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Election Reporting & Editorializing --
2017 Race for Rensselaer County Executive

*    *    *

October 26, 2017
"Andrea Smyth asks attorney general to probe judge's resignation"
Albany Times Union (Robert Gavin)

October 18, 2017
"Rensselaer county exec candidates face off before packed house"
Troy Record (Nicholas Buonanno)

October 10, 2017
"Grafton Democrat files complaint for action aiding GOP in county executive race"
Albany Times-Union (Kenneth Crowe II)

October 4, 2017
"Strip Pensions from Corrupt Officials"
Troy Record (Nicholas Buonanno)

October 2, 2017
"Candidates for City Council, Rensselaer County Executive go one-to-one at Troy forum"
Troy Record (Mark Robarge)

October 2, 2017
"Rensselaer County Executive candidates face off"
Albany Times-Union (Kenneth Crowe II)

October 2, 2017
"Judgeship ballot shuffle is common tactic"
Albany Times Union (Matthew Hamilton)

September 30, 2017
"Judge deals grease wheels"
Albany Times-Union (Robert Gavin, Matthew Hamilton)

September 27, 2017
"Rensselaer County GOP ballot shuffle called 'unethical' by Democratic candidate"
Troy Record (Mark Robarge)

September 24, 2017
"Political games in Rensco"
Albany Times-Union (editorial)

September 22, 2017
"Rensselaer County Democrats Seek Investigation of GOP moves in county executive race"
Times Union (Kenneth Crowe II)

September 22, 2017
"Deal for judgeship to get McLaughlin Independence Party Line"
Times Union  (Kenneth Crowe II)

September 21, 2017
"Could Steve McLaughlin's ugly words lead to an upset?"
Times Union  (Chris Churchill)

September 19, 2017
"Meyer suspends campaign for Rensselaer County Executive"
WRGB News 6

September 18, 2017
"Chris Meyer concedes Republican primary for Rensselaer County Executive"
News 10-WABC

September 18, 2017
"Green Party picks up steam in local elections"
Troy Record (Molly Eadie)

September 18, 2017
"Meyer concedes Rennselaer County primaries to McLaughlin",
Times Union (Kenneth Crowe II)

September 15, 2017
"Democrat calls for debate in Rensselaer County executive race"
Spectrum News (Liz Benjamin)

September 14, 2017
"Rensselaer Republican seeks to heal wounds as Democrats seek executive's post"
Albany Times-Union (Kenneth Crowe)

September 14, 2017
"McLaughlin unofficially wins Rensselaer County executive primary"
Troy Record (Mark Robarge)
September 13, 2017
"McLaughlin scores another blow against GOP establishment"
Politico (Jimmy Vielkind)

September 13, 2017
"Democratic favorites cruise on primary night, while two party-endorsed Republicans lose"
Politico  (Bill Mahoney)

September 12, 2017
"A Times Union Story Puts A Sour Note In Republican Primary for County Executive
Eastwick Press  (Doug LaRoque)

September 12, 2017
"Voting Trouble? Call the AG"
Albany Times-Union

September 9, 2017
"McLaughlin's aide threatened state worker's job"
Times Union (Brendan Lyons)

September 8, 2017
Republican Rensselaer County Executive Candidates Debate Ahead of Primary"
WAMC News (Lucas Willard)

September 7, 2017
"Lawmakers: Butt dialing court worker owes taxpayers $150K"
New York Post  (Kristan Conley)

September 7, 2017,
"Mr. McLaughlin's ethic"
Albany Times-Union

September 3, 2017
"McLaughlin denies serious allegations in recording"
Spectrum News  (Jackson Wang)

September 1, 2017
"Aide accused state assemblyman of roughing her up"
Albany Times Union (Brendan Lyons)

August 28, 2017
"Smyth offers experience as Rensselaer County Executive candidate"
Troy Record (Nicholas Buonanno)

August 22, 2017
"McLaughlin promises public forums"
Troy Record (Nicholas Buonanno)

August 10, 2017
"Deputy County Exec Makes Push for County's Top Spot"
WAMC News (Dave Lucas)

August 6, 2017
"Green Party denounces cross-party ballots"
Troy Record  (Nicholas Buonanno)

August 4, 2017
"Meyer rejects Independence Party compromise"
Troy Record  (Nicholas Buonanno)

August 2, 2017
"Court ruling takes assemblyman off Independence Party primary ballot for Rensselaer County executive"
Albany Times-Union (Kenneth Crowe II)

August 1, 2017
"GOP Rensselaer County executive candidates await judge's ruling on Independence Party ballot"
Albany Times Union (Kenneth Crowe II)

July 29, 2017
"Meyer says McLaughlin using Assembly-funded mailer to campaign for county exec"
Troy Record (Nicholas Buonanno)

June 19, 2017
"Rensselaer County Democrats pick county executive candidate"
Albany Times-Union

June 16, 2017
"Meyer picks up Independence endorsement for Rensselaer County executive"
The Troy Record

July 7, 2016
"NYS Assemblyman Steve McLaughlin gives pfoa update - VIDEO"
WAMC  (Dave Lucas)


Rensselaer County newspapers --


"Rensselear County community newspaper enters new era",
Times Union (Brian Nearing)



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