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Tim Sini's campaign website

Ray Perini's campaign website

click here for: press reporting on Suffolk DA-Sheriff races

   Suffolk County Board of Elections



CJA's October 2, 2017 message to Long Island Press

October 2, 2017 e-mail from Editor-in-Chief Timothy Bolger  "RE: Per your email"

CJA's October 2, 2017 e-mail -- "Thank you for your prompt response"

October 2, 2017 e-mail -- "Phil Boyle's jump from Suffolk Co. Sheriff Candidate to Candidate for NYS Supreme Court Judgeship"



CJA's October 18, 2017 e-mail to Long Island Newsday --
"Questioning Suffolk County D.A. Candidates Sini & Perini about their OWN D.A. Salaries, tied to judicial slaries -- scheduled to bump up approx. $10,000 next year, paid from the Suffolk County budget"

click here for:
          (1) What district attorney salary will you be claiming in the event Suffolk County voters elect you as their district attorney?;  
          (2) Will you enforce the penal law by investigating and prosecuting the Suffolk County state Senators and Assembly members who have colluded in the “grand larceny of the public fisc” involving judicial and district attorney salaries & the slush-fund state budget, established by the record of the citizen-taxpayer action, CJA v. Cuomo, et al. (Albany Co. #5122-16) – as, for instance, State Senator Phil Boyle, running to be Suffolk County sheriff?"

Suffolk County   (population: 1,498,000)  & District Attorney Thomas J. Spota

CJA's July 13, 2016 e-mail to Suffolk County Legislative Clerk  

CJA's July 14, 2016 e-mail to Suffolk County Attorney

    transmitted July 8, 2016 NOTICE
                         Webpage for July 8, 2016 NOTICE, with substantiating proof

"The attached July 8, 2016 letter pertains to this year’s district attorney salary increase for which Suffolk County is liable.  It is for all Suffolk County legislators, executive officers, the treasurer/comptroller, as well as for Suffolk County Attorney Dennis Brown.  Unless I hear from you to the contrary, I will assume you have forwarded this e-mail on to them, as I request you to do.   

To assist Suffolk County in taking protective steps, I am also directly sending this e-mail to Suffolk County District Attorney Spota so as to reinforce his duty to promptly furnish his fellow Suffolk County public officers with his findings of fact and conclusions of law with respect to the citizen-taxpayer action Center for Judicial Accountability, Inc. v. Cuomo, et al. (Albany Co. #1788-2014).  Does he deny or dispute its rock-solid evidentiary showing that the judicial salary increases, on which his own district attorney salary increases rest, are statutorily-violative, fraudulent -- & unconstitutional?   How about our June 21, 2016 corruption complaint based thereon, filed with Albany County District Attorney Soares?  Does he deny or dispute its sufficiency for founding criminal indictments for violations of the penal law – and convictions?   

For the convenience of all, the direct link to CJA’s webpage for the attached July 8, 2016 letter, from which all referred-to correspondence and substantiating evidence are accessible, is here: http://www.judgewatch.org/web-pages/searching-nys/budget/budget-2016-17/7-8-16-ltr-to-counties.htm .

Feel free to call with any questions."


CJA's July 14, 2016 FOIL REQUEST --
"RE: Salaries & Other 'Compensation & Non-Salary Benefits' -- for District Attorneys and Other Full-Time Elected County Officers

      Suffolk County:  August 2, 2016 email with spreadsheets

CJA's August 8, 2016 FOIL REQUEST --
"RE: State Aid for District Attorney Salaries"  
  transmitting e-mail

September 7, 2016 -- notice to Suffolk County of its right to intervene in citizen-taxpayer action, CJA v. Cuomo, et al. (#5122-16)

"This follows up the Center for Judicial Accountability’s July 8, 2016 letter to the counties entitled: 

'GIVING NOTICE: Your duty to repudiate & challenge the state-imposed district attorney salary increases based on your own district attorney’s findings of fact and conclusions of law with respect to rock-solid,
prima facie
evidence establishing them to be based on judicial salary increases that are statutorily-violative, fraudulent – & unconstitutional'.

CJA’s website, www.judgewatch.org, posts that July 8, 2016 letter – and our July 14, 2016 and August 8, 2016 FOIL requests to the counties, designed to further assist you in evaluating the situation, including with respect to state reimbursement for district attorney salaries.  These are  accessible from a menu webpage entitled 'HOW MANY D.A.s DOES IT TAKE TO CONFRONT EVIDENCE & ABIDE BY ETHICAL RULES?'.   The direct link is here: http://www.judgewatch.org/web-pages/searching-nys/budget/budget-2016-17/how-many-das-menu.htm.

Where are your district attorneys’ findings of fact and conclusions of law with respect to the evidence furnished?How about the findings of fact and conclusions of law of each county attorney?   Have these been furnished to each county’s legislative board?  To the county executive officers?   To the county treasurer/controller?    Has the July 8, 2016 letter been placed on the agenda of your county’s legislative board meetings for discussion and vote?   And what about your organizational and lobbying entities – the New York State Association of Counties and the County Attorneys’ Association of the State of New York?   What kind of leadership have they been providing?

Please be advised that in the absence of any substantive response from you to the July 8, 2016 letter, CJA has had no choice but to continue to proceed alone on behalf of the People of the State of New York and the public interest.  On Friday, September 2, 2016, we commenced a new citizen-taxpayer action in Supreme Court/Albany County (#5122-16) pertaining to the state budget for fiscal year 2016-2017.  In addition to embodying ALL the evidence that CJA’s July 8, 2016 letter furnished you to establish the counties’ duty to take steps to void the district attorney salary increases arising from the December 24, 2015 report of the Commission on Legislative, Judicial and Executive Compensation and the August 29, 2011 report of the Commission on Judicial Compensation, it presents a tenth cause of action (¶¶85-110) to void the “grants to counties for district attorney salaries” in this year’s Aid to Localities Budget Bill #S.6403-d/A.9003-d.   

