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CJA's May 14, 2013 e-mail to Ross Barkan/NY Observer/Politicker  --
"Evidence Establishing that Black & Hispanic Legislators
are Being Invidiously & Selectively Investigated & Prosecuted"

"State Senator Speculates and Debates: 'Attack on Black Leaders: Corruption or Conspiracy?'",
May 11, 2013, Politicker (Ross Barkan)  
also posted in Albany Times Union Capitol Confidential

CJA's May 17, 2013 e-mail to Ross Barkan/NY Observer/Politicker --
"Beyond 'Theories' to VERIFIABLE EVIDENCE:
The U.S. Attorneys' Invidious & Selective Prosecution of Minority Legislators"  

  U.S. Attorney Rejects Idea of Corruption Conspiracy Against Minority Pols",
May 17, 2013, Politiker (Ross Barkan)

click here for:  
CJA's handed-up April 15, 2013 corruption complaint
to U.S. Attorney Bharara (SDNY) 

click here for:  
CJA's May 13, 2013 corruption complaint
to U.S. Attorney Lynch (EDNY)

CJA's June 15, 2013 e-mail to Barkan --

"NYT story on selective & invidious investigation & prosecution of Black & Hispanic legislators?"
           -- attached May 22, 2013 letter to ALL Senators & Assembly Members
           -- attached 
May 13, 2013 letter/complaint to U.S. Attorney Lynch

           -- referred-to Video of Senator Sanders' forum "Attack on Black Leaders: Corruption or Conspiracy?": see 3rd question/comment from audience member (Sassower): (at 1:30:30)
 --  CJA's April 15, 2012 corruption complaint to US Attorney Bharara

CJA's October 4, 2017 e-mail --
"Winning your race for NYS Senate does NOT require money. 
It requires nothing more than reporting the EVIDENCE of government corruption for which Senator Golden and his collusive fellow public officers must be indicted!"

CJA's January 17, 2018 e-mail --



CJA's September 5, 2018 e-mail to, inter alia, Barkan --
"BEHIND-THE-SCENES: Tomorrow's Democratic AG Candidates Debate at Cooper Union --
'A Point of Disclosure' as to Preet Bharara & Questions for the Candidates"

CJA's October 28, 2018 e-mail to, inter alia, Barkan --
"'What role, the AG?' -- public corruption & the Oct. 30th AG debate"

CJA's November 1, 2018 e-mail to, inter alia, Barkan --
"Behind-the-scenes at tonight's gubernatorial debate --
Why shouldn't "long-shot" candidates become the front-runners?

CJA's December 6, 2018 e-mail to, inter alia, Barkan --
"Behind-the-Scenes: NYS Compensation Committee -- today's 2:30 pm meeting"


cc: CJA's September 4, 2019 e-mail to Gothamist --
"ALERT: NYS Public Campaign Financing & Election Commission

CJA's March 31, 2020 e-mail to Barkan --
"Your article 'Cuomo Helped Get New York into This Mess' (The Nation, 3/30/20)
is MISSING the Role of the Legislature & the NY Court of Appeals, among others --
& MISREPRESENTS the State Budget"

CJA's March 31, 2020 e-mail --
"Securing honest diagnosis of the state of the NYS Budget --
& of the Court of Appeals' 2004 decision in Pataki v. Assembly/Silver v. Pataki, 4 NY3d 75"

 CJA's March 31, 2020 e-mail --
"Your article 'Cuomo Helped Get New York into This Mess' (The Nation, 3/30/20) is MISSING the Role of the Legislature & the NY Court of Appeals, among others -- & MISREPRESENTS the State Budget"

March 30, 2020 "Cuomo Helped New York Get Into This Mess"
The Nation (Ross Barkan)

April 26, 2019 "'Enough Is Enough': Lawmakers Seek To Break Cuomo's Grip on NY's Budget"  
Gothamist (Ross Barkan)

cc: CJA's March 31, 2020 e-mail --
"Securing honest diagnosis of the state of the NYS Budget --
& of the Court of Appeals' 2004 decision in Pataki v. Assembly/Silver v. Pataki, 4 NY3d 75"

March 29, 2020 "Cuomo deserves praise -- and some words of caution
Albany Times Union (Richard Brodsky)

cc CJA's March 24, 2021 e-mail to NY Focus --
"When will you be reporting on Governor Cuomo's corrupting of state governance,
involving pay raises & the state budget?"

August 18, 2021
"The media's role in the Cuomo myth"
Columbia Journalism Review (Ross Barkan)


CJA's June 15, 2021 e-mail NY Focus --
"Behind-the-Scenes: Testing the fitness of the Manhattan D.A. candidates,
with EVIDENCE --public corruption & the grand jury responsibilities of the D.A.'s office"

CJA's June 15, 2021 e-mail to WNYC
"Behind-the-Scenes: Testing the fitness of the Manhattan D.A. candidates, with EVIDENCE --public corruption & the grand jury responsibilities of the D.A.'s office"

CJA's June 15, 2021 e-mail to City & State --
"Behind-the-Scenes: Testing the fitness of the Manhattan D.A. candidates, with EVIDENCE --public corruption & the grand jury responsibilities of the D.A.'s office"

CJA's March 26, 2022 e-mail 
"NYS BUDGET: Challenge to the constitutionality & lawfulness of the FY2022-23 NYS budget,
the fraud of 'ethics reform' -- & the 2022 elections"

CJA's July 4, 2022 e-mail
"July 4th ALERT -- TIME IS OF THE ESSENCE -- TRO/Preliminary Injunction:
'ethics commission reform act of 2022' -- CJA, et al. v. JCOPE, at al. (Albany Co. #904235-22)"

CJA's October 15, 2022 e-mail to New York Focus
"New York Focus' reporting of the 2022 electoral races for governor,
attorney general, comptroller, & state legislators --
& the corruption-eradicating lawsuit CJA v. JCOPE, et al (Albany Co. #904235-22)

CJA's February 5, 2023 e-mail to NY Focus & here --
"Prepping for the Legislature's Budget Hearings -- & 'Blowing the Whistle' on the Legislature's OWN budget"

CJA's February 26, 2023 e-mail to NY Focus --
"The Legislature's OWN Budget & 38 Questions for Stewart-Cousins & Heastie about it & about Gov Hochul's Legislative/Judiciary Appropriation Bill #S.4001/A.3001 expanding it"

CJA's March 2, 2023 e-mail to NY Focus
"Gov Hochul's 30-Day Amendments, Due Tomorrow --
Returning the Budget to its Constitutional Rails & Removing its Larcenies
& Non-Fiscal, Non-Revenue-Producing Policy

CJA's April 16, 2023 e-mail to NY Focus --
Is it a 'hearing' or a 'meeting'? --
Request to testify vs Rowan Wilson's confirmation as chief judge
& Caitlin Halligan's confirmation as associate judge -- plus FOIL request

CJA's April 17, 2023 e-mail to NY Focus --
"AGAIN: Request to testify vs Rowan Wilson's confirmation as chief judge & Caitlin Halligan's confirmation as associate judge -- & the duties of the Senate Judiciary Committee"










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