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June 6, 2022



 Exhibit A-1:   Petitioners’ April 13, 2022 complaint to JCOPE – cc to NYS-IG

Exhibit A-2:   (linked) Petitioners’ January 22, 2022 written statement in support of oral testimony at the Legislature’s January 25, 2022 “public protection” budget hearing

Exhibit A-3:   (linked) Petitioners’ January 25, 2022 (written) oral testimony at the Legislature’s January 25, 2022 “public protection” budget hearing

Exhibit A-4:    (linked) Petitioners’ March 25, 2022 e-mail to legislators –

“NYS BUDGET: What findings of fact & conclusions of law did you make regarding my testimony at the Jan 25, 2022 ‘public protection’ budget hearing?”

Exhibit A-5:   (linked) Petitioners’ March 18, 2020 letter to Governor Cuomo, etc., with its annexed August 21, 2013 letter to Governor Cuomo, etc.

Exhibit A-6:   (linked) Petitioners’ ninth cause of action of their 2nd citizen-taxpayer action with its incorporated sixteenth cause of action of their 1st citizen-taxpayer action


Exhibit B:      Petitioners’ December 17, 2021 complaint to JCOPE – cc to NYS-IG

Exhibit C:      Petitioners’ November 24, 2021 complaint to JCOPE
with its enclosed November 24, 2021 complaint to NYS Commission on Judicial Conduct


Exhibit D-1:   Petitioners’ March 5, 2021 complaint to JCOPE,
with its enclosures:  (Ex. A) Petitioners’ June 4, 2020 grand jury/public corruption complaint to Albany County D.A. Soares; (Ex. B) Petitioners’ June 13, 2020 grand jury/public corruption complaint to Montgomery County D.A. McCoski; (Ex. C-1) D.A. Soares’ June 27, 2020 letter; (Ex. C-2) D.A. McCoski’s August 20, 2020 letter

Exhibit D-2:  (linked) Petitioners’ February 11, 2021 complaint against AG James to Appellate Division attorney disciplinary committees

Exhibit D-3:   (linked) Petitioners’ February 7, 2021 complaint to NYS Commission on Judicial Conduct


Exhibit E:      Petitioners’ August 31, 2020 complaint to JCOPE


Exhibit F:       Petitioners’ December 11, 2014 complaint to JCOPE,
with its enclosures: (Ex. A) Petitioners’ July 11, 2014 letter (w/o attachments); (Ex. B) Petitioners’ July 18, 2014 letter; (Ex. C): NYC Bar Association’s July 9, 2014 letter


Exhibit G:      Petitioner’s June 27, 2013 complaint to JCOPE,
with its enclosed April 15, 2013 public corruption complaint to SDNY U.S. Attorney Preet Bharara


Exhibit H:  Petitioners’  July 11, 2013 complaint to NYS-IG -- cc to JCOPE,
constituting two inter-related complaints against “covered agencies”


Exhibit I:  Petitioners’ November 2, 2021 complaint to NYS-IG Lang,
constituting six inter-related complaints against "covered agencies”


Exhibit J:   Petitioners’ May 6, 2022 e-mail to JCOPE – cc to NYS IG
“Setting the record straight on Executive Law §94 – as to JCOPE & CELG –

& taking the emergency correcti[ve] action with respect thereto warranted by CJA’s April 13, 2022 complaint (#22-052)”


Exhibit K:   Petitioners’ May 16, 2022 letter to NYS-IG Lang – cc to JCOPE
“(1) Accounting for, and rectifying, your Office’s flagrant violations of its ‘Policy and Procedure Manual’ and Executive Law Article 4-A with regard to CJA’s Nov. 2, 2021 complaint vs JCOPE, etc.; (2) Confirmation that you will not have jurisdiction over CELG, pursuant to the newly-enacted Executive Law §94, in contrast to your jurisdiction over JCOPE, pursuant to the current Executive Law §94”


Exhibit L-1:   Petitioners’ July 9, 2021 written statement in support of oral testimony
at the July 12, 2021 Senate hearing on “New York State’s System of Ethics Oversight and Enforcement”

Exhibit L-2:  Petitioners’ July 12, 2021 written testimony in lieu of oral testimony

Exhibit L-3:  Petitioners' November 8, 2021 e-mail requesting to testify at December 9, 2021 hearing
on “New York State’s System of Ethics Oversight and Enforcement"

Exhibit L-4: Petitioners' November 15, 2021 e-mail requesting to testify at December 9, 2021 hearing

Exhibit L-5: Petitioners' November 30, 2021 e-mail requesting to testify at December 9, 2021 hearing

Exhibit L-6December 9, 2021 e-mail from Senator Biaggi's Chief of Staff


Exhibit M-1:  Petitioners’ March 9, 2017 e-mail to Committee on Open Government

Exhibit M-2:   Petitioners’ Sept. 16, 2019 e-mail to Committee on Open Government

Exhibit M-3:   Deputy Director’s September 30, 2019 e-mail

Exhibit M-4:   Petitioners’ January 13, 2020 e-mail to Committee on Open Government

Exhibit M-5:   Executive Director’s February 12, 2020 e-mail









Ethics in Government Act of 1987
Chapter 813 of the Laws of 1987

Public Employee Ethics Reform Act of 2007 ("PEERA")
Chapter 14 of the Laws of 2007

Public Integrity Reform Act of 2011 ("PIRA")
Chapter 399 of the Laws of 2011





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