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CJA OUTREACH -- Caitlin J. Halligan Nomination
to the U.S. Court of Appeals
for the District of Columbia Circuit




CJA's March 17, 2011 e-mail to National Rifle Association of America (NRA),
with  cc to Gun Owners of America (GOA)
-- "The Senate's Betrayal of NRA, GOA, & The American People by its Public Posturing on the Nomination of Halligan to the US Court of Appeals to the DC Circuit"


CJA's March 23, 2011 e-mail to GOA, with copy to NRA -- ''The Senate's Betrayal of NRA, GOA, & The American People by its Public Posturing on the Nomination of Halligan to the US Court of Appeals to the DC Circuit"

*   *   *   *



CJA's March 22, 2011 letter to Nan Aron, President/Alliance for Justice -- "Championing the Citizen's Role in Federal Judicial Selection: Request that Alliance for Justice Withdraw its Support of Caitlin Halligan's Nomination to the U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit & that it Call upon Senate Leadership to Remove her Name from the Senate's Executive Calendar &/or Place a Hold on her Confirmation"

                   click here for  pertinent pages from Alliance for Justice's website --
                                                                   -- "About AFJ -- & Judicial Selection Project"
                                                                    -- AFJ report on Halligan

                        click here for  CJA's referred-to past correspondence with Alliance for Justice

CJA's March 25, 2011 letter to Douglas T. Kendall, President/Constitutional Accountability Center -- "BEING TRUE to the Constitutional Accountability Center's 'Judicial Nominations and Accountability' 'Issue': (1) On Judicial Nominations: What is Your Response to the Center for Judicial Accountability's March 14, 2011 Letters to Senate Majority Leader Reid and Senate Minority Leader McConnell?; (2) On Judicial Accountability:  What is Your Response to the Center for Judicial Accountability's May 13, 2008 Memo to Senate Majority Leader Reid and Senate Minority Leader McConnell?


     Constitutional Accountability Center's March 17, 2011 letter to Senate Majority Leader Reid & Senator Minority Leader McConnell

            -- CAC's March 11, 2011 blog "A Note to Senator Grassley: Ten < Eleven" by VP Judith E. Schaeffer
            -- CAC's March 18, 2011 blog "D.C. Circuit Nominee Halligan to Argue Before U.S. Supreme Court on Monday"



CJA's March 21, 2011 e-mail to Judicial Action Group -- "Caitlin Halligan's nomination to the US Court of Appeals for the DC Circuit"



March 28, 2011 letter from William Windsor to his two U.S. Senators -- 
                         to Senator Saxby Chambliss        to Senator Johnny Isakson


Academia Tested:

Brookings Institution

click here for Brookings' February 28, 2011 forum "Breaking the Judicial Nominations and Confirmations Logjam"

                         Thomas E. Mann, Senior Fellow/Governance Studies;
                         Benjamin Wittes, Senior Fellow/Governance Studies;
                         Sarah A. Binder, Senior Fellow/Governance Studies;
                         Russell Wheeler, Visiting Fellow/Governance Studies

cc'ing of CJA's March 9, 2011 e-mail to Senate Judiciary Committee to Mann, Wittes, Binder, & Wheeler
 -- "Tomorrow's Executive Business Meeting: Citizen Opposition to Confirmation of Caitlin Halligan to the US Court of Appeals for the DC Circuit"

CJA's March 11, 2001 e-mail to Mann, Wittes, Binder, & Wheeler -- "More Than Politics -- The Role of the Citizen in Federal Judicial Selection: Building Scholarship that Does Not Presently Exist"


CJA's March 14, 2011 e-mail: "Caitlin Halligan's Confirmation on Today's Senate Executive Calendar"


CJA's April 19, 2011 e-mail to Darrell West, Vice President of Brookings & Director of its Governance Studies Program -- "Being True to the Brookings' 'mission' of high-quality, independent research...that [s]trengthen[s] American democracy"  (with cc's to Mann, Wittes, Binder, Wheeler)



The Press in Action:

     click here for Prior press about Caitlin Halligan's nomination/confirmation:

(Bench Memos:  Ed Whelan, Carrie Severino, Gary Marx)
(Adam Shah & Staff)

CJA's March 11, 2011 e-mail -- "Balancing your Party-Line Fighting with Non-Partisan Reporting"


       Media Matters: March 14, 2011:
"National Review Misfires In Attack On Obama Judicial Nominee Haligan's Gun Rights Record"


