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NY's 43rd Senate District
representing approx. 312,550 residents
& encompassing 4 counties:
Columbia County & parts of Rennselaer, Saratoga, & Washington Counties

Incumbent Senator Daphne Jordan
member: Senate Committee on Ethics & Internal Governance

* * *


Daphne Jordan (R, C, I)

Patrick Nelson (D, WF)



TO:  Incumbent Senator Jordan

cc: CJA's September 17, 2020 e-maiI to Columbia County "Local Journalism" 
"Columbia County Elections 2020 -- Informing Voters with EVIDENCE:
public corruption/grand jury complaint vs Columbia County's 4 re-election-seeking
state legislators, which Columbia County D.A. Czajka is 'sitting on'"

cc: CJA's September 17, 2020 e-mail to Rensselaer County "Local Journalism" --
"Rensselaer County Elections 2020 -- Informing Voters with EVIDENCE:
public corruption/grand jury complaint vs Rensselaer County's 4 re-election-seeking state legislators, which Rensselaer County D.A. Donnelly is 'sitting on'"

cc: CJA's September 17, 2020 e-mail to Saratoga County "Local Journalism" --
"Saratoga County Elections 2020 -- Informing Voters with EVIDENCE:
public corruption/grand jury complaint vs Saratoga County's 6 state legislators --
all seeking re-election or higher office -- which Saratoga County D.A. Heggen is 'sitting on'"

cc: CJA's September 17, 2020 e-mail to Washington County "Local Journalism" --
County Elections 2020 -- Informing Voters with EVIDENCE:
public corruption/grand jury complaint vs Washington County's 5 state legislators --
4 running for re-election or higher office -- which Washington D.A. Jordan is 'sitting on

cc: CJA's October 5, 2020 e-mail to Saratoga County League of Women Voters
"Saratoga County League of Women Voters Candidate Forums:
questions for state Senate & Assembly candidates, determinative of fitness for public service".


TO: Challenger Nelson

CJA's October 1, 2020 e-mail to Candidate Nelson --
"GOOD NEWS! -- You can EASILY defeat Senator Jordan --
& demonstrate your fitness for public service"

CJA's September 30, 2020 e-mail to Candidate Nelson --
"GOOD NEWS for Washington County state legislative candidates! 
You have an open-&-shut public corruption issue that will WIN you election --
& demonstrate your fitness for public service"

CJA's September 30, 2020 e-mail to Columbia County Candidate Nelson --
"GOOD NEWS!  You have an open-&-shut public corruption issue that will WIN you election --
& demonstrate your fitness for public service"

cc: CJA's October 5, 2020 e-mail to Saratoga County League of Women Voters
"Saratoga County League of Women Voters Candidate Forums:
questions for state Senate & Assembly candidates, determinative of fitness for public service".




click here for:
ELECTIONS 2020 -- Taking Out Corrupt & Collusive Legislative Incumbents & Conspiring D.A.s --
All Beneficiaries of Statutory-Violative, Fraudulent, Unconstitutional Pay Raises
& Other Larcenies of Taxpayer Monies





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