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Paper Trail of Suppression, Protectionism,
Blackballing, & Election-Rigging


cc:  Casey Seiler
CJA's February 27, 2018 e-mail to Former Albany Times Union reporter, now its occasional columnist Paul Grondahl --
"What 'Fake News' Looks Like: 'Want to talk about the state's money? Budget plenty of time'--2/11/18 -- AP Chris Carola" 

cc:  Albany Times Union Editor/WAMC Media Project Co-Host Rex Smith
& Casey Seiler --
CJA's March 1, 2018 e-mail to Legislative Gazette Editor James Gormley -- "Training Journalists, Consistent with the Legislative Gazette's Mission -- Request for Investigation & Report of CJA's Citizen-Testimony
at the Jan. 30, 2018 and Feb. 5, 2018 Budget Hearings"

CJA's March 1, 2018 e-mail to Legislative Gazette Editor Gormley
& WAMC Media Project Co-Host Rex Smith --
"Thank you, Mr. Chartock: Legislative Gazette -- & WAMC Media Project"   [Chartock]

: Albany Times Union Editor/WAMC Media Project Co-Host Rex Smith
& Casey Seiler
CJA's March 7, 2018 e-mail to Luke Parsnow/Syracuse New Times --
"The Media's Agenda' It's NOT about truth -- and I can prove it.  Will you report -- and break a MAJOR news story that will upend this year's electoral races for governor, attorney general, comptroller, & every legislative seat?" 

CJA's March 29, 2018 e-mail to Casey Seiler, Chris Bragg, Matt Hamilton, Rick Karlin  --
"CORRUPTION ALERT: Does Albany 'Outsider' Cynthia Nixon think the 'three/four men in a room' budget deal-making,happening now & behind closed doors, is constitutional?  How about The New York Times?"

& its four attachments --

NYS Constitution, Article III, Sec. 10, Article VII, Secs. 1-7

"Three-Men-in-a-Room' Budget-Dealmaking" cause of action -- & here



CJA's April 6, 2018 e-mail to Brian Nearing --
cc: Rex Smith, Casey Seiler, Rick Karlin, Chris Bragg, Matt Hamilton
"Verifying the TRUTH of Sinclair's 'fake news' corporate-mandated message is EASY.  Here's the EVIDENCE -- "

April 2, 2018
"Corporate mandated 'fake news' messaging
backlash hits Capital Region, CBS-6
(Brian Nearing)

April 2, 2018
"The least they could do"

April 5, 2018
"Sinclair flap reveals local news value"

Rex Smith

April 8, 2018 -- WAMC "MEDIA PROJECT"

CJA's April 11, 2018 e-mail to Rex Smith --
cc: Nearing, Jochnowitz, Seiler, Karlin, Bragg, Hamilton
The TRUTH of Sinclair's 'fake news' corporate-mandated message -- & the 'game-changing' electoral significance of my media-suppressed testimony at the Legislature's Jan. 30/Feb 5, 2018 budget hearings"

CJA's April 11, 2018 e-mail to Smith --
cc: Lombardo, Lyons, Mehic, Silberstein, Nearing, Jochnowitz, Seiler, Karlin, Bragg
"Time to Update the Albany Times Union website -- The TRUTH of Sinclair's 'fake news' corporate-mandated message -- & the 'game-changing' electoral significance of my media-suppressed testimony at the Legislature's Jan. 30/Feb 5, 2018 budget hearings"

CJA's April 16, 2018 e-mail --    
"Did you read my March 7, 2018 e-mail on 'The Media's Agenda' It's NOT about truth...
[and] the electoral races for governor, attorney general, comptroller, & every legislative seat?"
cc: Smith, Jochnowitz, Karlin, Bragg, Lombardo, Lyons, Mehic, Silberstein, Nearing

CJA's April 16, 2018 e-mail -- "March 29, 2018 'CORRUPTION ALERT:
Does Albany 'Outsider' Cynthia Nixon think the 'three/four men in a room' budget deal-making, happening now & behind-cosed-doors, is constitutional?  How about The New York Times?"  cc to Smith, Seiler, Jochnowitz, Karlin, Bragg, Loombardo, Lyons, Mehic, Silbverstein, Nearing  -- click here for forwarded March 29, 2018 "Corruption Alert:..."

CJA's August 28, 2018 e-mail to Bragg, Lombardo, Lyons, Silberstein   & to Seiler, Smith
"Behind-the-scenes of tonight's Democratic AG debate -- Challenging the brazen lies & distortion of the AG's constitutional function -- WITH EVIDENCE"

CJA' September 5, 2018 e-mail to Lombardo, Lyons, Silberstein, Seiler, Smith --
"BEHIND-THE-SCENES: Tomorrow's Democratic AG Candidates Debate at Cooper Union -- 'A Point of Disclosure' as to Preet Bharara & Questions for the Candidates"

CJA's October 28, 2018 e-mail to Lombardo, Lyons, Silberstein, Seiler, Editorial --
"What role, the AG?' -- public corruption & the Oct. 30th AG debate"

CJA's November 1, 2018 e-mail to Editorial, Seiler, Lombardo, Lyons, Silberstein --
"Behind-the-scenes at tonight's gubernatorial debate --
Why shouldn't 'long-shot' candidates become the front-runners?"

November 30, 2018
"Assembly Speaker Makes Case for Legislative Pay Raise"
Albany Times Union (David Lombardo)

November 30, 2018
"Compensation Committee hears pitch for raises (VIDEO)"
Capital Confidential (David Lombardo)

CJA's November 30, 2018 e-mail to Lombardo --
"Your just published article 'Assembly Speaker Makes Case for Legislative Pay Raise" 


CJA's December 6, 2018 e-mail to Lombardo, Lyons, Seiler, Silberstein, Bragg --
"Behind-the-Scenes: NYS Compensation Committe
e -- today's 2:30 pm meeting"

* * *

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