            CJA's March 14, 2011 e-mail: "Caitlin Halligan's Confirmation on Today's Senate Executive Calendar"


            CJA's March 21, 2011 e-mail:  "Political Posturing on the Caitlin Halligan Nomination to the US Court of Appeals for the DC Circuit"


            CJA's March 23, 2011 e-mail to Ed Whelan -- "UPDATE on Political Posturing on the Caitlin Halligan Nomination to the US Court of Appeals for the DC Circuit"  (cc to Gary  Marx, Carrie Severino, Media Matters)


            Ed Whelan's March 23, 2011 e-mail


            CJA's March 23, 2011 e-mail to Ed Whelan -- "thank you for your response -- UPDATE on Political Posturing on the Caitlin Halligan Nomination to the US Court of Appeals for the DC Circuit"


Subsequent Media Matters coverage --   


December 2, 2011 
Myths And Falsehoods About Judicial Nominee Caitlin Halligan"


CJA's March 14, 2011 e-mail to Brett Decker, Editorial Page Editor & David Sands/National Politics Editor -- "Caitlin Halligan's Confirmation on Today's Senate Executive Calendar"


Brett Decker's March 14, 2011 e-mail --

CJA's March 14, 2011 e-mail to Brett Decker -- "Thank you for your invitation"




CJA's March 15, 2011 e-mail -- Washington Bureau, National Bureau, Metro Bureau, Editorial Board, John Eligon, William Glaberson, James Barron -- "On Today's Senate Calendar: Confirmation of Former NY Solicitor General Caitlin Halligan to the US Court of Appeals to the DC Circuit"


            March 15, 2011 e-mail acknowledgment from nytnews@nytimes.com


                   Subsequent New York Times coverage --  
April 20, 2011 "Opinionator: Missing in Action",
Linda Greenhouse

December 6, 2011 "Filibuster by Senate Republicans Blocks Confirmation
of Judicial Nominee
", Charlie Savage and Raymond Hernandez

December 7, 2011:  "Taking Note -- The Editorial Page Editor's Blog: 
Lousy Filibusters:  Caitlin Halligan Edition
", by Andrew Rosenthal


December 14, 2011 "Opinionator: Rock Bottom", Linda Greenhouse

June 11, 2012  "Obama Nominates Two for Federal Appeals Court", Charlie Savage


 CJA's March 17, 2011 e-mail -- National Desk, Metro Desk -- "'Without printed report': Caitlin Halligan's nomination to the US Court of Appeals to the DC Circuit on the Senate's Executive Calendar"

           March 17, 2011 Washington Post article
"Senate confirms second D.C. federal court nominee this week" by Ben Pershing


December 6, 2011 
"Senate Republican filibuster blocks Obama D.C. Circuit nominee
Caitlin Halligan
", Washington Post blog



CJA's March 17, 2011 e-mail -- "'WITHOUT PRINTED REPORT': The Senate Executive Calendar for Caitlin Halligan's nomination to the US Ct of Appeals for the DC Circuit"

           March 17, 2011 BLT article --
"Senate Confirms Another D.C. Judge" by David Ingram


          March 21, 2011 BLT item --
"Morning Wrap -- Veteran v. Rookie" by Mike Scarcella

CJA's March 21, 2011e-mail -- "Political Posturing on the Caitlin Halligan Nomination to the US Court of Appeals for the DC Circuit"


        March 21, 2011 article --
"A.D.C. Circuit nominee's nimble appearance at the high court" by Tony Mauro



          July 1, 2011 column by American Prospect Writing Fellow Jamelle Bouie 
"Please Stay on the Line: Your nominations are very important to us."


CJA's July 1, 2011 e-mail to Jamelle Bouie -- "CORRECTING: 'Please Stay on the Line.  Your nominations are very important to us"


*   *   *   *

Other Press


November 16, 2011  "Caitlin Halligan Need Not Apply: The D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals does not require her service", American Spectator


December 6, 2011  "Senate Republicans Spend a Long Day Protecting the Courts in Order To Trash Them", Slate, Dahlia Lithwick 

December, 8, 2011  "Caitlin Halligan: D.C. Circuit Court Judicial Nominee Filibustered", Huffington Post


December 12, 2011 "Caitlin Halligan & Richard Cordray blocked by partisan GOP", editorial, New York Daily News


postscript:  the origin of CJA's advocacy vs Caitlin Halligan's confirmation





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