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CJA's July 14, 2001 letter to Senator Clinton
[indicated copies to Senator Schumer & recipients of CJA's July 3, 2001 letter to him--
"RE: Request for your Senatorial Endorsement of Hearings on Federal Judicial Discipline and Removal by the Senate Judiciary Committee's Subcommittee on Administrative Oversight and the Courts -- Including Threshold Hearings on the 1993 Report of the National Commission on Judicial Discipline and Removal"

 -- enclosing CJA's July 3, 2001 letter to Senator Charles Schumer, Chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee's Courts Subcommittee   
        Exhibit A-1:  CJA's May 27, 1996 letter to Senator Hatch, Chairman/Senate Judiciary Committee
        Exhibit A-2:  CJA's May 22, 1996 letter to Chief Counsel/Subcommittee on Administrative Oversight and the Courts
        Exhibit A-3:   CJA's March 21, 2001 ltr to President George W. Bush
        Exhibit A-4:  March 26, 2001 letter from Bradford Berenson, Associate Counsel to the President
        Exhibit B-1: CJA's May 18, 1992 letter to Senate Majority Leader George Mitchell
        Exhibit B-2: CJA's Letter to the Editor, "Untrustworthy Ratings", NYT, 7/17/92
        Exhibit C: CJA's October 31, 1995 letter to Patricia Hynes, Second Circuit Representative/ABA Standing Committee
                          on Federal Judiciary
        Exhibit D-1 Senator Strom Thurmond's June 13, 1996 letter to CJA
        Exhibit D-2: pp. 4-5 of Senate Judiciary Committee's May 21, 1996 hearing on "The Role of the ABA in the Judicial
                         Selection Process"
        Exhibit E: CJA's April 26, 1996 letter to Senate Judiciary Committee
        Exhibit F:  Chairman Hatch's June 12, 1996 letter to CJA
        Exhibit G-1: CJA's June 18, 1996 letter to Chairman Hatch
        Exhibit G-2: CJA's June 26, 1996 fax to Senate Judiciary Committee
        Exhibit H: pp.790-1 of transcript of Senate Judiciary Committee's June 25, 1996 "hearing" on the confirmation of
                                                Lawrence Kahn's nomination to the District Court for the Northern District of New York
        Exhibit I-1: CJA's June 28, 1996 letter to Chairman Hatch
        Exhibit I-2: Certified mail/return receipts to/from Senate Majority Leader Trent Lott & Senate Minority Leader Tom
                         Daschle, as well as fax coversheets and transmittal receipts
        Exhibit J-1:  CJA's July 15, 1996 faxed memo to Senate Judiciary Committee counsel
        Exhibit J-2: CJA's July 15, 1996 fax to Legislative Assistant to Senate Majority Leader Lott
        Exhibit J-3: CJA's July 15, 1996 fax to Legislative Assistant to Senate Minority Leader Daschle
        Exhibit J-4: CJA's July 15, 1996 letter to Chief Counsel/Senator Herbert Kohl
        Exhibit J-5: CJA's July 16, 1996 letter to staff/Senate Minority Leader Daschle
        Exhibit J-6: CJA's itemized phone bill
        Exhibit J-7: descriptive chronology of CJA's Senate contacts, July 15-July 16, 1996
        Exhibit K:  July 15, 1996 memo to Senate Judiciary Committee from Bill Van Allen & Faye Rabenda
        Exhibit L: Senate confirmation of Lawrence Kahn to District Court/NDNY
        Exhibit M-1: CJA's July 30, 1998 letter to Leah Belaire/Investigative Counsel/Senate Judiciary Committee
        Exhibit M-2: CJA's August 3, 1998 letter to staff/Senate Judiciary Committee
        Exhibit M-3: CJA's August 19, 1998 letter to Leah Belaire/Investigative Counsel/Senate Judiciary Committee
        Exhibit N-1: "Without Merit: The Empty Promise of Judicial Discipline", by Elena Sassower, The Long Term
View (Massachusetts School of Law) (summer 1997)
Exhibit N-2:
CJA's March 10, 1998 memorandum to House Judiciary Committee
Exhibit N-3:
CJA's March 23, 1998 memorandum to House Judiciary Committee
Exhibit O-1:
CJA's statement for inclusion in the record of the House Judiciary Committee's June 11, 1998
"Oversight Hearing of the Administration and Operation of the Federal Judiciary"
Exhibit O-2:
Coversheet to Compendium substantiating CJA's s statement
Exhibit O-3:
  CJA's June 19, 1998 memo to counsel/House Judiciary Committee

