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Gubernatorial Candidate Lee Zeldin

voice mail 4/4/22 (9:40 am) -- 631-319-7981

April 20, 2022 e-mail to Zeldin campaign --
Zeldin can WIN, easily & without $ -- likewise, Sarcone, for AG"

April 20, 2022 e-mail to Zeldin campaign --
Zeldin can WIN, easily & without $ -- likewise, Rodriguez, for Comptroller"

cc:  CJA's July 22, 2022 e-mail to AG Candidate Henry --
"You can easily win, & without $, vs AG James, as she is corrupt & must be indicted
& will be convicted, based on EVIDENCE that also brings down Hochul & DiNapoli"

CJA's July 22, 2022 e-mail to Candidate Zeldin --
"You can easily win, & without $, vs Gov Hochul,
as she is corrupt & must be indicted & will be convicted,
based on EVIDENCE -- the same as brings down James & DiNapoli"

* * *

cc:  CJA's October 9, 2022 e-mail to Albany Times Union --
The Albany Times Union's 2022 Election Endorsements & its Concomitant Reporting Responsibilities --
CJA v. JCOPE, et al. ('Silence is not an option', Oct. 9, 2022 opinion, Editor Casey Seiler)

cc:  CJA's October 10, 2022 e-mail to Albany Times Union --
"The Albany Times Union's 2022 Endorsement for Attorney General &
its Concomitant Reporting Responsibilities -- CJA, et al. v. JCOPE, et al.
('Silence is not an option', Oct. 9, 2022 opinion, Editor Casey Seiler)"

* * *

cc:  CJA's October 13, 2022 e-mail to New York Times --
"NYT Election Reporting & Endorsements for Governor, Attorney General, Comptroller,
& State Legislators Based on the Record in CJA v. JCOPE, et al (Albany Co. #904235-22)

cc: CJA's October 13, 2022 e-mail to Buffalo News --
"Buffalo News' Election Reporting & Endorsements for Governor, Attorney General, Comptroller,
& State Legislators Based on the Record in CJA v. JCOPE, et al (Albany Co. #904235-22)

cc: CJA's October 13, 2022 e-mail to Syracuse Post-Standard --
"Syracuse Post Standard Election Reporting & Endorsements for Governor, Attorney General, Comptroller, & State Legislators Based on the Record in CJA v. JCOPE, et al (Albany Co. #904235-22)"

cc: CJA's October 13, 2022 e-mail to Newsday --
"Newsday's Election Reporting & Endorsements for Governor, Attorney General, Comptroller,
& State Legislators Based on the Record in CJA v. JCOPE, et al (Albany Co. #904235-22)

cc:  CJA's October 14, 2022 e-mail to NY Post --
"NY Post's Election Reporting & Endorsements for Governor, Attorney General, Comptroller,
& State Legislators Based on the Record in CJA v. JCOPE, et al (Albany Co. #904235-22)

cc: CJA's October 14, 2022 e-mail to Legislative Correspondents Association --
"Election Reporting & Endorsements for Governor, Attorney General, Comptroller,
& State Legislators Based on the Record in CJA v. JCOPE, et al (Albany Co. #904235-22)

cc: CJA's October 14, 2022 e-mail to NY Daily News --
"Clarification Needed: your Oct. 6, 2022 editorial 'A Note to readers:
A new endorsement policy at the Daily News' --
& your 'tradition of investigative and enterprising journalism'"

cc: CJA's October 15, 2022 e-mail to The City --
"The City's reporting of the 2022 electoral races for governor, attorney general, comptroller,
& state legislators (90+ from NYC) -- & the corruption-eradicating lawsuit CJA v. JCOPE, et al
(Albany Co. #

cc: CJA's October 15, 2022 e-mail to New York Focus --
"New York Focus' reporting of the 2022 electoral races for governor, attorney general,
comptroller, & state legislators -- & the corruption-eradicating lawsuit CJA v. JCOPE, et al
(Albany Co. #904235-22)

cc:  CJA's October 15, 2022 e-mail to Gannett's Journal News --
"Gannett/Lohud's Reporting & Endorsements, if any, for Governor,
Attorney General, Comptroller, & State Legislators --
& the Corruption-Eradicating Lawsuit CJA v. JCOPE, et al (Albany Co. #904235-22)"

cc: CJA's October 15, 2022 e-mail to Gannett/USA Today --
"Gannett's Reporting & Endorsements, if any, for Governor, Attorney General,
Comptroller, & State Legislators -- & CJA v. JCOPE, et al (Albany Co. #904235-22),
Rebutting Gannett's 'Who is Letitia James?  What to know about the NY AG...' (Sept. 25, 2022)"

cc:  CJA's October 15, 2022 e-mail to Gothamist/New York Public Radio --
"Your election reporting of the 2022 races for governor, attorney general, comptroller,
& state legislators -- & the corruption-eradicating lawsuit CJA v. JCOPE, et al (Albany Co. #904235-22), rebutting so much of your one-sided, partisan journalism"

