponement/continuance
                       of March 1, 2004 trial date due to her father’s hospitalization ........................................ 444

    Ex. GG:      Judge Holeman’s February 27, 2004 order granting trial continuance to April 5, 2004 ...... 447

    Ex. HH:      Judge Holeman’s (undated) March 17, 2004 order ordering pretrial status hearing for
                      March 22, 2004......................................................................................................... 449

    Ex. II:         Sassower’s March 18, 2004 letter to Judge Holeman, requesting clarification of his
                      March 17, 2004 order................................................................................................ 450

    Ex. JJ:        Sassower’s March 18, 2004 memorandum for “IMMEDIATE SUPERVISORY
                      OVERSIGHT OVER JUDGE BRIAN HOLEMAN”, addressed to Chief Judge King,
                      Presiding Judge of the Criminal Division Kramer, and Acting Presiding Judge of the
                      Criminal Division Cushenberry .................................................................................. 454

    Ex. LL:       Senior Judge Stephen Eilperin’s September 3, 2003 “Memorandum and Order”.............. 457

    Ex. MM:     Senior Judge Mary Ellen Abrecht’s (undated) September 4, 2003 “Memorandum
                      Explaining Denial of Motion for Change of Venue”........................................................ 460

Government’s March 23, 2004 opposition to Sassower’s March 22, 2004 motion to vacate orders of
Judge Holeman and to change venue................................................................................................ 464

Judge Holeman’s order dated March 29, 2004 (faxed/mailed March 30, 2004), denying second and
third branches of relief sought by Sassower’s March 22, 2004 motion for removal/transfer and a stay..... 466

Judge Holeman’s order dated April 6, 2004 (faxed/mailed April 7, 2004), denying disqualification relief
sought by first branch of Sassower’s March 22, 2004 motion.............................................................. 468


 Senate Legal Counsel’s March 26, 2004 motion to quash Sassower’s subpoenas of Senators
and Senate employees................................................................................................................ 472

          Ex. A:    Senate Resolution 323 (March 23, 2004), authorizing Senate Legal Counsel to
                       represent subpoenaed Senators and Senate employees.............................................. 485

          Ex. B:    Sassower’s February 26, 2004 letter to Senate Legal Counsel..................................... 487

          Ex. C:     Senate Legal Counsel’s March 3, 2004 letter (Grant Vinik, Esq.) to
                        Mr. Goldstone........................................................................................................ 489

          Ex. D:     Sassower’s March 5, 2004 subpoenas of Senators & Senate employees..................... 492

Judge Holeman’s (undated) order (mailed March 30, 2004) setting date for responding  to Senate
Legal Counsel’s motion to quash subpoenas..................................................................................... 501

Judge Holeman’s April 8, 2004 order deciding Senate Legal Counsel’s motion to quash subpoenas ..................................................................................................................................................... 503


“Government’s Notice of Intent to Introduce Other Crimes Evidence Pursuant to Drew v. United States”,
signed by AUSA Liu, served April 5, 2004.......................................................................................... 509

“Government’s Statement of Preliminary Issues”, signed by AUSA Liu, served April 8, 2004................... 515


 AUSA Liu’s six-page April 7, 2004 fax to Sassower........................................................................... 519

       AUSA Liu’s April 7, 2004 letter to Sassower............................................................................... 520

       Special Agent Lippay’s subject profile of Sassower..................................................................... 521

       Special Agent Lippay’s bulletin of Sassower............................................................................... 523

       Capitol Police card of June 25, 1996 arrest for disorderly conduct................................................. 524 

Sassower’s April 8, 2004 faxed/e-mailed letter to AUSA Liu............................................................... 525

AUSA Liu’s 8-page April 9, 2004 fax/e-mail to Sassower.................................................................... 528

      AUSA Liu’s April 9, 2004 letter to Sassower............................................................................... 529

May 20, 2003 fax transmittal sheet from Senator Clinton’s office to Capitol Police,
with first page only of Sassower’s May 19, 2003 memorandum to NY Home-State Senators
Schumer & Clinton............................................................................................................. 531

            Special Agent Lippay’s May 21, 2003 fax to Special Agent Orquiza,
            enclosing bulletin of Sassower............................................................................................ 533

            Special Agent Lippay’s bulletin of Sassower sent to Senator Clinton’s office........................... 535




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