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WOULD-BE MANHATTAN D.A. BRAGG was chief deputy to both AG Eric Schneiderman and thereafter to AG Barbara Underwood.  For that reason, he was cc'd on CJA's May 16, 2018 e-mail to AG Underwood, transmitting a May 16, 2018 letter/NOTICE of what he reasonably already knew: that in violation of Executive Law §63.1 and other statutory provisions, the AG's office engages in a modus operandi of litigation fraud, corrupting the judicial process to defend against lawsuits against the state and public officers where there is NO legitimate defense -- and that AG Schneiderman had done just that in CJA's three lawsuits suing NY's three government branches for corruption involving an expanding series of crimes: 
          (1) CJA's 2012 declaratory judgment action challenging the statutorily-violative, fraudulent, and unconstitutional "force of law" August 29, 2011 report of the Commission on Judicial Compensation raising judicial salaraies -- and D.A. salaries based thereon;
          (2) CJA's 2014 citizen-taxpayer action additionally challenging the theft of taxpayer monies by the judiciary and legislative budgets, by their violations of constitutional, statutory, and legislative rule provisions;
          (3) CJA's 2016 citizen-taxpayer action additionally challenging the statutorily-violative, fraudulent, and unconstitutional "force of law" December 24, 2015 report of the Commission on Legislative, Judicial and Executive Compensation raising judicial salaries -- and D.A. salaries based thereon -- and the ENTIRETY of the state budget as "OFF THE CONSTITUTIONAL RAILS", including its culminating "three men in a room", behind-closed-doors budget deal-making, brazenly violating Article VII, §§1-7 of the NYS Constitution, as well as such other dysfunctions and corruptions in the Legislature's operations, as its closed-door party conferences, violating Article III, §10 of the NYS Constitution.  
        All three lawsuits, brought by CJA "on behalf of the People of the State of New York and the Public Interest" were "thown" by fraudulent judicial decisions of NY's supposed "excellent", "high quality" judiciary.  So, too, CJA's 2014 order to show cause to intervene in the Legislature's declaratory judgment action against the DA-stacked Commission to Investigate Public Corruption, which AG Schneiderman had also defended by litigation fraud.  
         The May 16, 2018 NOTICE was simultaneously e-mailed to AG Underwood's other top supervisory/managerial attorneys, who, like Bragg, had served under AG Schneiderman.  It called upon AG Underwood to take investigative and remedial steps, most immediately in CJA's fourth and culminating litigation -- the only one still live -- the citizen action CJA v. Cuomo...Schneiderman...DiFiore, then the subject of an unperfected notice of appeal to the Appellate Division, Third Department. 
         Bragg's response -- lockstep with AG Underwood and the other supervisory/managerial attorneys of the AG's office -- was to wilfully ignore CJA's May 16, 2018 NOTICE and the many, many subsequent e-mails sent to him.  He, thereby, put his imprimatur to the AG's litigation fraud in the CJA v. Cuomo...Schneiderman...DiFiore citizen-taxpayer action in Supreme Court/Albany County, covered up by fraudulent judicial decisions of an acting Supreme Court justice who had refused to disclose her salary interest in the case, or to disclose that she had worked in the AG's office for 30 years, including for defendant Schneiderman, and for defendant Governor Cuomo, who had appointed her to the bench -- also putting his imprimatur to the AG's continued litigation fraud, now at the Appellate Division, Third Department before judges who, likewise, were refusing to disclose their salary interests and personal, professional, and political relationships with the defendants, and were obliterating all cognizable due process. 
      This was how, on December 27, 2018, AG Underwood procured, from the Appellate Division, Third Department, a fraudulent "affirmance" decision, which, in January 2019, new AG James, with Underwood as her solicitor general, would then use to defend against a separate lawsuit, Delgado v. State of New York seeking to void the "force of law" December 10, 2018 report of the Committee on Legislative and Executive Compensation raising the salaries of AG James, Comptroller DiNapoli, all NY's 213 state legislators -- and indirectly Governor Cuomo and Lieutenant Governor Hochul.  The constitutionality of those pay raises would be upheld, in Delgado, based on the December 27, 2018 decision in CJA v. Cuomo...Schneiderman...DiFiore. For that reason, the Albany Supreme Court and Appellate Division, Third Department decisions in Delgado are judicial frauds, but there are other reasons as well, arising from the AG's further litigation frauds therein.
       So, too, by litigation fraud at the Court of Appeals, AG James and SG Underwood procured from its associate judges, all having salary and other interests and relationships they refused to disclose, fraudulent judicial decisions violating the NY state Constitution's guarantee of review, both by right and by leave, of decisions such as the December 27, 2018 decision.  AG James and SG Underwood did the same with respect to obliterating the direct appeal, of right, sought in Delgado -- and guaranteed by the NY state Constitution, denied by a fraudulent Court of Appeals decision.
