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NYS Inspector General -- MENU PAGE

lick here for:
NYS Inspector General website   
Executive Law, Article 4-A:  State Inspector General


* * *

click here for:
June 6, 2022 -- D-DAY plus 78 years:
CJA's lawsuit
& the statewide & state legislative electeds they have "protected"


* * *

CJA's July 11, 2013 corruption complaint
to Inspector General Catherine Leahy Scott
vs 2011 Commission on Judicial Compensation
& vs NYS Division of the Budget Director Robert Megna


Subsequent corrrespondence in 2013-2015 pertaining thereto
& pertaining to the Commission to Investigate Public Corruption

CJA's prefatory 2021 communications pertaining
to the Inspector General's jurisdiction, Etc.

Inspector General's October 2021 "Government Transparency Initiative"

"Complaint Statistics: OIG publicize statistics related to complaints received in its annual reportsfn2, which are submitted to the Governor and the Legislature. OIG will begin publishing the following statistics on a monthly basis on its public website, and will concurrently post the same data sets on Open Data NY:
• Number of complaints received each month
• How they are received (email, fax, mail, phone, etc.)
• State agency/authority involved in each complaint
• Classification of each complaint (theft, misuse of state resources, ethics, etc.)
OIG will work with Open Data NY to ensure timely and accurate posting of data sets."

"fn2  Office of Inspector General 2020 Annual Report:
https://ig.ny.gov/system/files/documents/2021/06/inspector general2020annualreportfinal.pdf ..."

IG website Open Data

CJA's November 2, 2021 complaint to Inspector General Lucy Lang --
"ENABLING YOU TO FAITHFULLY DISCHARGE THE DUTIES OF YOUR OFFICE:   Sworn complaints against 'covered agencies' within your jurisdiction: (1) the Office of the Inspector General; (2) the Joint Commission on Public Ethics; (3) the State University of New York; (4) the Division of the Budget; (5) the defunct Commission on Judicial Compensation, whose fraudulent August 29, 2011 report lives on, rewarding a corrupt judiciary with pay raises and depriving the public of functioning safeguards against judicial corruption; and (6) the defunct Commission to Investigate Public Corruption, whose fraudulent December 2, 2013 report lives on, concealing the manifestations and true causes of New York’s corruption and the ease with which it is rectified"

CJA's November 3, 2021 FOIL to Inspector General --
"The Inspector General's written procedures for intake and processing of complaints"
attaching --
NYC Dept. of Investigation's "Complaint Intake: Opening and Tracking Procedures"

IG Tagliafierro August 25, 2021 testimony  & 2020 Annual Report

IG's November 9, 2021 acknowledgment

IG's December 7, 2021 response --
with attachment, consisting of
(1) "Policy and Procedure Manual" for complaints

(2) CJA's completed webform for July 11, 2013 complaint
(3) screenshot record for July 11, 2013 complaint

CJA's December 7, 2021 e-mail to Inspector General --
"STATUS?  Protocol? -- CJA's Nov. 2, 2021 complaint to NYS Inspector General
Lucy Lang -- sent Nov. 2, 2021 at 5:55 pm via website:


cc: to Inspector General
CJA's December 17, 2022 e-mail to JCOPE --
"Conflict-of-interest/ethics complaint vs legislators & legislative employees for subverting the Legislative Ethics Commission (LEC) to insulate themselves from complaints"

cc: to Inspector General
CJA's December 20, 2022 e-mail to JCOPE --
"Superseding -- Conflict-of-interest/ethics complaint vs legislators
& legislative employees..."

cc: to Inspector General
CJA's January 18, 2022 e-mail to JCOPE
"STATUS -- CJA's Dec. 17, 2021 conflict-of-interest/ethics complaint..."

cc: to Inspector General
CJA's February 16, 2022 e-mail to JCOPE --
"Again, STATUS..."


CJA's February 16, 2022 FOIL request to Inspector General --
"(1) IG Lang's written testimony/statements to the Senate Committee on Ethics & Internal Governance; (2) records pertaining to CJA's Nov. 2, 2021 complaint to IG Lang; (3) names of IG Lang's executive & managerial staff & salaries"

IG's Policy & Procedure Manual for Complaints

IG's February 23, 2022 acknowledgment

IG's March 22, 2022 e-mail response --
with attachment consisting of:
(1) IG Lang's written testimony for Dec. 9, 2021 hearing
(2) salary info
(3) members of Case Review Panel for Nov. 2021
IG -- Nov. 2, 2021 complaint intake
(5) IG -- Nov. 2, 2021 chart

cc:  to Inspector General
CJA's February 16, 2022 e-mail to JCOPE --
"Again, STATUS -- CJA's Dec. 17, 2021 conflict-of-interest/ethics complaint vs legislators & legislative employees for subverting the Legislative Ethics Commission (LEC) to insulate themselves from complaints"

cc:  to Inspector General
CJA's February 16, 2022 e-mail
to JCOPE --
"JCOPE No. 21-226 -- I have rec'd no response from you
to my Dec. 21 reply to your Dec. 20, 2021 letter"

cc:   to Inspector General
CJA's February 28, 2022 e-mail to JCOPE Chair Jose Nieves, ESQ. --
"OVERSIGHT REQUIRED: JCOPE staff is refusing to acknowledge -- & give a complaint # to -- a filed Dec. 17, 2021 complaint vs legislators & legislative employees for subverting the Legislative Ethics Commission, ETC."


