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CJA's September 21, 2000 Motion to Intervene & Other Relief,
including Disqualifying AG Spitzer, Striking his Respondent's Brief as a Fraud, Imposing Sanctions, Disciplinary & Criminal Referrals

                                       TABLE OF EXHIBITS

Exhibit A:  Notice of Appeal & Pre-Argument Statement in ERS v. Commission,
                      with Judge Wetzel's January 31, 2000 decision
Exhibit B:  Notice of Appeal & Pre-Argument Statement in Mantell v. Commission,
                        with Judge Lehner's September 30, 1999 decision
     Exhibit C:  A.G.'s Sept. 9, 2000 letter to Clerk, with Judge Cahn's July 13, 1995 decision in DLS v. Commission
     Exhibit D: 3-page ANALYSIS of Judge Cahn's decision
     Exhibit E: 13-page ANALYSIS of Judge Lehner's decision
     Exhibit F-1:  receipted 1st page of CJA's December 9, 1999 letter to Wetzel
     Exhibit F-2:  first two pages of CJA's December 17, 1999 letter to Wetzel, containing footnotes 2 &3
     Exhibit G: CJA's February 23, 2000 letter to Gov Pataki, with analysis of Judge Wetzel's decision (at pp. 15-19)
     Exhibit H:  pages 4-6 of verified petition in ERS v. Commission
     Exhibit I:  CJA's October 5, 1997 memo-challenge
     Exhibit J:  "Restraining 'Liars in the Courtroom' and on the Public Payroll", NYLJ, ad, August 27, 1997
     Exhibit K:  CJA's January 27, 1999 letter to A.G. Spitzer
                       --  Ex B: CJA's letters to A.G. Vacco
     Exhibit L: pages 1, 13-14 of transcript of Jan 27, 1999 program, with public exchange between Spitzer & ERS
     Exhibit M:  pages 47-8 of E. Sassower's July 28, 1999 affidavit in support of her omnibus motion (para. 102)
     Exhibit N:   CJA's August 6, 1999 letter to A.G. Spitzer
     Exhibit O:  CJA's October 25, 1999 letter to A.G. Spitzer
     Exhibit P:  CJA's October 29, 1999 memo to A.G. Spitzer & Commission
     Exhibit Q: CJA's February 7, 2000 memo to A.G. Spitzer & Commission
     Exhibit R:  CJA's February 25, 20000 memo to A.G. Spitzer, et al.
     Exhibit S:  CJA's March 3, 2000 judicial misconduct complaint vs Judge Wetzel & Administrative Judge Crane
     Exhibit T:  CJA's March 3, 2000 letter to Chief Judge Kaye
     Exhibit U:  CJA's March 17, 2000 memo to A.G. Spitzer, et al.
     Exhibit V:  CJA's April 24, 2000 memo to A.G. Spitzer, et al.
     Exhibit W:  CJA's August 3, 2000 judicial misconduct complaint vs Chief Judge Kaye
     Exhibit X: exchange of correspondence with A.G's office -FOIL
     Exhibit Y:  Point II of D. Sassower's memo of law in D. Sassower v. Commission
     Exhibit Z-1: page 29 (fn. 31) of E. Sassower's July 28, 1999 memo of law in ERS v. Commission
     Exhibit Z-2: pages 72-3 (fn 45) of E. Sassower's July 28, 1999 memo of law in ERS v. Commission
     Exhibit Z-3: pages 56-7 of E. Sssower's September 24, 1999 reply memo of law in ERS v. Commission
     Exhibit AA:  pages 5-12 of E. Sassower's July 28, 1999 memo of law in
ERS v. Commission

AG Spitzer's September 27, 2000 Affirmation in Opposition to the Motion

CJA's October 5, 2000 Reply Affidavit
 Exhibit B:  CJA's September 27, 2000 letter to A.G. Spitzer 
Exhibit C:   CJA's October 4, 2000 letter to A.G. Spitzer
      Exhibit D:  drafts
      Exhibit E:  exchange between Sassower & Mantell

CJA's October 5, 2000 Memorandum in Reply to AG Spitzer's Opposing Affirmation & in Support of the Motion


(Presiding Justice Milton L. Williams -- & Justices Mazzarelli, Lerner, Buckley, Friedman)






Elena Ruth Sassower, Coordinator of the Center for Judicial Accountability, Inc.,
acting pro bono publico, v. Commission on Judicial Conduct of the State of New York


Doris L. Sassower v. Commission on
Judicial Conduct of the State of NY 




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