     The consequences of what a self-interested, self-serving AG and judiciary did in these cases have been CATASTROPHIC for the People of NY, stealing billions of their hard-earned taxpayer dollars -- and perpetuating corruption that has deprived them of functioning governmental services.  The injury has been vast and irreparable  -- and includes the Legislature's sweeping changes to NY's elections, touted as "reforms", enacted without legislative due process, and, yes, the nursing home COVID deaths it blames on Governor Cuomo, when, in fact, each of the 213 state legislators is responsible and complicit in the Legislature's dysfunction and the jettisoning of constitutional governance, separation of powers, checks and balances that CJA v. Cuomo...Schneiderman...DiFiore sought to rectify -- and which would have been rectified -- dramatically -- had Bragg done his ethical duty, upon his receipt of the May 16, 2018 NOTICE and throughout the seven months that followed, when, again, and again, and again, CJA e-mailed him ALL the horrifying particulars of what was going on. 
        The train of events that preceded and followed Bragg's failure to take the action that was his duty -- for which a Manhattan  grand jury would rightfully indict him, based on the May 16, 2018 NOTICE and the mountain of subsequent e-mails to him -- is embodied in 62 grand jury/public corruption complaints that CJA filed with NY's 62 district attorneys of its 62 counties, who have been "sitting on" them.  This includes Manhattan D.A. Vance and his four fellow NYC D.A.s -- all five of whom are also "sitting on" FOIL requests seeking records pertaining to their handling of public corruption complaints and conflicts of interest. 
         NYC Public Advocate Jumaane Williams -- running for re-election this year -- whose duties, pursuant to the NYC Charter, require him to "promptly" refer complaints involving violations of criminal law and conflicts of interest to the NYC Department of Investigation and NYC Conflicts of Interest Board, has been "sitting on" CJA's May 3, 2021 complaint, filed with him, against NYC's five D.A.s.   As a result, CJA filed a May 17, 2021 complaint directly with the NYC Department of Investigation and NYC Conflicts of Interest Board against NYC's 5 D.A.s -- also encompassing a complaint against Public Advocate Williams, whose subversion of what is supposed to be a nonpartisan watchdog office ensuring the integrity of NYC governance is obvious in other respects as well. 
         The NYC Department of Investigation does the investigations for the Conflicts of Interest Board.  More than ample time has elapsed for it to have verified the facts -- and the need for doing so expeditiously, in light of the elections, was identified by the complaint itself.  So, too, did the complaint identify -- in an extensive footnote 3 -- the conflicts of interest of the Department's Commissioner, Margaret Garnett, and Deputy Commissioner, Dan Cort, both of whom were previously at the AG's office under Schneiderman and then Underwood.  Indeed, Commissioner Garnett had been in a TOP supervisory/managerial position with Bragg -- and was cc'd on ALL the e-mails to which he had been cc'd, beginning with the first, transmitting the May 16, 2018 NOTICE.
       Maybe it's time to file a formal conflict-of-interest complaint, with the NYC Conflict of Interest Board, against the NYC Department of Investigation for its dilatory investigation, if, in fact, it is investigating -- but the Conflict of Interest Board has its own substantiatial conflicts of interest, including pertaining to JCOPE (Joint Commission on Public Ethics), which -- since 2013 -- has been "sitting on" CJA's four complaints against the public officers whose corruption, born of conflicts of interest, is chronicled therein -- the most recent being March 4, 2021, relating to CJA's 62 grand jury/public complaints.  
         Two final notes: 
                   (1) The beginnings of CJA's odyssey of examination and advocacy pertaining to the pay raises and the state budget are rooted in the corruption of the State Commission on Judicial Conduct, whose principal office is in Manhattan, and of the court-controlled attorney disciplinary system, whose eight attorney grievance committees include the Manhattan-based Attorney Grievance Committee for the First Judicial Department.   Indeed, the First Department Attorney Grievance  Committee is currently "sitting on" a February 11, 2021 attorney misconduct complaint vs AG James and SG Underwood pertaining to their litigation fraud in CJA v. Cuomo...Schneiderman...DiFiore, whose investigation would properly include the taking of testimony from both Bragg and Garnett -- and the Committee's sua sponte initiation of disciplinary charges against them; and
                  (2) Former President Trump is claiming that Manhattan D.A. Vance's convening of a special grand jury to investigate him and his Trump Organziation is a politically-motivated, witch-hunt.  He certainly has grounds to make a SOLID case of invidious, selective prosecution -- and I have alerted Mr. Trump to the foregoing -- and to the corruption complaints that the FBI and NY's four acting U.S. attorneys have been "sitting on", filed by CJA, and that the Biden White House was alerted to in March and April.


