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Leecia Eve --
Democratic Candidate for Attorney General

campaign website

"From Buffalo to Brooklyn, I’ll fight for the rights of all New Yorkers..."

"Leecia Eve is a dedicated public servant and advocate who has spent her entire legal career championing and advancing the rights of women, fighting for the disenfranchised, protecting the vulnerable..."

campaign facebook page


On July 16, 2018, following Eve's participation at a forum of Democratic attorney general candidates, held in White Plains, she was furnished, in hand, with CJA's May 18, 2018 letter, entitled "Testing the Fitness of Acting Attorney General Barbara Underwood -- & Every Other Candidate for Interim Attorney General", with its attached May 16, 2018 NOTICE/complaint.

She declined to take, the proffered substantiating EVIDENCE: 
CJA's appeal brief & 3-volume record on appeal in 2nd citizen-taxpayer action


CJA's August 28, 2018 e-mail to Democratic Attorney General Candidates --
"Today's Democratic AG Debate...:
Challenging Your Brazen Lies & Distortion
of the AG's Constitutional Function WITH EVIDENCE"

cc:  CJA's September 5, 2018 e-mail to Brian Lehrer --
"Tomorrow's Democratic AG Candidates Debate at Cooper Union --
'A Point of Disclosure' as to Preet Bharara & Questions for the Candidates"

cc:  CJA's September 8, 2018 e-mail to FAQ-NYC political podcasters --
The unreported backstory to the AG race -- & its explosive consequences to the races for governor, lieutenant governor, comptroller & all NY Assembly & Senate seats"


*  *  *

NOTE:  The interaction between Leecia Eve & Elena Sassower, at the July 16, 2018 forum, was the FIRST since they faced off, in a courtroom, in Washington D.C., on April 19, 2003, when Ms. Eve, appeared pursuant to Sassower's subpoena -- a fact of which Sassower reminded Eve, in introducing herself on July 16, 2018, in their conversation together

See below for details of:

 Eve's long-standing knowledge of the collusion between the judiciary & attorney general in systemic New York State governmental corruption -- & her misconduct as Senator Hillary Clinton's counsel, giving rise to the bogus "disruption of Congress" case against then CJA coordinator Elena Sassower -- & her six month incarceration


KEY DOCUMENT -- CJA's March 26, 2003 memorandum,
with its enclosed two final motions to the NY Court of Appeals (10/15/02; 10/24/02)
in CJA's Article 78 proceeding vs the NYS Commission on Judicial Conduct --
posted here:
Paper Trail to Jail -- & the span of correspondence to Senator Clinton, from April 23, 2003 to the below May 21, 2003 letter, enclosing May 23, 2003 letter to Senator Schumer, reciting Leecia Eve's misconduct as counsel to Senator Clinton.

CJA's May 21, 2003 letter to Senator Clinton -- enclosing  May 21, 2003 letter to Senator Schumer

"...since Senator Clinton's office has seen fit to contct Capitol Police (202-224-1495), who at approximately noon today telephoned and threatened that I would be arrested at tomorrow's confirmation hearing, should I rise to request to testify in oppositionfn and the presiding chairman band his gavel (even if the presiding chairman does NOT ask that I be arrestedfn) -- I expressly ask that Senator Schumer endorse my request to be permitted to testify -- or at least take steps to ensure that I not be arrested for publicly raising such request at tomorrow's hearing. 

According to Capitol Police Detective Zimmerman (badge #2943), Senator Clinton's office contacted Capitol Police to 'get involved' because 'they did not understand why I continued to contact that office'.  He identified this as behavior 'bordering on harassment'.  Please be advised that my 'continued contact' with Senator Clinton's office, interpreted as 'bordering on harassment' by Capitol Police, consisted of two phone messages left for the Senator's Chief of Staff, Tamara Luzzatto (202-224-4451), the first one at 4:27 p.m. yesterday and the second at 9:43 this morning.  In these readily understood messages, I clearly and distinctly requested Ms. Luzzatto's supervisory oversight over the Senator's counsel, Leecia Eve, and legislative corresponden[t] Josh Albert, with whom I had a 35-minute phone conference yesterday afternoon, ending at about 2:40 p.m.  During such phone conference, Ms. Eve and Mr. Albert -- two lawyers, advising a U.S. Senator -- REFUSED my request that they themselves READ CJA's March 26, 2003 written statement, whose contents they insisted I summarize to them -- and which, during most of our conference, I did summarize -- because, quite evidently, they had  NOT read the statement themselves.  In any event, by their own admission, they had NOT reviewed ANY of the substantiating documentary evidence, including the two final motions from my public interest lawsuit against the New York State Commission on Judicial Conduct, focally discussed in the statement as decisive, in and of themselves, of Judge Wesley's unfitness.  Nevertheless, and entirely ignoring my summary of the statement's recitation of these motion[s] in establishing Judge Wesley's on-the-bench judicial misconduct in TWO public interest cases, whose consequences has been on-going, irreparable injury to the People of New York -- Ms. Eve purported that I was an 'interested party in a lwsut which has been decided by the courts, including the New York Court of Appeals'.  Presumably, this was the basis upon which she then declared that Senator Clinton would take no action to stop the May 22nd hearing on Judge Wesley's confirmation, such as by withdrawing her 'blue slip' approval, and would not endorse my request to be permitted to testify in opposition at the hearing.  Both Ms. Eve and  Mr. Albert also REFUSED to agree to my request that they provide the March 26, 2003 written statement to Senator Clinton, for her own review, as likewise to provide her with CJA's May 19th memorandum, addressed to her, requesting her personal review..." (at pp. 2-3, capitalization in the original)


transcript of Leecia Eve's disingenous, lying testimony on April 19, 2004, in D.C. Superior Court in the "disruption of Congress" case -- USA v. Elena Ruth Sassower

 click here for: The Appeals

Appeal Brief:  improper trial rulings pertaining to Leecia Eve:  pp. 70-76

Supplemental Fact Statement, pp. 1-5, plus summary of Leecia Eve's April 19, 2004 trial testimony:  pp. 104-117



September 2, 2018
"Leecia Eve, an attorney general for us all"
Albany Times Union

*    *    *


click here for:

The Posturing Liars who are the Four Attorney General Candidates
for the Democratic Party Line

The Race for Attorney General

& Ending their Road to Re-Election & Higher Office -- WITH EVIDENCE








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