cc:  to Inspector General
CJA's March 4, 2022 e-mail to JCOPE Chair Jose Nieves, ESQ. --
"UPDATE & further OVERSIGHT REQUIRED: The flagrant violations of Executive Law §94.13(a) & Public Officers Law §74 underlying the supposed 'vote[] to close' the Dec. 17, 2021 and Nov. 24, 2021 complaints"

cc: CJA's April 13, 2022 complaint to JCOPE --
"vs Governor Hochul, Temporary Senate President Stewart-Cousins, Assembly Speaker Heastie, the 211 other state legislators – and their culpable staff, including Division of the Budget Director Mujica – for their Public Officers Law §74 violations pertaining to the FY2022-23 state budget, and, in particular, pertaining to their repeal and elimination of JCOPE by Part QQ of Education, Labor, Housing, and Family Assistance Budget Bill S.8006-C/A.9006-C and their larceny of taxpayer monies by Legislative/Judiciary Budget Bill S.8001-A/A.9001-A...."   April 13, 2022 transmitting e-mail

cc:  CJA's May 6, 2022 e-mail to JCOPE --
"Setting the record straight on Executive Law §94 -- as to JCOPE & CELG --
& taking the emergency correction action with respect thereto
warranted by CJA's April 13, 2022 complaint (#22-052)"

CJA's May 16, 2022 letter to Inspector General Lang --

"Accounting for, and rectifying, your Office’s flagrant violations of its 'Policy and Procedure Manual' and Executive Law Article 4 with regard to CJA’s Nov. 2, 2021 complaint;
(2) Confirmation that you will not have jurisdiction over CELG, pursuant to the newly-enacted Executive Law §94, in contrast to your jurisdiction over JCOPE, pursuant to the current Executive Law §94."

transmitting e-mail, cc'ing JCOPE, Albany Times Union, "good gov't groups"


June 6, 2022 -- D-DAY plus 78 years:
CJA's lawsuit
& the statewide & state legislative electeds they have "protected"


CJA's February 7, 2024 complaint vs. Robert Megna

transmitting e-mail

CJA's May 30, 2024 e-mail --
"STATUS? -- CJA's Feb. 7, 2024 Conflict-of-Interest/Corruption Complaint
vs Rockefeller Institute of Government President Robert Megna"

CJA's June 5, 2024 FOIL request --
"IG Annual Reports for 2021, 2022, & 2023; IG Policy & Procedural Manual
for Case Management; CJA's Feb. 7, 2024 complaint vs Rockefeller Institute of Gov. President Megna; IG executive & managerial staff & salaries"


* * *

click here for:
of the Corrupt Commission Scheme to Raise the Salaries
of Corrupt Public officers


* * *


November 28, 2022
"Lucy Lang: A criminal justice reformer on her first year as inspector general"
City & State (Erik Lazo)

April 9, 2024
"One on One with NYS Inspector General"
WGZ - Channel 2

May 23, 2024
"Making a Difference Through the Office of the Inspector General"

Legal Talk Network



January 6, 2019
"Cuomo names new state inspector general"
Albany TImes Union (Casey Seiler) -- Letizia Tagliafierro replacing Catherine Leahy Scottt

September 17, 2021
"State inspector general resigns"
City & State (Rebecca Lewis)

December 1, 2012 press release --
Catherine Leahy Scott -- Acting Inspector General since February 28, 2012 -- appointed by Governor Cuomo to be Inspector General December 1, 2012

Senate Judiciary Committee's June 18, 2019 meeting
 on Leahy-Scott's confirmation to Court of Claims -- (May 2012-Jan 2019)

January 7, 2019 -- Cuomo appoints Letizia Tagliafierro

October 4, 2019 letter from Spencer Freedman

 May 13, 2009 report: "An Investigation of an Allegation That Herbert Teitelbaum, Executive Director of the Commission on Public Integrity, Inappropriately Disclosed Confidential Commission Information Related to Its Troopergate Investigation and An Investigation of the Appropriateness of the Commission on Public Integrity’s Response Upon Receiving the Allegations Against Its Executive Director"

October 2010 report: "Investigation Regarding the Selection of Aqueduct Entertainment Group to Operate a Video Lottery Terminal at Aqueduct Race Track"




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