The foregoing is ALL readily verifiable from CJA's website, www.judgewatch.org,
 The Corrupt Commission Scheme to Raise the Salaries of Corrupt Public Officers: 2011 - 2021

Here are some
pertinent WEBPAGE links
from which the prima facie, open-and-shut EVIDENCE is accessible:

CJA's e-mails to Bragg, from May 16, 2018 to December 17, 2018, alerting him to the AG's modus operandi of litigation fraud, rewarded by fraudulent judicial decisions -- & the AG's duty with respect to CJA v. Cuomo...Schneiderman...DiFiore:

CJA's May 16, 2018 letter/NOTICE --
"NOTICE:  Corruption and Litigation Fraud by Former Attorney General Eric Schneiderman and his Office – and Your Duty to Take Investigative and Remedial Action, most immediately, in the Citizen-Taxpayer Action: Center for Judicial Accountability, et al. v. Cuomo,…Schneiderman, et al. (Albany Co. #5122-16; RJI #01-16-122174) and pursuant to 'The Public Trust Act' (Penal Law §496: 'Corrupting the government')"

CJA's May 18, 2018 letter
"Testing the Fitness of Acting Attorney General Barbara Underwood --
& Every Other Candidate for Interim Attorney General"

CJA's May 30, 2018 letter

"What is the Status? – CJA’s May 16, 2018 letter:...
 (1) Disclosure of facts giving rise to your duty to secure appointment
of independent/outsidel counsel to investigate and report on your ethical and law enforcement obligations with respect to the May 16, 2018 NOTICE, or a special prosecutor;

(2) FOIL/records request – conflicts of interest; Executive Law §63.11; legislative oversight.

CJA's webpage: "Moving forward with the appeal" --
Drafting & finalizing the appeal brief & 3-Volume record on appeal
CJA v. Cuomo...Schneiderman...DiFiore

CJA's webpage for the RECORD at the Appellate Division, Third Dept.
CJA v. Cuomo...Schneiderman...DiFiore

The AG's continuing modus operandi of litigation fraud, rewarded by fraudulent judicial decisions, to perpetuate systemic corruption in NYS' 3 government branches & by its highest public officers

CJA's webpage for the RECORD at the New York Court of Appeals
CJA v. Cuomo...Schneiderman...DiFiore

CJA's webpage for the Record of Delgado v. New York State

CJA's grand jury/public corruption complaints to NY's 62 D.A.s, including NYC's 5 -- & FOIL requests pertaining to their handling of public corruption complaints

CJA's 62 grand jury/public corruption complaints,
filed with NY's 62 D.As. -- including NYC's 5 D.A.s

CJA's June 9, 2020 grand jury/corruption complaint
to Manhattan D.A. Vance

"in support of grand jury inquiry, pursuant to Article I,§6 of the New York State Constitution,
New YorkCounty state legislators for wilful misconduct in office, including fraud
and larceny
with respectto their OWN legislative salaries & the Legislatures OWN budget"

accompanying EVIDENTIARY webpage

CJA's July 29, 2020 e-mail to D.A. Vance 
"Reasonable questions arising from your nonfeasance:
June 9, 2020 public corruption complaint in support of grand jury inquiry,
pursuant to Article I,
§6 of the NYS Constitution, of New York County state legislators" --

July 29, 2020 FOIL/Information Request --
"(1) the functioning of the New York County district attorney’s office and performance
of its duties with respect to public corruption complaints filed by members of the public;
(2) access to the New York County grand jury so that it can discharge its duty
pursuant to Article I, §6 of the New York State Constitution and
Criminal Procedure Law Article 190,
unobstructed by the New York County district attorney.

CJA's May 17, 2021 complaint vs Manhattan D.A. Vance & NYC's other 4 D.A.s, filed with the NYC Dept. of Investigation & NYC Conflicts of Interest Board - & including a complaint against NYC Public Advocate Williams

CJA's March 5, 2021 complaint to JCOPE,
pertaining to CJA's 62 grand jury/public corruption complaints to NY's 62 D.As.

CJA's complaints to the Manhattan-based
Commission on Judicial Conduct &
Attorney Grievance Committee for the 1st Judicial Department

CJA's February 7, 2021 judicial misconduct complaint, filed with the Commission on Judicial Conduct vs the Court of Appeals judges, Appellate Division, Third Dept. justices, etc. --
 "pertaining to the citizen-taxpayer action Center for Judicial Accountability, et al. v. Cuomo…Schneiderman…DiFiore, challenging their commission-based pay raises, the Judiciary budget, and other corruption of state governance of which they are beneficiaries"

CJA's February 11, 2021 conflict-of-interest/misconduct complaint
vs AG James, SG Underwood & complicit attorney staff
"for litigation fraud in the citizen-taxpayer action Center for Judicial Accountability v. Cuomo…Schneiderman…DiFiore – and in lawsuits challenging the Committee on Legislative and Executive Compensation, whose December 10, 2018 report, raising Attorney General James’ pay, she was duty-bound to void and prosecute as a “false instrument”, etc."

CJA's June 4, 2021 Message to Former President Trump




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