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Legislative Correspondents Association (LCA) Member & included in CJA's e-mails to its roster
of reporters, since CJA's August 6, 2017 e-mail entitled "PUTTING AN END TO FAKE NEWS..." --

Below are links to e-mails to the LCA roster including Clark
PLUS additional e-mails to him


CJA's 2018 e-mails to LCA roster



CJA's 2019 e-mails to LCA roster

August 9, 2019 --
interview of Clark by Susan Arbetter -- Capital Pressroom

cc: CJA's August 21, 2019 e-mail to NYLJ --
"Again thanks -- & here's the revised text I'll be sending out to NY press,
then to the law schools, bar associations, etc --"

cc: CJA's August 26, 2019 e-mail to NYLJ --
"Thank you -- 'A Call for Scholarship, Civic Engagement & Amicus Curiae
Before the NYCOA' (NYLJ 8/20/19 (internet), 8/21/19 (print)"

CJA's August 30, 2019 to Dan Clark/NYLJ--
"Correction Needed: 'Judge Strikes Down Outside Income Ban for NY Lawmakers,
Upholds Salary Hike' (NYLJ, Aug. 29, 2019" 

CJA's December 11, 2019 e-mail to Dan Clark/NYLJ --
"Reporting on today's meeting of the Commission on Legislative, Judicial & Executive Compensation --
& what's been happening 'behind-the-scenes'"

CJA's December 12, 2019 e-mail to Dan Clark/NYLJ --
"Will you be reporting on my yesterday's e-mail to the Commission on Legislative, Judicial & Executive Compensation, on my Nov 4th testimony that preceded it -- and o n the CJA v. Cuomo...DiFiore citizen-taxpayer action, at the Court of Appeals?"

Dan Clark's December 12, 2019 e-mail --

CJA's December 12, 2019 e-mail to Clark/NYLJ --
"The status of CJA v. Cuomo...DiFiore, at the Court of Appeals,
is that ALL cognizable adjudicative and ethical standards have been 'thrown out the window' --
and this is why the 'force of law' commission schme and lawsuits challenging them continue"

CJA's December 16, 2019 e-mail to Clark/NYLJ --
"Reminder: I am available -- and eager -- to speak with you about the MAJOR story
presented by my Nov. 4th testimony before the Commission on Legislative, Judicial & Executive Compensation"

CJA's December 17, 2019 e-mail to Clark/NYLJ --
"Here's the Latest -- Commission on Legislative, Judicial & Executive Compensation"

CJA's December 18, 2019 e-mail to Clark/NYLJ --
"THE LATEST:  Today's 4 pm Commission meeting --
& my third supplemental submission in further support of my Nov. 4th testimony"


January 9, 2020
WMHT welcomes Dan Clark as host and producer of New York NOW"

CJA's 2020 e-mails to LCA roster

CJA's October 2, 2020 e-mail --
ELECTION ALERT:  NYS' 15 D.A. races --
& the rigging of the 213 races for state Senate & Assembly seats


CJA's 2021 e-mails to LCA roster 



CJA's 2022 e-mails to LCA roster

CJA's March 31, 2022 e-mail to Clark --
"Your tomorrow's taping of New York NOW:
'Final Days of Budget Talks, Lawmakers Scramble, Path to Ethics Reform',
your live blog on the NYS budget -- & your other public-supported journalism



CJA's 2023 e-mails to LCA roster

cc: CJA's May 15, 2023 complaint to PBS Public Editor Ricardo Sandoval-Palos --
"Complaint against PBS Stations WMHT & WCNY for journalistic fraud,
most recently by their reporting on New York’s FY2023-24 state budget &
the Senate confirmations of New York Court of Appeals Associate Judge Rowan Wilson as Chief Judge and Former Solicitor General Caitlin Halligan
as Associate Judge
transmitting e-mail





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