Also enclosing:
    -- CJA's July 11, 2001 letter to Senate Majority/Minority Leaders
    -- CJA's July 11, 2001 letter to Senate Judiciary Committee members

CJA's July 14, 2001 letter to President George W. Bush
CJA's July 9, 2001 letter to House Judiciary Committee Counsel

 SEE: Judicial Selection: Federal
              SEE: Judicial Discipline: Federal

 CJA's July 27, 2001 memo to Senator Clinton, etc.
  [indicated copies to  every member of NY Congressional Delegation]
"RE: Support from New York's Congressional Delegation for the Public's Right to a Record of the Oral Argument of a Public Interest Lawsuit against the New York State Commission on Judicial Conduct in New York's Appellate Division, First Department - a 'Court of Record'"


CJA's April 23, 2003 letter to Senator Clinton
   [indicated copies to President Bush, Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Hatch, Ranking Member Leahy, Senator Schumer]
-- "RE: Citizen Opposition to Senate Confirmation of New York Court of Appeals Judge Richard C. Wesley to the Second Circuit Court of Appeals and P. Kevin Castel to the District Court of the Southern District of New York"

   -- enclosing
CJA's March 26, 2003 written statement to the American Bar Association & Association of the Bar of the City of New York, summarizing the documentary evidence of Judge Wesley's corruption as a New York Court of Appeals judge
    [indicated copies to Wesley, Castel, President Bush, Senator Hatch, Senator Leahy, Senator Schumer, Senator Clinton, NYS Commission on Judicial Conduct]
                 -- WITH ACCOMPANYING FINAL TWO MOTIONS in Elena Ruth Sassower, Coordinator of the Center for Judicial Accountability, Inc, acting pro bono publico v. Commission on Judicial Conduct of the State of New York:

Elena Sassower's October 15, 2002 motion for reargument, vacatur for fraud, lack of jurisdiction,
disclosure & other relief

Exhibit A:  Sassower's October 7, 2002 letter to Chief Motion Clerk
Exhibit B-1: Court of Appeals' September 12, 2002 decision/order (#581)
Exhibit B-2: Sassower's May 1, 2002 notice of motion for
disqualification/disclosure & pp. 1-8 of moving affidavit

Exhibit C-1: Ct of Appeals' September 12, 2002 decision/order (#719)
Exhibit C-2: Sassower's May 1, 2002 notice of appeal
Exhibit C-3: Sassower's June 17, 2002 notice of motion for sanctions,
etc. vs. Attorney General

Exhibit D: NYS Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers v. Kaye,
                95 NY2d 556 (2000)
Exhibit E-1: Ct of Appeals' decision/order in Schulz v. NYS Legislature
(Mo.# 1075)

Exhibit E-2 Schulz v. NYS Legislature, 92 NY2d 917 (1998)
Exhibit F-1: Sims v. NYS Commission on Judicial Conduct,
62 NY2d 884 (1984)

Exhibit F-2: NY Criminal and Civil Bar Association v. NY,
46 NY2d 730 (1978)

Exhibit G: Robert Schulz' August 17, 1998 disqualification motion
in Schulz v. NYS Legislature

