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VIDEO of Governor Cuomo's April 9, 2013 press conference
& press release: "Governor Cuomo Proposes New Class of Public Corruption Crimes"

DA Vance Statement on Governor Cuomo's Proposed Public Trust Act (April 9, 2013 press release)

"Senator Kennedy: Public Trust Act is Important, Necessary Step to Crack Down on Albany Crime Spree",
April 9, 2013

"Senator Serrano Applauds Governor Andrew Cuomo for Introduction of the Public Trust Act",
April 9, 2013

April 16, 2013 "Cuomo won't give AG election enforcement powers", Capitol Confidential, Jimmy Vielkind

              April 25, 2013 Where’s the bills?”, WNYC-Capitol Report  


         *   *   *

Governor Cuomo's Program Bill #3: "Public Trust Act" 
& memorandum

   April 29, 2013  "Cuomo Unveils Public Trust Act Language", YNN, Liz Benjamin

       April 29, 2013 
"Cuomo details first reform", NY-Capitol Report

VIDEO of Governor Cuomo's June 11, 2013 press conference, with press release
"Governor Cuomo Details Comprehensive Reforms to Prevent Public Corruption, Modernize New York's Voting Laws, and Reduce the Influence of Money in Politics"

June 11, 2013 letter, signed by ALL 62 New York State District Attorneys to Speaker Silver & Senate Majority Coalition Leaders Skelos and Klein -- "RE: Governor's Program Bill #3: Public Trust Act"

"Manhattan District Attorney Vance, Governor Cuomo, District Attorneys from Around the State Urge Passage of Public Trust Act" -- June 11, 2013 press release

Governor's Program Bill #4 --
Creating Enforcement Counsel at Board of Elections;
Repeal of Wilson-Pakula; Party Enrollment Deadline Change


Governor's Program Bill #5 --
Voter Registration; Ballot Access; Ballot Simplification

Governor's Program Bill #12--
"Campaign Finance Reform Act of 2013"


Governor Cuomo's July 2, 2013 press release, with VIDEO "Governor Cuomo Appoints Moreland 'Commission to Investigate Public Corruption,' with Attorney General Schneiderman Designating Commission Members as Deputy Attorneys General"

“This session, I put forward the most comprehensive and aggressive legislative package Albany has seen in decades to address the corrosive influence of money in elections, strengthen prosecutors’ ability to fight corruption, increase penalties against those who violate the public trust, and give voters more access to the ballot box. From the beginning, I said I would not accept a watered-down approach to cleaning up Albany and that the Legislature must either pass this legislative package or I would empanel an investigative commission tasked with accomplishing these same goals to achieve reform. Since THE LEGISLATURE HAS FAILED TO ACT, today I am formally empanelling a Commission to Investigate Public Corruption pursuant to the Moreland Act and Section 63(8) of the Executive Law that will convene the best minds in law enforcement and public policy from across New York to address weaknesses in the State’s public corruption, election and campaign finance laws, generate transparency and accountability, and restore the public trust.” 

           ...INVESTIGATION #1: the Legislature's "fail[ing] to act..." 
Governor Cuomo's  2013 Program Bills

CJA's FOIL Requests -- Public Trust Act/Program Bill #3 

CJA's July 16, 2013 FOIL request to Governor Cuomo

CJA's July 25, 2013 e-mail to Governor Cuomo --
"Where is the Governor's Acknowledgment of CJA's July 16, 2013 FOIL Request Pertaining to His Program Bill #3: 'Public Trust Act'?"

Governor's July 29, 2013 response

Governor's August 22, 2013 response     indicated website page

CJA's July 16, 2013 FOIL request to Secretary of the Senate, Majority Coalition Leaders Skelos & Klein, & Minority Leader Stewart-Cousins

Senate's July 25, 2013 response with Guide to Inspection & Copying

CJA's July 25, 2013 reply to Senate -- "CJA's As-Yet Unresponded-To 2 FOIL Requests to You and Senate Leaders -- July 16 & July 18"

CJA's August 16, 2013 e-mail to Beth Garvey, Counsel/Senate Republican Conference -- "Awaiting Your Written Responses to Our July 16th & July 18th Letters: Gov's Program Bill #3 (Public Trust Act) & His Program Bills #4, #5, #12"

