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THE CITIZEN -- Auburnpub.com
Paper Trail of Suppression, Protectionism,
Blackballing, & Election-Rigging




August 7, 2013 e-mail to Boyer, Harding --
"Going INSIDE the Commission to Investigate Public Corruption
-- email distribution 

CJA's August 28, 2013 e-mail to Boyer, Harding --
"Subject: What are the Commission to Investigate Public Corruption's procedures and rules for handling conflicts of interest?"

CJA's September 3, 2013 e-mail toBoyer, Harding --
"NEWS ALERT: Commission to Investigate Public Corruption Has Taken Down the September 18th Public Hearing (in Buffalo) from its Website"

CJA's September 6, 2013 e-mail to Boyer, Harding --
"NEWS ALERT: MISSING PRESS RELEASES:  What's Going On with the Commission to Investigate Public Corruption's Public Hearings?"

CJA's October 5, 2013 e-mail to Boyer, Harding --
"When will the Commission to Investigate Public Corruption be Holding its Next Public Hearings at Which the Public Will be Able to Testify as to the Breadth of Public Corruption Within its Knowledge & Experience?"

CJA's October 5, 2013 e-mail to Boyer, Harding -- "BTW..."

CJA's October 19, 2013 e-mail to Boyer, Harding --
"Has the Commission to Investigate Public Corruption shut-down public hearings because of conflicts of interest?" 

CJA's October 21, 2013 e-mail to Boyer, Harding --
"Latest Press Reporting on the Commission to Investigate Public Corruption's Public Hearings -- Unsubstantiated by the Commission's Website!"

CJA's October 24, 2013 e-mail to Boyer, Harding --
"ALERT THE VOTERS: 'Corruption on Steroids' --

CJA's October 26, 2013 e-mail to Boyer, Harding --
"'Members of the public are invited to attend only': Oct 28 'public hearing' of the Commission to Investigate Public Corruption"

CJA's December 2, 2013 e-mail to Boyer, Harding --
"Big Day for NYS Governance: Where are the Scholars to Provide Expert Opinions?"

CJA's December 8, 2013 e-mail to Boyer, Harding
"NEWS TIP on the 'Moreland' Commission's Dec 2 report, fn. 330, & the Gov's Dec 4 interview on Capitol Pressroom"

CJA's December 2, 2013 e-mail to Boyer, Harding --
"Big Day for NYS Governance: Where are the Scholars to Provide Expert Opinions?"







CJA's January 14, 2018 e-mail to Harding --
"Questions for Congressman John Katko -- & Election Lead"

CJA's March 15, 2018 e-mail to Harding, with cc to Boyer
"Questions for Republican County Chairs, for Molinaro -- & for Republican Chair Cox"



CJA's October 3, 2019 e-mail to Harding (2:08 pm) --
"Robert Antonacci's record as NYS Senator, disqualifying him from ANY office of public trust, including the NYS Supreme Court judgeship he has had the temerity to seek -- and to which 3 parties have given him their party lines"

CJA's October 3, 2019 e-mail to Harding (3:27 pm) --
"LEAD:  It doesn't take $ to knock off incumbents -- only EVIDENCE of their official misconduct -- Antonacci, et al"

October 8, 2019 e-mail to Harding (8:36 am)
cc: Jeremey Boyer, Michael Dowd, Chris Sciria, David Wilcox, Mary Catalamo --
"LEAD:  It doesn't take $ to knock off incumbents -- only EVIDENCE of their official misconduct -- ANTONACCI & FITZPATRICK, et al"

October 8, 2019 e-mail to Harding --(8:54 am)
cc: Jeremey Boyer, Michael Dowd, Chris Sciria, David Wilcox, Mary Catalamo -- "
FW: Robert Antonacci's record as NYS Senator, disqualifying him from ANY office of public trust, including the NYS Supreme Court judgeship he has had the temerity to seek -- and to which 3 parties have given him their party lines"



CJA's March 22, 2020 e-mail --
"Follow-up: Your March 18th editorial 'Heavy lifting on NY state budget will have to wait'" 

March 18, 2020
"Heavy lifting on NY state budget will have to wait"
Auburnpub/The Citizen (editorial)

CJA's September 15, 2022 e-mail --
"Cayuga County 2000 Elections -- Informing the Voters with EVIDENCE: public corruption/grand jury complaint vs Cayuga County's 5 state legislators -- including the 2 running for re-election -- which Cayuga County D.A. Budelmann is 'sitting on"


CJA's March 27, 2022 e-mail --
"NYS BUDGET: Challenge to the constitutionality & lawfulness of the FY2022-23 NYS budget, the fraud of 'ethics reform' -- & the 2022 elections"


CJA's July 5, 2022 e-mail --
"ALERT -- TIME IS OF THE ESSENCE -- TRO/Preliminary Injunction:
'ethics commission reform act of 2022' -- CJA, et al. v. JCOPE, at al. (Albany Co. #904235-22)"


CJA's April 30, 2023 e-mail --
"Your today's editorial:  'Let public review these NY budget bills” (Auburn Citizen, April 30, 2023)'"







April 7, 2022
"Remove proposal for ethics committee from New York state budget"



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