(2)  Elena Sassower's October 24, 2002 motion for leave to appeal

          Exhibit A-1: Appellate Division's December 18, 2001 decision/order
          Exhibit A-2: Appellate Division's March 26, 2002 order
          Exhibit B-1: Ct of Appeals' September 12, 2002 decision/order on
                            disqualification (#581)

Exhibit B-2: Ct of Appeals' September 12, 2002 decision/order on notice
                  of appeal and sanctions (#719)
Exhibit C: Justice Wetzel's January 31, 2000 decision/order
Exhibit D: Justice Cahn's July 13, 1995 decision/order
                in Doris L. Sassower v. Commission
Exhibit E: Justice Lehner's September 30, 1999 decision/order
                in Mantell v. Commission
Exhibit F:  Appellate Division's November 16, 2000 decision/order
                in Mantell v. Commission
Exhibit G: CJA's March 3, 2000 letter to Chief Judge Kaye,
                with inventory of transmitted record
Exhibit H:  3-page analysis of Cahn's July 13, 1995 decision
                in Doris Sassower v. Commission
Exhibit I:  13-page analysis of Justice Lehner's September 30, 1999
               decision in Mantell v. Commission
Exhibit J:  March 27, 2000 ltr of Counsel, Unified Court System
Exhibit K: 1-page analysis of Appellate Division's December 16, 2000
              decision in Mantell v. Commission
Exhibit L-1: 19-page analysis of Appellate Division's December 18, 2001
                  decision (1/7/02 notice-complaint)
Exhibit L-2: Commission's February 27, 2002 acknowledgment letter
Exhibit M-1: "I rise in defense of state courts", Chief Judge Kaye,
                  Daily News, 1/17/02
Exhibit M-2: "State judicial system is accountable to public",
Judge Kaye, Albany Times Union, 2/10/02

Also enclosing --
CJA's September 18, 2000 letter to P. Kevin Castel, with CJA's accompanying June 20, 2000 letter to the President of the Association of the Bar of the City of New York
   Ex A-1: "Where Do You Go When Judges Break the Law", CJA's $16,770 ad, NYT, 10/26/94
   Ex A-2: "A Call for Concerted Action", CJA's $1,648 ad, NYLJ, 11/20/96
   Ex A-3: "Restraining 'Liars in the Courtroom' and on the Public Payroll", CJA's $3,077 ad, NYLJ, 8/27/97
   Ex A-4: "On Choosing Judges, Pataki Creates Problems", CJA's ltr to editor, NYT, 11/16/96
   Ex A-5: "O'Rourke's appointment was illegal", CJA's ltr to editor, Daily News, 2/13/98
   Ex A-6: "No Justification for Process's Secrecy", CJA's ltr to editor, NYLJ, 1/24/96
   Ex A-7: "An Appeal to Fairness: Revisit the Court of Appeals", CJA's ltr to editor, NYPost, 12/28/98
   Ex A-8: "Comm'n Abandons Investigative Mandate", CJA's ltr to editor, NYLJ, 8/14/95
   Ex A-9: "Untrustworthy Ratings?", CJA's ltr to the editor, NYT, 7/17/92
   Ex A-10: "Without Merit: The Empty Promise of Judicial Discipline", CJA article, The Long Term View (Massachusetts School of Law), summer 1997
   Ex B-1:  CJA's testimony about the Commission on Judicial Conduct at the May 14, 1997 public hearing of the City Bar Special Committee on Judicial Conduct
   Ex B-2:  CJA's May 5, 1997 notice-challenge
        Ex. A-1: "Commission Abandons Investigative Mandate", CJA's ltr to editor, NYLJ, 8/14/95
        Ex. A-2: "A Call for Concerted Action", CJA's $1,648 ad, NYLJ, 11/20/96
        Ex. B: CJA's 3-page analysis of the fraudulent judicial decision in Doris L. Sassower v. Commission, with annexed law: 22 NYCRR 7000.1 et seq., Judiciary Law 44.1, NYS Constitution, Article VI, Sec. 22
   Ex C: Inventories of transmitted documents
   Ex D-1:  CJA's May 18, 1999 letter to City Bar President Michael Cooper
   Ex D-2: CJA's May 19, 1999 fax to City Bar Counsel Alan Rothstein
   Ex D-3: CJA's February 9, 1999 ltr to Alan Rothstein
   Ex E:  Notice of Appeal & Pre-Argument Statement
   Ex F:  CJA's January 26, 1999 written questions for A.G. Spitzer and transcript of January 27, 1999 exchange with Spitzer