Counsel Garvey's August 16, 2013 e-mail

Governor's August 22, 2013 response     indicated website page

CJA's July 16, 2013 FOIL request to Assembly Records Access Office, Assembly Speaker Silver & Assembly Minority Leader Kolb

Assembly's July 23, 2013 response
              Assembly Rule VII
              Public Officers Law Sec. 88
Guide to Inspection & Copying of Legislative Records

Program Bills #4, #5, #12

Governor's Program Bill #4 --
Creating Enforcement Counsel at Board of Elections;
Repeal of Wilson-Pakula; Party Enrollment Deadline Change


Governor's Program Bill #5
Voter Registration; Ballot Access; Ballot Simplification


Governor's Program Bill #12--
"Campaign Finance Reform Act of 2013"

CJA's July 18, 2013 FOIL request to Governor

Governor's July 25, 2013 response 

CJA's July 18, 2013 FOIL request to Secretary of the Senate, Majority Coalition Leaders Skelos & Klein, & Senate Minority Leader Stewart-Cousins

Senate's July 25, 2013 response
                     with Guide to Inspection & Copying

CJA's July 25, 2013 reply to Senate -- "CJA's As-Yet Unresponded-To 2 FOIL Requests to You and Senate Leaders -- July 16 & July 18"

CJA's August 16, 2013 e-mail to Beth Garvey, Counsel/Senate Republican Conference -- "Awaiting Your Written Responses to Our July 16th & July 18th Letters: Gov's Program Bill #3 (Public Trust Act) & His Program Bills #4, #5, #12"

Counsel Garvey's August 16, 2013 e-mail

CJA's July 18, 2013 FOIL request to Assembly Records Access Officer, Assembly Speaker Silver & Minority Leader Kolb

Assembly's July 23, 2013 response     

*     *     *

Inquiries to Legislators --

To Senate Minority Leader Andrea Stewart-Cousins:
               -- July 12, 2013 e-mail to her Legislative Director --
                      "Subject:  Follow-Up: Securing a Functioning Legislature"

 "...Insofar as Governor Cuomo's 'Public Trust Act' - his Program Bill #3 - I have examined the Senate Rules and it would appear that Democratic Conference Leader Stewart-Cousins could have introduced the "Public Trust Act'. Here's what Rule VII, Sec.7 entitled 'Program, departmental and agency bills' states:

'Every bill proposed by the Governor, the Attorney General, the Comptroller or by state deparhnents and agencies shall be submitted to the office of the Temporary President and shall be forwarded by the Majority Coalition Leaders for introduction purposes to the appropriate standing committee in accordance with section one of Rule VII. Any such bill which is not so forwarded within three weeks after receipt by the office of the Temporary President shall be offered to the Democratic Conference Leader who may in accordance with section one of Rule VII, forward such bills to any member for introduction purposes.'

Please advise whether, pursuant to Senate Rule VII, Sec.7, Governor Cuomo's 'Public Trust Act' was "offered' to Democratic Conference Leader Stewart-Cousins - and, if not, what steps she took to have it 'offered' so that, 'in accordance with section one of Rule VII', she could have forwarded it 'to any member for introduction purposes', herself included."

While waiting for an answer, this is what Majority Leader Stewart-Cousins tells the press in a July 23, 2013 interview by Gannett's Journal News: "Democratic leaders wants 'bad apples out':  Stewart-Cousins 'disappointed' reforms fizzled"  

Editorial Board “How come the legislature could not find common ground on a legislative response to a problem that certainly seems to be damaging the institution?”

Stewart-Cousins:  "Well, that’s certainly a good question.  It’s a question I ask myself because our conference… has been very, very clear about wanting to, and really insisting on ethics reform.  It was the huge, huge elephant in the room...
          Because we have this odd configuration where the Republican-dominated majority coalition did not want to do ethics reform. … The fact is the four members of the IDC…has joined with the Republicans and the relationship that they have disallows anything from getting to the floor that the other group doesn’t agree with.
  So in terms of ethics reform you had the Assembly putting out a package, you had our Senate Democrats putting out a package….  The reality is that even the Independent Democrats put out something, but the Republicans put forward nothing and because the Republicans did not want to put forward ethics reform it was not allowed to come to the floor, so we couldn’t vote on it...

Editorial Board:  …so nothing prevailed.

Stewart-Cousins:   …Nothing prevailed.

*     *     *


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of Corrupt Commission Scheme
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