As the counties are directly affected by the tenth cause of action, this is to give you notice of your right to seek intervention as to that cause, in particular – and, additionally, as to the sixth, seventh, and eighth causes of action to void the December 24, 2015 and August 29, 2011 reports (¶¶59-80).  Attached is plaintiffs’ formal notice of today’s date of your right to seek intervention.    Plaintiffs’ order to show cause for a preliminary injunction to enjoin the state from disbursing monies to the counties for district attorney salaries, signed on September 2, 2016, is returnable in Supreme Court/Albany County on Friday, September 16, 2016.    It, too, is attached.   These documents – as, likewise, the September 2, 2016 verified complaint and the transcript of the September 2, 2016 oral argument – are all accessible from CJA’s menu page for this second citizen-taxpayer action: http://www.judgewatch.org/web-pages/searching-nys/budget/citizen-taxpayer-action/2016/menu-2nd-citizen-taxpayer-action.htm.

Feel free to call with any questions.  I am available to assist you, to the max, in discharging your duty to your counties’ taxpayers.

Thank you."


CJA's Citizen-Taxpayer Actions --
see, in particular, 6th, 7th, 8th, & 10th causes of action of September 2, 2016 verified complaint (2nd citizen-taxpayer action)


*  *  *

Long Island's NYS Senators & Assembly Members

CJA's June 1, 2016 e-mails to Senator Boyle/member
of Senate Committee on Local Government  --

CJA's January 26, 2017 e-mail to ALL members
of the Senate Committee on Local Government -- including Lawyer-Senator Boyle
"Subject: Oversight by the Senate Committee on Local Government, beginning with the striking of the $4,212,000 DA salary grants in Aid to Localities Budget Bill S.2003 (at p. 61)


 click here for webpage for: 
Incumbent & Defendant NYS Senator Phil Boyle --
formerly running to be elected Suffolk County Sheriff

& NOW running to be elected Supreme Court Justice

*   *   *

CJA's testimony at the Legislature's January 30, 2017 budget hearing
on "Local Government Officials/General Government"

(last speaker: at 8 hours-47 mins.)  

    ASSEMBLY VIDEO  (easiest access)
transcript:  pp. 518-535

CJA's webpage of Jan. 30, 2017 budget hearing


*    *    *

CJA's testimony at the Legislature's January 31, 2017 budget hearing on "Public Protection"
(last speaker:  at 11 hours-11 mins.)
(easiest access)

transcript:  pp. 671 - 679

CJA's webpage of Jan. 31, 2017 budget hearing


*   *   *

CJA's testimony
at Legislature's February 6, 2013 budget hearing on "Public Protection"

Assembly VIDEO   Senate VIDEO
(last speaker: at 7 hours-21 minutes)

click here for:
CJA's February 6, 2013 budget testimony webpage
with substantiating documentary EVIDENCE:
CJA's Oct 27, 2011 Opposition Report &
March 30, 2012 verified complaint in declaratory judgment action

*    *    * 

click here for:
webpage for CJA's April 15, 2013 corruption complaint
to U.S. Attorney Preet Bharara

& Proposed Verified Complaint to Intervene in the declaratory judgment action
vs the Commission to Investigate Public Corruption, purportedly brought by the Senate & Assembly

-- & for Preet's subsequent grandstanding,
exposed by CJA's further advocacy,

click here: Assisting U.S. Attorney Bharara Live Up To His Rhetoric


*   *   *

Resolution #1576-2017 --
A Local Law to Freeze Salaries of County Elected Officials

Suffolk County Law §205

August 30, 2017 -- Suffolk Co. Committee on Gov't Operations -- meeting agenda
#1576-2017: "A Local Law to freeze salaries of County elected officials"

August 30, 2017 meeting audio   (at 2:11 hrs - 2:27 hrs)


Suffolk County Legislature's September 6, 2017 agenda -- p. 8 --
Res. #1576 -- approved

AUDIO  -- at 1:16:44 hours/mins./secs. - 1:45 hours/mins.

CJA's September 6, 2017 FOIL request to Suffolk Co: 
State Aid for District Attorney Salaries" --

(CJA's August 8, 2016 FOIL REQUEST)

CJA's September 6, 2017 FOIL request to Suffolk Co:
"Salaries & other 'Compensation & Non-Salary Benefits' -- for Suffolk Co. DA. and Other Full-Time Elected County Officers"

(CJA's July 14, 2016 FOIL REQUEST

(Suffolk Co.'s August 2, 2016 email with spreadsheets)

Suffolk Co.'s September 12, 2017 response

*  *  *

September 6, 2017 e-mail from Suffolk County Legislator William Lindsay

CJA's September 6, 2017 reply to Suffolk County Legislator Lindsay


*   *   *

Lo & Behold!!

There's a Libertarian candidate running to be Suffolk County D.A. --
Chris Garvey, Esq.   his campaign blog

*   *   *


August 29, 2017 press release of Legislator Al Krupski

August 30, 2017
"Legislature to vote on salary freeze for Suffolk County elected officials",
Riverhead News Review (Tim Gannon)

"Krupski calls for pay freeze for elected county officials, citing finances",
Riverhead Local (Denise Civiletti)

September 6, 2017
"Suffolk lawmakers suspend pay for themselves, other officials"
Newsday (Rick Brand)




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& Ending their Road to Re-Election & HIgher Office -- WITH EVIDENCE






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