  -- Also enclosing CJA's April 23, 2003 letter to Senator Schumer

CJA's May 2, 2003 letter to Josh Albert, Legislative Correspondent to Senator Clinton -- "RE: Citizen Opposition to Senate Confirmation of New York Court of Appeals Judge Richard C. Wesley to the Second Circuit Court of Appeals and P. Kevin Castel to the District Court of the Southern District of New York"

CJA's May 5, 2003 memo to Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Hatch and Ranking Member Leahy
   [indicated copies to President Bush, Senator Schumer, Senator Clinton, Association of the Bar of the City of New York, Wesley, Castel, Press]
-- "RE: Calling Upon the American Bar Association and the Association of the Bar of the City of New York to Reconcile their Barebones Ratings of the Qualifications of New York Court of Appeals Judge Richard C. Wesley, Nominated to the Second Circuit Court of Appeals and P. Kevin Castel, Nominated to the District Court of the Southern District of New York - With CJA's 28-Page Document-Supported March 26, 2003 Written Statement"
        Ex A:  CJA's July 3, 2003 letter to Senator Schumer/Chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee's Subcommittee on Administrative Oversight & the Courts, as printed in the record of the Senate Judiciary Committee's June 26, 2001 and September 4, 2001 hearings on "The Judicial Nomination and Confirmation Process"
        Ex B: CJA's May 27, 1996 letter to Senator Hatch, as printed in the record of the Senate Judiciary Committee's May 21, 1996 hearing on "The Role of the American Bar Association in the Judicial Selection Process"
        Ex C: summary of Common Cause's recommendation pertaining to ABA, as set forth at pp. 27-28 of its 1986 report, "Assembly-Line Approval"
        Ex D: Testimony & statement of Professor Daniel Meador/Miller Center Commission on the Selection of Federal Judges, at May 21, 1996 hearing on "The Role of the American Bar Association in the Judicial Selection Process"

SEE: Test Cases - State (Commission)]

May 5, 2003 letter to President Bush
   [indicated copies to Senator Hatch, Senator Leahy, Senator Schumer, Senator Clinton, ABA, City Bar, Wesley, Castel, press]
-- "RE: Withdrawing the Nomination of New York Court of Appeals Judge Richard C. Wesley to the Second Circuit Court of Appeals and the Nomination of P. Kevin Castel to the District Court for the Southern District of New York"

CJA's May 19, 2003 memo to Senator Clinton & Schumer -- "EMERGENCY ATTENTION REQUIRED" --
   [indicated copies to President Bush, Senators Hatch, Leahy, Wesley, Castel, press]
"RE: (1) Endorsement of CJA's requests in its May 19, 2003 memorandum to Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Hatch & Ranking Member Leahy and, in particular, CJA's request to be permitted to testify in opposition at the May 22, 2003 hearing on Judge Wesley's confirmation; (2) Withdrawal of your 'blue slips' approving Senate confirmation of Judge Wesley and P. Kevin Castel, Esq."

