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CJA Leads the Way to NYS Budget Reform -- & Competitive NYS Elections!


Library of Legal Authorities,
Videos, & Transcripts

New York State Constitution

Legislative Law §31
"Appearances  and  inquiries  in respect to the budget;
procedure regulated."

Legislative Law §32-a 
"Budget;  public  hearings"

Chapter 567 of the Laws of 2010


FISCAL YEAR 2014-2015:
(3rd phase of judicial salary increase)
Judiciary's Budget
Judiciary's General State Charges

FISCAL YEAR 2013-2014
(2nd phase of judicial salary increase)
Judiciary's Budget
Judiciary's General State Charges

FISCAL YEAR 2012-2013
(1st phase of judicial salary increase)
Judiciary's Budget
Judiciary's General State Charges



Video of CJA's testimony
at Senate & Assembly's February 6, 2013
Joint Budget Hearing on "Public Protection"

-- as posted on Senate website
last speaker:  at 7:21:50

as posted on Assembly website

Transcript of February 6, 2013 budget hearing


video of February 5, 2014 budget hearing

Transcript of Februarty 5, 2014 budget hearing
 written statements

I.   Constitutional requirement of itemization in the budget -- & power & duty of the Legislature to reject a budget whose lack of itemization prevents meaningful review

Supreme Court decision in Pines, et al. v. New York State

"'While the Constitution requires itemization of the State budget and appropriation bills to implement the budget (Saxton v. Carey, 44 N.Y.2d 545, 548...(1978) citing People v. Tremaine, 281 N.Y.1, 5...[1939]), there is no constitutional definition of itemization (Saxton, 44 N.Y.2d at 550, quoting and essentially adopting Judge Breitel's dissent in Hidley v. Rockefeller, 28 N.Y.2 439...[1971]).  Consequently, it has been held that,

...the degree of itemization necessary in a particular budget is whatever degree of itemization is necessary for the Legislature to effectively review that budget.  Should the Legislature determine that a particular budget is so lacking in specificity as to preclude meaningful review, then it will be the duty of that Legislature to refuse to approve such a budget...

(Saxton, 44 N.Y.2d at 550).  ...If the legislature determines that a budget is not sufficiently itemized then it should decline to adopt it; however, once adopted the logical inference can be drawn that the legislature found the budget to be sufficiently itemized and capable of implementation."

See cases -- Saxton v. Carey People v. Tremaine (II); Hidley v. Rockefeller


II.   Objections by Legislators at 2010, 2011, and 2012 joint budget hearings on "public protection" as to the Judiciary's lack of sufficient itemization in its budget:

February 8, 2010 joint budget hearing on "public protection" -- Judiciary Budget for Fiscal Year 2010-2011:  
transcript -- at pp. 37-47; 47-52

transcript excerpts:    Chief Adminisrative Judge Pfau's request for judicial supplemental support fund; exchange with Assemblyman Parment on greater itemization in Judiciary's budget; exchange with Senator DeFrancisco on judicial supplemental support fund

             See, also: March 23, 2010 Senate Judiciary Committee hearing:  Senator Nozzolio questioning of Chief Administrative Judge Pfau:  (at 12:40 mins)


February 9, 2011 joint budget hearing on "public protection" -- Judiciary Budget for Fiscal Year 2011-2012: 
video at 3:16-4:11; 17:54-19:55 ;   transcript -- at pp 23-25; 32-46.;  

transcript excerpt:   Chief Administrative Judge Pfau thanks Legislature for "judicial compensation law that was recently enacted, with the salary commission"; explanation of Judiciary budget; exchanges with Senator Bonacic; Senator Nozzolio; and Senator DeFrancisco on greater itemization

January 30, 2012 joint budget hearing on "public protection" -- Judiciary Budget for Fiscal Year 2012-2013:
video -- at 3:21-3:27; 25:05-27:00
transcript -- at pp. 25-27. 

transcript excerpts: Chief Administrative Judge Prudenti's passing mention of "process for adjusting judicial salaries"; pp. 25-27 exchange with Senator Bonacic on "more itemization from the Judiciary in line items"

          cf.: Assembly 6-month expenditure reports
                     Senate 6-month expenditure reports
Senate Employee payroll -- Dec 5-18, 2013


