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"fearless, adversarial journalism"

Case Study #1 -- 2020  (Nick Pinto & here)

February 23, 2023
The Backlash: Police, Prosecutors and Republicans are Looking to Undo a Criminal Justice Reform in New York"
(Nick Pinto)

March 25, 2020
"America's Crisis Daddy Andrew Cuomo Exploits Coronavirus Panic
to Push Bail Reform Roll-Back in New York"
(Nick Pinto) 

CJA's March 27, 2020 e-mail to Nick Pinto -- & here
"Follow-up: Your March 25th & Feb. 23rd articles in The Intercept --
& the unconstitutionality of Gov. Cuomo's policy-packed budget,
in which the Legislature is collusive"

CJA's March 29, 2020 e-mail to Pinto --
"Follow-up: Your March 25th & Feb. 23rd articles in The Intercept --
& the unconstitutionality of Gov. Cuomo's policy-packed budget,
in which the Legislature is collusive"


Case Study #2 -- 2020

CJA's December 22, 2020 e-mail to Intercept to "tips" &
Editior-in-Chief Besy Reed, Co-Founding Editor Jeremy Scahill, Deputy Editor Roger Hodge,
Deputy Managing Editor Rashmee Kumar
"TIP/LEAD -- How do the FBI and U.S. Attorneys handle public corruption complaints
filed with them by members of the public?

Intercept's December 22, 2020 e-mail acknowledgment

CJA's December 23, 2020 e-mail to "tips" & Reed, Scahill, Hodge, Kumar --
"In further support -- TIP/LEAD..."


Case Study #3 -- 2021

March 2, 2021
"Andrew Cuomo is Living to Regret
the Deal He Pushed on Letitia James
(Ryan Grim)

March 12, 2021
"Primaries Matter:
Why This Time is Different for Andrew Cuomo
(Ryan Grim)

March 15, 2021
 “Cuomo's 'Women's Equality Party'
Might Just Be The Most Cynical Political Move of His Career
(Ryan Grim)

CJA's March 24, 2021 e-mail to Intercept to Ryan Grim
& cc'ingg "tips", Reed, Scahill, Hodge, Kumar
-- & here
"LEADS, arising from EVIDENCE establishing that you have been materially MISLED
by sources on whom you materially relied for your recent articles on AG James, Gov Cuomo,
WFP, & newbie and recently-elected state legislators"

Case Study #4 -- 2021

March 2, 2021
Working Families Party Weighs in on Crowded Manhattan DA Race"
Akela Lacy

May 11, 2021
"With a Crowded Progressive Field, Wall Street's Candidate Gains Steam in Manhattan DA Race
Ryan Grim, Rose Adams

June 9, 2021
New York Senate Confirms Pro-Cop District Attorney to State’s Highest Court
Rose Adams, Sara Sirota. 

June 15, 2021
"Wall Street's Candidate Gave Herself $8M for Manhattan District Attorney Race"
Akela Lacy

CJA's June 16, 2021 e-mail to Intercept to Akela Lacy,
'ing Grim, Rose Adams, Sara Sirota, "tips", Reed, Scahill, Hodge, Kumar
"Your article 'Wall Street's Candidate Gave Herself $8M
for Manhattan District Attorney Race' (Intercept, June 15, 2021)"

Case Study #5 -- 2022

CJA's July 4, 2022 e-mail to Reed, Hodge, Kumar, Lacy, "tips" --
"July 4th ALERT -- TIME IS OF THE ESSENCE -- TRO/Preliminary Injunction:
'ethics commission reform act of 2022' --
CJA, et al. v. JCOPE, at al. (Albany Co. #904235-22)"


Case Study #6 -- 2023

CJA's June 16, 2023 e-mail to The Intercept --
"Complaint vs Intercept to INN for Violations of INN Membership Standards,
the Code of Ethics of the Society of Professional Journalists,
501(c)(3) Proscriptions on Partisanship, & for Fraud"

CJA's July 7, 2023 e-mail to The Intercept --
Beyond the 'follow-the-pack' partisanship of your June 26th & April 25th articles
on conflicts of interest, ethics, and recusal at the Supreme Court"


* * *

PRIOR -- 2018 
Ryan Grim & here)

CJA's August 28, 2018 e-mail to Ryan Grim/Intercept --
"Behind-the-scenes of tonight's Democratic AG candidates debate --
Challenging the brazen lies & distortion of the AG's constitutional function -- WITH EVIDENCE

CJA's September 5, 2018 e-mail to, inter alia, Grim/Intercept --
"BEHIND-THE-SCENES: Tomorrow's Democratic AG Candidates Debate at Cooper Union --
'A Point of Disclosure' as to Preet Bharara & Questions for the Candidates"

CJA's October 28, 2018 e-mail to, inter alia, Grim/Intercept --
"'What role, the AG?' -- public corruption & the Oct. 30th AG debate"

CJA's November 1, 2018 e-mail to, inter alia, Grim/Intercept --
"Behind-the-scenes at tonight's gubernatorial debate --
Why shouldn't 'long-shot' candidates become the front-runners?"


PRIOR -- 2019  
Daniel Boguslaw -- now on Staff at Intercept

CJA's November 18, 2019 e-mail to Boguslaw/New Republic --
"Verifying the ABSENCE of judicial accountability is EASY --
as it is a matter of evidentiary proof"

CJA's December 18, 2019 e-mail to Boguslaw/The New Republic --
"ALERT: 4 pm TODAY meeting of the Commission on Legislative,
Judicial & Executive Compensation"


* * *
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