       -- enclosing CJA's CJA's May 19, 2003 letter to Chairman Hatch and Ranking Member Leahy -- "EMERGENCY ATTENTION REQUIRED"
   [indicated copies to President Bush, Senator Schumer, Senator Clinton, Wesley, Castel press]
-- "RE: (1) CJA's request to testify in opposition at the May 22, 2003 hearing on Judge Wesley's confirmation; (2) your personal review of CJA's document-substantiated March 26, 2003 written statement; (3) your requested verification off the adequacy of Committee counsel's review of CJA's document-substantiated March 26, 2003 statement  -- and release of counsel's FINDINGS thereon; (4) your requested cancellation of the May 22, 2003 hearing on Judge Wesley's confirmation; (5) your obtaining Judge Wesley's response to CJA's document-substantiated March 26, 2003 written statement; (6) distribution to Committee members & inclusion in the record; (7) calling upon the ABA and City Bar to support their ratings with FINDINGS as to CJA's document-substantiated March 26, 2003 statement"

CJA's May 21, 2003 fax to Senator Clinton --"EMERGENCY ATTENTION REQUIRED"
    [indicated copies to Capitol Police, press]
-- enclosing CJA's May 21, 2003 letter to Senator Schumer --"EMERGENCY PERSONAL ATTENTION REQUIRED"
        [indicated copies to President Bush, Senator Hatch, Senator Leahy, Senator Clinton, Wesley, Castel, press]
 -- "RE: (1) Endorsement of CJA's requests in its May 19, 2003 memorandum to Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Hatch and Ranking Member Leahy and, in particular, of CJA's request to be permitted to testify in opposition at the May 22, 2003 hearing on Judge Wesley's confirmation; (2) Withdrawal of the Senator's 'blue slips' approving Senate confirmation of Judge Wesley and of P. Kevin Castel, Esq."

CJA's May 21, 2003 to Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Hatch and Ranking Member Leahy  -- "EMERGENCY ATTENTION REQUIRED" 
[indicated copies to President Bush, Senator Schumer, Senator Clinton, Wesley, Castel, Capitol Police, press]
-- "RE: CJA's request to testify in opposition at the May 22, 2003 hearing on Judge Wesley's confirmation, based on its March 26, 2003 written statement, particularizing the case file evidence ESTABLISHING his corrupt, self-interested, politically-motivated conduct as a New York Court of Appeals judge, causing on-going and irreparable injury to the People of New York"

CJA's May 21, 2003 letter to Capitol Police -- "RE: NOT BEING ARRESTED"
   [indicated copies to President Bush, Senator Hatch, Senator Leahy, Senator Clinton, Wesley, Castel, press]
 -- enclosing CJA's July 3, 2001 letter to Senator Schumer,
              -- with its Exhibit H:
transcript pages from the Senate Judiciary Committee's June 25, 1996 confirmation "hearing" -- at which Sassower requested to testify

CJA's May 22, 2003 memo to Chairman Hatch and Ranking Member Leahy -- "RE: EMERGENCY SUPERVISORY ATTENTION REQUIRED"
   [indicated copies to President Bush, Senator Schumer, Senator Clinton, Wesley, Castel, press]

CJA's May 28, 2003 memo to Chairman Hatch and Ranking Member Leahy
  [indicated copies to President Bush, Senator Chambliss, Senator Schumer, Senator Clinton, Wesley, Castel, US Attorney/D.C., Capitol Police, press]
-- (1) Upholding the People's Rights by Halting Senate Confirmation of New York Court of Appeals Richard C. Wesley to the Second Circuit Court of Appeals; (2) Preserving Exculpatory Evidence; (3) Directing that Judge Wesley Answer the Substantive Questions NOT Asked at the May 22, 2003 Confirmation 'Hearing'"

CJA's May 30, 2003 letter to Miller Reporting Company  
   [indicated copies to Senator Hatch, Senator Leahy, Senator Chambliss, Senator Schumer, Senator Clinton, U.S. Attorney/D.C., Capitol Police, President Bush, Wesley, Castel, Press]
"RE: Verifying Accuracy of Transcription: Senate Judiciary Committee's May 22, 2003 'hearing' to confirm the nomination of New York Court of Appeals Judge Richard C. Wesley to the Second Circuit Court of Appeals"

