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Stephanie Miner, Esq. --
Candidate of the Serve America Movement (SAM) Party


Campaign website: here

Serve America Movement website:  here
Chair: Scott Muller, Esq.
Vice-Chair: Eric Grossman, Esq.


"What is Serve America Movement?
Obscure new party backs Stephanie Miner for governo
Syracuse.com (Chris Baker)
June 19, 2018




CJA's December 29, 2017 e-mail
to Syracuse Mayor Stephanie Miner
"Subject: Winning the Governor's Race -- & Bringing Constitutionally-Functioning, Fiscally-Accountable Government to New York State"

click here for:
webpage for CJA's AUGUST 10, 2017 OPEN LETTER,
posting the pleadings & links to the record in the citizen-taxpayer actions

click here for:
 further substantiating EVIDENCE
pertaining to DeFrancisco, Kolb, & Cuomo


CJA's December 30, 2017 e-mail to Miner --
"'Political Predictions for the New Year' --
'Syracuse Mayor Stephanie Miner...a leading, next-wave statewide candidate' (12/29/13)

attached "Political Predictions"

*   *   *

 cc:  CJA's January 21, 2018 e-mail --
"Has Stephanie Miner informed NYPAN that CUOMO CAN EASILY BE DEFEATED -- & WITHOUT MONEY -- by a scandal that will achieve non-partisan, ANTI-CORRUPTION, good-gov't reforms for the benefit of NY's 99%"

September 19, 2017:
"Syracuse mayor may challenge Cuomo in the primary"
New York Post (Carl Campanile)

November 29, 2017:
"Left wing activists plan protest outside of Cuomo's fund raiser"
New York Post (Carl Campanile)

*   *   *

She's off...& running --

June 18, 2018
"Stephanie Miner to Make Independent Bid to Challenge Gov. Cuomo"
New York Times (Shane Goldmacher)

June 18, 2018
"What is the 'Serve America Movement,'
Stephanie Miner's vehicle for governor?
Albany Times Union (Chris Bragg)

June 21, 2018
WAMC Radio interview -- Capitol Connection (Alan Chartock)-


& with
Pelham Mayor Michael Volpe
as her running mate for Lieutenant Governor

June 25, 2018
"Democrat Minor picks GOP mayor for a running mate in gov. bid"
Newsday (Michael Gormley)

June 25, 2018
Stephanie Miner chooses Republican mayor as running mate
in governor's race
Syracuse.com  (Mark Weiner)

June 26, 2018
"Pelham mayor joins ticket in race for governor"
News12 Westchester

June 28, 2018
Pelham Mayor Volpe explains why he's running for governor
on independent ticket
Pelham Examiner

June 28, 2018
Westchester Mayor Joins Governor's Race
As Stephanie Miner's Running Mate"

Westchester Daily Voice  (Jon Craid, Joe Lombardi)

July 28, 2018
"Volpe and Miner on Bipartisan Ticket for Gov. and Lt. Gov."
Yonkers Times  (Dan Murphy)

*   *   *


CJA's October 30, 2018 e-mail to Miner
(& Lt. Gov. Candidate Volpe)

"Behind-the-scenes of today's attorney general debate --
relevant to the gubernatorial and comptroller races"

 cc:  CJA's October 30, 2018 e-mail to Lt. Gov. Candidate Volpe --
"FOR FORWARDING TO SERVE AMERICA MOVEMENT (SAM) GUBERNATORIAL CANDIDATE STEPHANIE MINER -- & to the chair, vice-chair, & EVERY other member of SAM's board of directors"


CJA's October 31, 2018 e-mail to Candidate Miner --
"Tomorrow's gubernatorial debate CAN make the difference --
& propel 'long-shot' competitors to front-runners"


cc:  CJA's November 1, 2018 e-mail to Serve America Movement --
"URGENT: Tonight's NY Gubernatorial Debate with SAM Candidate Stephanie Miner"


cc:  CJA's November 1, 2018 e-mail to Serve America Movement --
"URGENT: More on tonight's NY gubernatorial [debate]
with SAM Candidate Miner"


*   *   *

October 2, 2018
"Miner not surprised at poll that has her at 1 percent for governor"
WRVO  (Tom Magnarelli)

“'I entered this race because I thought it was very important that people heard from somebody who said that the corruption is unacceptable, that our problems aren’t being solved'"

October 24, 2018
"Three Other Candidates On Your Ballot for New York Governor"
WNYC  (Gwynne Hogan)

"Do any of these candidates have a shot at winning?..."
-- we should not accept the normalization of corruption as part of our government"


October 7, 2018
tephanie Miner's goal in governor's race:
Disrupt broken, corrupt system
Newsday (Michael Gormley)
"The wildest card in the governor’s race is former Syracuse Mayor Stephanie Miner, who is walking away from a career in Democratic politics and is using phrases like 'the system is completely broken' and 'it needs to be disrupted' in her bid to upend the two-party system."



November 7, 2018
"Stephanie Miner wins ballot line
for new Serve America Movement in NY governor race
Syracuse.com  (Michelle Breidenbach)

November 14, 2018
"Serve America Movement is New York's newest third party"
Legislative Gazette (Nicole Bressi)

November 16, 2018
"Serve America Movement plans its future"
Albany Times Union (David Lombardo)

November 18, 2018
"Some third parties see victory in defeat"
City and State (Zach Williams)


April 9, 2018
"Stephanie Miner creates a state-level campaign committee"
Politico  (Bill Mahoney, Jimmy Vielkind)

February 7, 2018
"Two Central NY Politicians Harbor Albany Ambitions"
Syracuse New Times (Luke Parsnow)

January 26, 2018
"Why would Stephanie Miner challenge Cuomo Instead of Katko"
City & State (Grace Segers)

January 25 2018
"Stephanie Miner Rules Out Bid for Congress, but May Yet Challenge Cuomo"
New York Times (Lisa Foderaro)

January 22, 2018
"Gianaris hires former aide of Cuomo foe"
Daily News (Ken Lovett)

January 18, 2018
"Stephanie Miner has $207K left in her mayoral piggy bank:
what can she do with it?
Syracuse.com (Chris Baker)

December 29, 2017
"Deadlines approach for DeFrancisco, Miner
to decide on NY governor's race"

Syracuse.com  (Mark Weiner)

November 21, 2017
"Syracuse mayor ponders challenging Cuomo, not because of Hoyt"
Syracuse.com  (Sean Kirst)

September 28, 2017
"Meet the Woman Who Wants To End Cuomo's Centrist Reign"
Village Voice (Ross Barkan)

September 19, 2017
"Syracuse mayor may challenge Cuomo in the primary"
New York Post, September 19, 2017 (Carl Campanile)

September 9, 2017
"In Syracuse, Stephanie Miner ponders a challenge to Cuomo"
Politico (Jimmy Vielkind)

September 7, 2017
"Should Stephanie Miner run for governor? What 17 political leaders say"
Syracuse.com  (Mark Weiner)

* * *

April 11, 2018
"Ex-Bush staffers are trying to build their own political party --
and they know it's going to be a steep climb"
Business Insider (Allan Smith)

*  *  *

click here for: 
& Ending their Road to Re-Election & Higher Office -- WITH EVIDENCE!






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