Assembly Judiciary Committee Annual Reports: 
2011  2012   2013

Senate Judiciary Committee Annual Reports:
2011  2012  2013


Brennan Center Reports on NY's Legislature --
found to be the nation's MOST DYSFUNCTIONAL 

2009 Temporary Senate Committeee on Rules & Administration Reform


New York City Bar Association: Committee on State Affairs: "The New York State Budget Process and the Constitution: Defining and Protecting the 'Delicate Balance' of Power"




Senate Select Committee on Budget & Tax Reform
            Senator Liz Krueger, Chair
                  Members:  Senator Neil Breslin
                                   Senator Kenneth LaValle
                                   Senator Kevin Parker
                                   Senator Bill Perkins
                                   Senator Michael Ranzenhofer



Legislative Law §5  "Compensation of members"

Legislative Law §5-a  "Allowances for member serving as an officer of either house of the legislature or in a special capacity therein"

Legislative Law §6 "Officers  and employees of the senate"

Legislative Law §7 "Officers and employees of the assembly"

Legislative Law §7-d  "Employees of the legislature"


Legislative Law §8 "Appointments  to  be filed with the comptroller

Legislative Law §9  "Additional  employees"


Legislative Law §11 "Designation of payrolls as annual, session or temporary"


Legislative Law §12  "Authorization  of expenditures"


Legislative Law §31: "Appearances  and  inquiries  in respect to the budget; procedure regulated."

Legislative Law §32-a  "Budget;  public  hearings"


Legislative Law §53  "Budget review process"


Legislative Law §54:  "Report on the budget"

Legislative Law §54-a. Scheduling of legislative consideration of budget bills. 


123 - Legislative purpose.
It is the purpose of the Legislature to recognize that each individual citizen and taxpayer of the state has an interest in the proper disposition of all state funds and properties..."
123-A - Definitions.
123-B - Action for declaratory and equitable relief.
123-C - Pleadings and procedure.
123-D - Security for costs.
123-E - Relief by the court.
123-F - Termination of action.
123-G - Costs and fees.
123-I - Existing rights and remedies preserved.
123-J - Separability.


State Finance Law §25
"Reappropriation bills"


State Finance Law, Article 6
"Funds of the State"

State Finance Law §72
"General Fund"

State Finance Law §94
"Court facilities incentive aid fund"

State Finance Law §94-a
"New York City county clerks' operations offset fund"

State Finance Law §94-b
"Judiciary data processing offset fund"




Legislative Law §27
"Appointment  of  secretaries  of  finance  and  ways  and  means committees"

Legislative Law §29
"Subcommittees of finance and ways and means committees"

Legislative Law §30
"Duties of finance and ways and means committees and secretaries" 



White  Book 2014-2015 




Yellow Book -- 2014-2015    press release

Yellow Book -- Legislature/Judiciary 2012-2013

Yellow Book -- Legislature/Judiciary  2011-2012

Yellow Book -- Legislature/Judiciary 2010-2011

Yellow Book -- Legislature/Judiciary 2009-2010

Yellow Book -- Legislature/Judiciary 2008-2009

Yellow Book -- Legislature/Judiciary  2007-2008

Yellow Book -- Legislature/Judiciary 2006-2007

Yellow Book -- Legislature/Judiciary 2005-2006

Yellow Book -- 2004-2005 Judiciary-Summary  Legislature-Summary

Yellow Book -- 2003-2004  Judiciary Summary  Legislature-Summary

Yellow Book -- 2002-2003  Judiciary Summary

Yellow Book -- 2001-2002  Judiciary Summary

Assembly Committee on Oversight, Analysis, & Investigation --
Annual Report for 2013

Assembly Committee on Governmental Operations --
Annual Report for 2013
Annual Report for 2014

State Finance Law 22-a
"Synopsis of requests for appropriations;
submittal by budget director"

Governor's Briefing Book -- "Restoring Public Trust"



Bill S.6355 -- Public Protection and General Government

Part H: Subpart A -- "Public Trust Act"

June 2009 Senate Rules Resolution

November 23, 2009 letter from NYC Bar Association

Senate Rules

Assembly Rules


Comptroller's Report on 2014-2015 Executive Budget
               see pp. 21, 63

Comptroller's 2006-2007 Analysis of Enacted Budget


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