cc:  CJA's October 15, 2022 e-mail to Gotham Gazette --
"Your election reporting of the 2022 races for governor, attorney general, comptroller,
& state legislators -- & the corruption-eradicating lawsuit CJA v. JCOPE, et al (Albany Co. #904235-22), rebutting so much of your manipulative, one-sided journalism"

cc: CJA's October 15, 2022 e-mail to City Limits --
"Your election reporting of the 2022 races for governor, attorney general, comptroller,
& state legislators -- & the corruption-eradicating lawsuit CJA v. JCOPE, et al (Albany Co. #904235-22), rebutting so much of your manipulative, one-sided journalism"

cc: CJA's October 15, 2022 e-mail to Hell Gate --
"Achieving your goal: the 2022 electoral races for governor, attorney general, comptroller,
& state legislators -- & the corruption-eradicating lawsuit CJA v. JCOPE, et al (Albany Co. #904235-22)"

cc:  CJA's October 17, 2022 e-mail to Spectrum News-NY1 Political Reporter Bobby Cuza --
"TIP:  Upending the 2022 races for AG, Gov, Comptroller & ALL 213 Legislative Seats is a MATTER OF EVIDENCE, not polls, $, or P.R.  (your Oct 11th reporting: 'NY AG Letitia James is overwhelming favorite to win re-election')"

cc:  CJA's October 17, 2022 e-mail to National Review --
"Behind the Scenes of NY's Gubernatorial & Other Races --
& Your Today's Political Endorsement 'Give Lee Zeldin a Chance to Bail Out New York'"

cc: CJA's October 20, 2022 e-mail to Susan Arbetter & Spectrum News --
"Spectrum News' Oct 25th gubernatorial debate between Hochul & Zeldin –& the corruption-eradicating, election-upending lawsuit CJA v. JCOPE, et al (Albany Co. #904235-22)"

cc: CJA's October 25, 2022 e-mail to Bob Hardt, Political Director/Spectrum News --
"Tonight's Spectrum News' Oct 25th gubernatorial debate between Hochul & Zeldin -- & the corruption-eradicating, election-upending lawsuit CJA v. JCOPE, et al (Albany Co. #904235-22)" &

cc: CJA's October 25, 2022 e-mail to Tim Williams, Political Planning Editor/Capital Tonight --
"a question about 'Capital Tonight'': Tonight's Spectrum News' gubernatorial debate between Hochul & Zeldin -- & the corruption-eradicating, election-upending lawsuit CJA v. JCOPE, et al (Albany Co. #904235-22)"

October 25, 2022 Spectrum News Gubernatorial Debate


Incumbent Governor Kathy Hochul

CJA's May 4, 2018 message to Lt. Gov. Hochul
sent via the website "contact" page, at 6:21 pm &, thereafter, via e-mail

"Lieutenant Governor Kathy Hochul's 2018 Re-Election --
& the citizen-taxpayer action, suing Governor Cuomo, et al for "grand larceny of the public fisc'
and other coruption" with respect to the budget" --linked webpage for challenger Jumaane Williams


CJA's July 15, 2019 NOTICE to Lt. Gov. Hochul
transmitting e-mail for Lt. Gov. Hochul (mailing receipts)
with CJA'S July 15, 2019 Analysis of the Dec. 10, 2018 Report
of the Committee on Legislative & Executive Compensation

click here for:
EVIDENTIARY webpage, with exhibits, etc.

CJA's Criminal & Ethics Complaints
(of which Hochul may be presumed knowledgeable)

CJA's June 4, 2020 grand jury/public corruption complaint vs Lt. Gov. Hochul
to Albany D.A. Soares -- & 61 other D.A. complaints

CJA's Oct. 16, 2020 corruption complaint vs Lt. Gov Hochul, et al.
to FBI -- & to NY's 4 U.S. Attorneys

CJA's March 5, 2021 complaint vs Lt. Gov. Hochul, et al.

CJA's 2021 corruption complaints vs Gov. Hochul, et al
to NY's 4 NEW U.S. Attorneys

CJA's April 13, 2022 complaint vs Gov. Hochul, et al

 CJA's Article 78 proceeding/
declaratory judgment action/citizen-taxpayer action

vs NYS' ethics entities -- JCOPE, LEC, & NYS-IG

& the statewide & state legislative electeds
they have "protected" --




former webpage
NY's New Gov Hochul & [former] Lt Gov Benjamin
What They Know -- & Since When



March 1, 2022
"N.Y. Republicans Back Rep. Lee Zeldin, a Trump Ally, for Governor"
New York Times (Katie Glueck, Nicholas Fantos)

June 18, 2022
"Hochul for Governor: The News Endorses in Democratic Primary"


October 4, 2022  "Dueling Polls in Governor's Race"


Elections 2022 Menu Page





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