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Securing Introduction & Passage
of the Public Trust Act
& a Constitutionally-Functioning Legislature

CJA's August 21, 2013 letter to Governor Andrew Cuomo, hand-delivered to the Executive Chamber/Albany:
"Achieving BOTH a Properly Functioning Legislature & the Public Trust Act (Program Bill #3) -- the S
ine Qua Non for 'Government Working' & 'Working for the People'"

           (1) "A Guide to Legislative Oversight", by the Assembly Committee on Oversight, Analysis and Investigation 
CJA's August 13, 2013 letter to Senator George Latimer & Assemblyman David Buchwald -- with Senate and Assembly Informational Guides: “How a Bill Becomes a Law”, “The Legislative Process and YOU”, and "There Ought To Be A Law"
Senator Greg Ball's  informational guide: "How a Bill Becomes a Law"

                       -- August 22, 2013 e-mail to Governor's Special Counsel for Public Integrity & Ethics Reform, Jeremy Creelan

 *    *    *

The Governor's Establishment of
the Commission to Investigate Public Corruption

Executive Order #106 
                            Executive Law, Sec. 6  ("Moreland Act")
                 Executive Law, Sec. 63 (subdiv 8)


 *    *    *

Isn't this what the Legislature's Committees
are supposed to be doing?  

·         the Senate Elections Committee: 
                  2012 Annual Report?    website

·         the Assembly Elections Law Committee: 
                  2012 Annual Report      website news & members

·         the Senate Committee on Investigations and Government Operations: 
                  2012 Annual Report      website

·         the Assembly Committee on Oversight, Analysis, and Investigation: 
                 2012 Annual Report     website news & members  

·         the Assembly Committee on Government Operations:
                 2012 Annual Report       website news & members

·         the Senate Committee on Codes
                  2012 Annual Report      website

·         the Assembly Committee on Codes
                  2012 Annual Report?      website news  & members

·         the Senate Committee on Civil Service & Pensions: 
                   2012 Annual Report?     website  

·         the Senate Ethics Committee: 
                    2012 Annual Report?    website

·         the Assembly Committeee on Ethics and Guidance: 
                    2012 Annual Report?    website news & members

·         the Administrative Regulations Review Commission:
                                 2012 Annual Reports?
               Senate website       Assembly website news & members    

·        the Legislative Commission on Government Administration
                                 2012 Annual Reports?
               Senate website?    Assembly website news & members

                               LEGISLATIVE LAW:
60 - Testimony before legislative committees.
61 - Subcommittees.
62 - Witnesses' fees.
62-A - Subpoenas; oaths.
62-B - Joint legislative committee competent authority to confer immunity.
63 - Expenses of committees.

Legislative Law, Article 4-A

          -- website
Ex Officio Members
Senate Judiciary Committee Chair:  John J. Bonacic
Assembly Judiciary Committee Chair:  Helene E. Weinstein
Assembly Codes Committee Chair: Joseph Lentol
Senate Codes Committee Chair: Michael F. Nozzolio

   *    *    *

The committees of the Legislature are sham
& the Legislature, as a whole, is
the "most dysfunctional" in the nation

click here for:
Brennan Center Reports -- 2004, 2006, 2008

click here for:
Temporary Senate Committee on Rules & Administration Reform (2009)

click here for:
Temporary Senate Committee's February 26, 2009 hearing -- including testimony of former Senators Franz Leichter & Seymour Lachman (at 03:03 - 37:44 mins.) -- & three Brennan Center witnesses (at 37:47 mins. -1:59:24 hr.), including Jeremy Creelan (at 01:05 hrs.)   

click here for:
"Reformer who called NY's Legislature 'dysfunctional'
will be Gov. Andrew Cuomo's ethics czar

*     *     *
The beginnings of a functioning Legislature, in 2009,
by committee oversight hearings

click here for:
video & transcripts of 2009 Senate Judiciary Committee hearings on the Commission on Judicial Conduct & court-controlled attorney disciplinary system

click here for:
video & transcripts of 2009 Senate Judiciary Committee hearings on "merit selection" to the NY Court of Appeals

*     *     *

The Governor's Public Trust Act

of Governor Cuomo's April 9, 2013 press conference

& press release: "Governor Cuomo Proposes New Class of Public Corruption Crimes"

"DA Vance Statement on Governor Cuomo's Proposed Public Trust Act" -- April 9, 2013 press release

      April 16, 2013   "Cuomo won't give AG election enforcement powers", Capitol Confidential, Jimmy Vielkind

              April 25, 2013 Where’s the bills?”, WNYC-Capitol Report           

of Governor Cuomo's June 11, 2013 press conference,
with press release
: "Governor Cuomo Details Comprehensive Reforms to Prevent Public Corruption, Modernize New York's Voting Laws, and Reduce the Influence of Money in Politics"

June 11, 2013 letter, signed by ALL 62 New York State District Attorneys to Speaker Silver & Senate Majority Coalition Leaders Skelos and Klein -- "RE: Governor's Program Bill #3: Public Trust Act"

"Manhattan District Attorney Vance, Governor Cuomo, District Attorneys from Around the State Urge Passage of Public Trust Act -- June 11, 2013 press release

*     *     *

The Governor's Program Bills #4, #5, #12

Governor's Program Bill #4 --
Creating Enforcement Counsel at Board of Elections;
Repeal of Wilson-Pakula; Party Enrollment Deadline Change


Governor's Program Bill #5 --
Voter Registration; Ballot Access; Ballot Simplification


Governor's Program Bill #12--
"Campaign Finance Reform Act of 2013"

*     *     *
Governor Cuomo's  2013 Program Bills

*     *     *

The Governor Establishes
the Commission to Investigate Public Corruption

Governor Cuomo's July 2, 2013 press release, with VIDEO of press conference -- "Governor Cuomo Appoints Moreland 'Commission to Investigate Public Corruption,' with Attorney General Schneiderman Designating Commission Members as Deputy Attorneys General"          

*     *     *

The Governor's message to Citizens --

"Governor Cuomo believes that government works when the voice of the people rings strong and true. Democracy works best when people are most engaged. It’s your government: own it!
...Governor Cuomo encourages you to make your voice heard!"

click here for : Citizenconnects

*     *     *

Press in Action

August 21, 2013 interview by Capitol Pressroom -- Susan Arbetter
(at 13:28 mins.)





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