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June 2022   July 2022


June 13, 2022
"Citizens' Group Seeks To Void Repeal And Replacement of NY Ethics Watchdog"
New York Law Journal (Brian Lee)

* * *

September 26, 2022
"Lawsuit seeks to strike key plank of new ethics law"
Albany Times Union (Chris Bragg)

September 26, 2022
"New ethics commission faces lawsuit and criticism"
News 10-WABC (Amal Tlaige)

October 3, 2022
"Lawsuit challenges committee's confirmation power to New York's new ethics commission"
Spectrum (Ryan Whalen)

October 7, 2022
"Lawsuit challenges confidentiality of ethics commission"
News 10-WABC (Amal Tlaige)  news@news10.comJDeLine@news10.com 

April 26, 2023
"Cuomo sues ethics panel saying its creation was flawed"
Albany Times Union (Joshua Solomon)

April 26, 2023
"Cuomo, who specialized in controlling ethics commissions,
sues existing ethics commission for being too controlling of the governor
City & State (Shantel Destra)

April 26, 2023
"Andrew Cuomo lawsuit says state has no authority to take his book millions"
New York Post (Zach Williams)

June 2, 2023
"Disgraced ex NY Gov. Andrew Cuomo fights in court
to keep $5M from COVID book
NY Post (Zach Williams) 

June 29, 2023
"The Constitutionality of the Commission on Ethics and Lobbying in Government"
Gov't Law Center/Albany Law School (Bennett Liebman)

September 11, 2023
"NY Ethics Agency in Doubt after Andrew Cuomo Lawsuit Win (1)"
Bloomberg Law (Zach Williams)

To contact the reporter on this story: Zach Williams at zwilliams@bloombergindustry.com

To contact the editors responsible for this story: Fawn Johnson at fjohnson@bloombergindustry.com; Stephanie Gleason at sgleason@bloombergindustry.com

September 11, 2023

Cuomo wins lawsuit, leaves New York without ethics watchdog"
Politico (Bill Mahoney)

September 11, 2023
Cuomo Wins Book Lawsuit, Leaving New York's ethics panel in Limbo"
New York Times (Grace Ashford)

September 11, 2023
"Judge rules in favor of Cuomo's bid to keep book money, neuter ethics board"
Daily News (Tim Balk)

September 11, 2023
"Ex-Gov Andrew Cuomo notches big winwith bombshell ruling that deems

NY ethics panel probing his $5M COVID book deal ‘unconstitutional
New York Post (Carl Campanile, Ben Kochman)

September 11, 2023
The New York ethics commission that pursued former Govenor Cuomo
is unconstitutional, a judge says
AP (Michael Hill)   The Independent

September 11, 2023
Judge strikes down New York state ethics panel"
Public Radio (Karen DeWitt)  NY-NOW

September 11, 2023
Court decision upends New York ethics oversight"
Spectrum News (Kate Lisa)

September 11, 2023
Cuomo wins lawsuit disbanding Albany's ethics watchdog body"
Buffalo News (Chris Bragg)

September 11, 2023
Andrew Cuomo scores $5 M court Victory in Legal Upset"
Newsweek (Katherine Fung)

September 11, 2023
Albany judge deems state ethics panel unconstitutional in Cuomo book case"
AM-NY - Politics NY (Ethan Stark-Miller)

September 11, 2023
Cuomo wins initial legal fight to unravel new ethics commission"
City & State (Vaughn Golden)

September 11, 2023
Reinvent Albany advisor on ruling that NYS ethics commission is unconstitutional"

Spectrum News (Casey Bortnick)

September 11, 2023
"Cuomo wins lawsuit disbanding Albany's ethics watchdog"
Buffalo News (Chris Bragg)

"Suit spurs talk of constitutional ethics change"
Spectrum News (Kate Lisa)

September 12, 2023
"Albany and ethics never mix.
A judge knocking down the state watchdog is due to the sloppy way it was created
Daily News (editorial)

September 12, 2023
"New Yorkers need a say on state ethics panel"
Newsday (editorial)

"New York court rules state ethics commission unconstitutional"
Jurist  (Rebekah Yeager-Malken)

September 18, 2023
"Cuomo wins another round to protect his multi-million dollar book deal"
WAMC-Public Radio (Blair Horner)

"A dead watchdog?"
Albany Times Union (editorial)

September 19, 2023
"The battle for oversight in Albany has suffered a severe setback"
Buffalo News (editorial)

September 27, 2023
"Ethics commission meets after judge ruled its unconstituitonal"
Albany Times Union (Brendan Lyons)

September 27, 2023
"NY ethics watchdog eyes more state funding amid ethics freeze"
Spectrum New (Kate Lisa)

October 1, 2023
"Give NYers an ethics watchdog they can trust"
New York Post (editorial)

February 16, 2024
"New York Appeals Court Hears Arguments Over the Fate of the State's Ethics Panel"
AP -- US News (Michael Hill)   PBS

February 16, 2024
"Appellate court hears Cuomo challenge to fledgling ethics agency"
Albany Times Union (Dan Clark)

February 16, 2024
"Next on Cuomo's Rehabilitation Tour: Blowing Up a State Ethics Panel"
New York Times (Grace Ashford)

February 21, 2024
"New York State's Ethics Commission Facing Judicial Test"
Insurance Journal  (Michael Hill)

March 11, 2024
"NY Appellate Courts Mull Markedly Differing Lawsuits
Questioning State Ethics Watchdog
NYLJ (Brian Lee)

March 15, 2024
"Future of NY's ethics body nears"
Politico (Bill Mahoney)

April 8, 2024
"Fourth Department Hears Arguments in Lawsuit Against NY's Ethics Watchdog"
NYLJ (Brian Lee)

May 9, 2024
"New York Ethics Panel Violates State Constitution, Appeals Court Rules"
New York Times (Grace Ashford)

May 9, 2024
"Appellate court sides with Cuomo, ruling ethics panel is unconstitutional"
Albany Times Union (Brendan Lyon)

May 9, 2024
"Cuomo wins another court battle against New York's ethics watchdog"
Politico (Bill Mahoney)


May 9, 2024
"New York appeals court rules ethics commission
that pursued Cuomo was created unconstitutionally
AP (Michael Hill)   also Post-Star

May 9, 2024
"Appellate court agrees that state ethics commission is unconstitutional"
City & State (Rebecca Lewis)

May 10, 2024
"Common Cause blasts COELIG ruling as 'authoritarian'"
Spectrum (Susan Arbetter)

May 23, 2024
"Ethics commission's fate still in limbo"

May 29, 2024
"Act now for a lasting ethics fix"
Daily Star (editorial)  -- Albany Times Union May 16th editorial




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2022 snapshot -- JCOPE

2022 snapshot -- COELIG

2023 snapshot -- COELIG





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