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CJA's March 16, 2022 e-mail to Bragg --
"JCOPE's 'special meeting on Friday', referred to by your article 'To force Cuomo to repay millions, ethics commission mulls new tactic' (March 15, 2022 Albany Times Union)"

cc: to Bragg, Lyons, Seiler, Jochnowitz, Hearst, Churchill, Norder, Tyler
CJA's March 17, 2022 e-mail to JCOPE Chair
"JCOPE's 'special meeting on Friday' reported by Albany Times Union reporter
Chris Bragg ('To force Cuomo to repay millions, ethics commission mulls new tactic' 3/15/22)"

CJA's March 26, 2022 e-mail LCA reporters, including Bragg, Karlin, Lyons, DelRey, Solomon --
"NYS BUDGET: Challenge to the constitutionality & lawfulness of the FY2022-23 NYS budget, the fraud of 'ethics reform' -- & the 2022 elections"

CJA's March 27, 2022 e-mail to Seiler, Jochnowitz, Hearst, Churchill, Norder, Tyler, Lyons, Bragg, Gavin, DelRey, Solomon, etc. --
"NYS BUDGET: Challenge to the constitutionality & lawfulness of the FY2022-23 NYS budget, the fraud of 'ethics reform' -- & the 2022 elections"

CJA's May 5, 2022 e-mail to Seiler, Jochnowitz, Hearst, Bragg, Churchill,
Norder, Tyler, Lyons, Gavin, Karlin, Solomon, McKinley
"Corrections & Reporting Required: 'JCOPE issues a curious letter on Cuomo --
4 years after complaint' (4/29/22) AND 'A non-fond farewell to JCOPE' (4/15/22)"

CJA's May 6, 2022 e-mail to JCOPE --
"Setting the record straight on Executive Law §94 -- as to JCOPE & CELG --
& taking the emergency correction action with respect thereto
warranted by CJA's April 13, 2022 complaint (#22-052)"

cc: CJA's May 16, 2022 e-mail to Inspector General --
"(1) Your flagrant violations of your own policy, procedure & Executive Law Art. 4-A pertaining to CJA's Nov. 2, 2021complaint vs JCOPE, etc; (2) Confirmation that you will have no jurisdiction over CELG, in contrast to JCOPE"

cc: CJA's June 9, 2022 e-mail to "JCOPE Must Go" Coalition Members --
"NOTICE: Lawsuit vs JCOPE, et al. (#904235-22/Albany County) -- & your ethical and professional responsibilities to the People of the State of NY with respect thereto"

CJA's June 10, 2022 e-mail to LCAl --
"Lawsuit vs JCOPE -- & to VOID the statute shutting it down & replacing it
with a 'commission on ethics and lobbying in government' (CELG)
(Supreme Court/Albany Co. #904235-22)"

CJA's June 15, 2022 e-mail --
"Your just published article 'Law school dea unveil New York's new ethics system'
(June 15, 2022, Brendan Lyons)"

CJA's June 15, 2022 e-mail to LCA --
"BEHIND-THE-SCENES: NY's 15 law school deans announce their vetting process for members
of the JCOPE replacement --CJA's June 12th letter & the lawsuit"

CJA's June 16, 2022 e-mail to LCA --
"NOTICE OF CANCELLATION of tomorrow's oral argument on TRO,
hopefully to be rescheduled to Wed. June 22nd -- CJA, et al v. JCOPE, et al (Albany Co. #904235-22)"

cc: CJA's June 17, 2022 e-mail to David Grandeau, Esq. --
"UPDATE: Lawsuit vs JCOPE/cancellation of today's oral argument on TRO --
plus REQUEST FOR INFO, including to enable the Times Union's 'watchdog'/prize-winning journalism"

cc: Albany Times Union
Grandeau's June 17, 2022 e-mail to CJA --
"Re: Update...plus REQUEST FOR INFO..."

cc: Albany Times Union
CJA's June 17, 2022 e-mail to Grandeau --
"Thank you & more -- REQUEST FOR INFO, including
to enable the Times Union's 'watchdog/prize-winning journalism"

cc: Albany Times Union
Grandeau's June 17, 2022 e-mail --
"Re: Thank you & more..."

Lyons' June 17, 2022 e-mail to Grandeau, CJA

CJA's June 17, 2022 e-mail to Lyons --
"You're 'not sure why'? How about your Albany Times Union colleagues --
& Publisher Hearst?"

CJA's June 21, 2022 e-mail to reporters/editors on LCA roster --
"UPDATE -- CJA, et al v. JCOPE, et al (Albany Co. #904235-22) -- awaiting a judge

CJA's July 4, 2022 e-mail LCA roster --
"July 4th ALERT-- TIME IS OF THE ESSENCE -- TRO/Preliminary Injunction: 'ethics commission reform act of 2022' -- CJA, et al. v. JCOPE, at al. (Albany Co. #904235-22)"

CJA's July 4, 2022 e-mail to LCA roster --
"POST-SCRIPT to July 4th ALERT..."

CJA's July 5, 2022 e-mail --
"ALERT -- TIME IS OF THE ESSENCE -- TRO/Preliminary Injunction:
'ethics commission reform act of 2022' -- CJA, et al. v. JCOPE, at al. (Albany Co. #904235-22)"

CJA's July 7, 2022 e-mail to LCA roster --
"PRESS ALERT: Where are the nominations to the Commission on Ethics & Lobbying in Government,
whose operations are to begin tomorrow, July 8th?"

CJA's October 6, 2022 e-mail to Albany Times Union --
"Today's meeting of the CELG Commissioners, etc."

CJA's October 9, 2022 e-mail to Albany Times Union --
The Albany Times Union's 2022 Election Endorsements & its Concomitant Reporting Responsibilities -- CJA v. JCOPE, et al. ("Silence is not an option", Oct. 9, 2022 opinion, Editor Casey Seiler)

CJA's October 10, 2022 e-mail to Albany Times Union --
"The Albany Times Union's 2022 Endorsement for Attorney General &
its Concomitant Reporting Responsibilities -- CJA, et al. v. JCOPE, et al.
("Silence is not an option", Oct. 9, 2022 opinion, Editor Casey Seiler)

CJA's October 14, 2022 e-mail to LCA Roster --
"Election Reporting & Endorsements for Governor, Attorney General, Comptroller,
& State Legislators Based on the Record in CJA v. JCOPE, et al (Albany Co. #904235-22)




What Albany Times Union Journalism Looks Like:  

March 6, 2022
"Put overhauling JCOPE on state's 'must do list'"
Albany Times Union
(Laura Bierman, Evan Davis, Betsy Gotbaum, Blair Horner,
John Kaehny, Susan Lerner and Erica Vladimer)

April 4, 2022
"Bills stadium backlash: an ethics complaint and the economic impact"
Chris Bragg

April 6, 2022
"A dozen Democrats protest party's ethics plan"
Chris Bragg

Silence is not an option

October 16, 2022
"Trump endorses Zeldin in governor's race, citing long relationships"
Raga Justin

October 17, 2022
"Overlap between Zeldin campaign, outside groups backing him"
Chris Bragg

October 18, 2022
"New York Democratic chair's election complaint targets Zeldin"
Chris Bragg

October 20, 2022
"Election day is 3 weeks away. 
These candidates will face off in debates before then
Raga Justin


October 20, 2022
"Zeldin addresses controversies: abortion controversies, faulty petitions"
Chris Bragg

October 26, 2022
"For Attorney General: Letitia James"
editorial endorsement
"Any analysis of her first term..."

November 9, 2022
"Republicans gave away a winnable governor's race"
Chis Churchill


* * *

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