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Sassower's March 13, 2023 Order to Show Cause
to Intervene of Right

Pursuant to CPLR §1012(a)(2) & for Interim Relief

Sassower's March 13, 2023 moving affidavit



Exhibit 1:        Sassower's March 10, 2023 e-mail to the Court, sent at 4:50 p.m.,addressed to Clerk  Flynn – with cc’s to parents, Deputy County Attorney Brennan, & Attorney Dingeldey 

Exhibit 2:        March 10, 2023 reply affidavit, written by Sassower for parents to upload by 4:00 p.m. for the February 19, 2023 motion Sassower had written for them  

Exhibit 3A:     February 19, 2023 notice of motion, as written by Sassower 

Exhibit 3B:      February 19, 2023 moving affidavit, as written by proposed intervening appellant, with parents' insertion at ¶6, moved to the end 

Exhibit 4:        Appeal Brief, written by Sassower in November 2022 and redated to January 31, 2023 to reflect Appendix references, rather than Record on Appeal references 

Exhibit 5-A:   parents' March 10, 2023 e-mail sent at 7:04 pm to Sassower, constituting SOLE response to the March 10, 2023 reply affidavit that she had written for them 

Exhibit 5-B:    parents' March 10, 2023 e-mail sent at 9:03 p.m. to Sassower

Exhibit 5-C:  parents' March 13, 2023 e-mail sent at 12:44 p.m. to Sassower

Exhibit 6:        February 22, 2022 Independent Expert Report, written by Sassower, as it appears in the waiver-requiring Appendix she had compiled


* * *

unsigned March 15, 2023 letter
from AD-4 Principle Appellate Attorney Oshrin

 * * *


Sassower's April 7, 2023 Affidavit
in Further Support of March 13, 2023 Order to Show Cause to Intervene of Right Pursuant to CPLR §1012(a)(2) & for Interim Relief -- & to Prevent Further Fraud on the Court by Respondents with Respect to the Fifth Branch of Parents' February 19, 2023 Motion


Exhibit A:       Sassower’s March 27, 2023 e-mail to Clerk Flynn, “Complaint to Presiding Justice Whalen as to the Lawless Fashion in which the AD4 Clerk's Office Operates – & Answers from You, Clerk Flynn, Pertaining Thereto”, with e-mail chain spanning back to March 10th

Exhibit B:        parents'' March 10, 2023 “reply against terrorism” affidavit

Exhibit C-1:    parents' February 19, 2023 notice of motion, written by Sassower

Exhibit C-2:    parents' February 19, 2023 affidavit, written by Sassower

Exhibit D:       parents' March 10, 2023 reply affidavit, written by Sassower 

Exhibit E:        Sassower’s exchange of e-mails with parents, March 26th – March 27th 

Exhibit F:        Sassower’s exchange of e-mails with parents, April 4th – April 5th 

Exhibit G:       parents' April 5th reply affidavit, written by Sassower, with its exhibits

    Ex A      parents' March 20th “reply on Terrorism” affidavit


     Ex B      parents' March 10th “reply against terrorism” affidavit

    Ex C-1   Sassower's March 13th OSC to intervene & for interim relief


    Ex C-2   Sassower’s March 13th moving affidavit in support of OSC

              Ex C-3   Sassower’s March 10th e-mail to Clerk Flynn  (Ex 1 to OSC)

              Ex C-4    parents' March 10th reply affidavit, as written by Sassower  (Ex 2 to OSC)

              Ex C-5   parents' February 19th notice of motion  (Ex 3A to OSC)

              Ex C-6    parents' February 19th moving affidavit, as written by Sassower,
with appellants' insertion at ¶6, moved to the end    (Ex 3B to OSC)

              Ex C-7    Appeal Brief, written by Sassower   (Ex 4 to OSC)

              Ex C-8    parents' March 10th e-mail to Sassower  (Ex 5A to OSC)

              Ex C-9    parents' March 10th e-mail to Sassower  (Ex 5B to OSC)

              Ex C-10  Appellants' March 13th e-mail to Sassower  (Ex 5C to OSC)

               Ex C-11  Independent Expert Report, written by Sassower  (Ex 6 to OSC)

              Ex D-1    Sassower’s March 13th e-mail to Clerk Flynn

     Ex D-2    Sassower’s March 13th e-mail to Clerk Flynn

     Ex D-3    Sassower’s March 13th e-mail to Clerk Flynn

     Ex D-4    Sassower’s March 13th e-mail to Clerk Flynn

     Ex D-5    Sassower’s March 13th e-mail to Clerk Flynn

     Ex D-6    Sassower’s March 17th e-mail to Clerk Flynn

     Ex D-7    Sassower’s March 17th e-mail to Clerk Flynn

     Ex D-8    Sassower’s March 23rd  e-mail to Clerk Flynn

     Ex D-9    Principal Appellate Attorney Oshrin’s March 23rd e-mail,

                        with his attached unsigned March 15th  letter

    Ex D-10  Sassower’s March 24th e-mail

    Ex D-11  Sassower’s March 24th e-mail,

                   with Brennan’s March 24th e-mail & attached March 13th e-mail


     Ex D-12   Principal Appellate Court Attorney Oshrin’s March 24th e-mail

     Ex D-13   Sassower’s March 24th e-mail

                        Ex. D-14   Sassower’s March 27th e-mail to Clerk Flynn

Exhibit H:       Parent-mother's April 6th e-mail, at 9:45 am “Love and hugs”

* * *
continues with

Sassower's April 24, 2023 Order to Show Cause
to intervene of right & for reargument/vacatur for fraud, etc.

CJA's October 25, 2023 complaint to Commission on Judicial Conduct,
Attorney Grievance Committees, OCA Inspector General, etc.




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