CJA's May 30, 2003 letter to Pre-Trial Services
   [indicated copies to Senator Kennedy, Senator Leahy, Senator Schumer, Senator Feingold, Senator Edwards, Senator Clinton, President Bush, Senator Hatch, Wesley, Castel, Press
-- "RE: United States of America v. Elena Ruth Sassower #M04113-03: Required Address Verification: via Senator Edward M. Kennedy and the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee"

CJA's June 4, 2003 memo to Senator Kennedy
   [indicated copies to Senator Hatch, Senator Leahy, Senator Chambliss, Senator Schumer, Senator Feingold, Senator Edwards, Senator Clinton, President Bush, Wesley, Castel, Press]
-- "RE: Demonstrating that Good Government and Respect for Fundamental Citizen Rights would be Served by a Democratic Senate Minority in 2004:  (1) Giving comparable 'scrutiny' to the nomination of Judge Richard C. Wesley to the Second Circuit Court of Appeals as to the nomination of Michael Chertoff to the Third Circuit Court of Appeals; (2) Withdrawing and/or defeating Senate Bill 1023 to increase federal judicial salaries pending investigation of the documentary evidence of systemic federal judicial corruption, including the federal judiciary's gutting of the federal judicial disqualification/disclosure/discipline statutes (28 USC 455, 372(c)) and its wilful failure and refusal to implement key recommendations of the 1993 Report of the National Commission on Judicial Discipline and Removal"   

CJA's June 6, 2003 letter to President Bush   ATT: Alberto R. Gonzales, Counsel
  [indicated copies to  Senate Majority Leader Frist, Senate Minority Leader Daschle, Senator Hatch, Senator Leahy, Senator Schumer, Senator Clinton, Wesley, Castel, Press]
-- "RE: Notifying the U.S. Senate to defer any vote to confirm the nomination of New York Court of Appeals Judge Richard C. Wesley to the Second Circuit Court of Appeals pending review of CJA's March 26, 2003 written statement, summarizing the documentary evidence of his corruption in office - as to which the Senate Judiciary Committee has undertaken NO investigation and made NO findings

CJA's June 6, 2003 memo to Senator Majority Leader Frist and Senate Minority Leader Daschle 
   [indicated copies to President Bush, Senator Hatch, Senator Leahy, Senator Schumer, Senator Clinton, Wesley, Castel, Press]
-- RE: "Deferring any Senate vote to confirm the nomination of New York Court of Appeals Judge Richard C. Wesley to the Second Circuit Court of Appeals pending your personal review of CJA's March 26, 2003 written statement, summarizing the documentary evidence of his corruption in office -- as to which the Senate Judiciary Committee has undertaken NO INVESTIGATION and made NO FINDINGS"

CJA's June 13, 2003 memo to the American Bar Association and the Association of the Bar of the City of New York
[indicated copies to President Bush, Senator Majority Leader Frist, Senate Minority Leader Daschle, Senator Jeffords, Senator Lieberman, Senator Dodd, Senator Hatch, Senator Leahy, Senator Schumer, Senator Clinton, Wesley, Castel, Press]
-- "RE: Bringing Accountability to the ABA and City Bar by calling upon them: (1) to justify their barebones ratings of Richard C. Wesley and P. Kevin Castel for federal judgeships by disgorging their findings pertaining to CJA's March 26, 2003 written statement; (2) to respond to the recommendations of the 1986 Common Cause report and the 1996 Miller Center Commission report for substantiated bar ratings [pp. 4-6]; (3) to confront the fundamental standards disqualifying candidates for judicial office articulated by CJA's March 26, 2003 statement [pp. 8-9]"


May 28, 2004 memo to Chairman Hatch, Ranking Member Leahy, NY Home-State Senators Schumer & Clinton, and Senator Chambliss --
  [indicated copies to US Attorney/D.C., D.C. Superior Ct Judge Brian Holeman, The Public]






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