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New York Public Radio Albany Bureau Chief &
Member of the Legislative Correspondents Association (LCA)

Below are links to e-mails to the LCA roster including DeWitt
PLUS additional e-mails to her



CJA's June 13, 2011 e-mail to DeWitt --
"NY's Commission on Judicial Confirmation: NOT OPERATIONAL OR ACCESSIBLE TO THE PUBLIC on day 73 of its maximum 150-day statutorily-limited existence"
CJA's 6-10-11 FOIL request to OCA --
          "Request for Records of Judicial Resignations Based on Insufficient Compensation"

CJA's 2011 e-mails to LCA roster



CJA's 2012-2013 e-mails to LCA roster

CJA's August 22, 2013 e-mail to DeWitt ONLY --
"The Public Trust Act -- & a Legitimate Legislature Process that Starts with the Rank-&-File"

CJA's August 22, 2013 e-mail to DeWitt ONLY --
"Subject: PS..."

cc: CJA's August 22, 2013 e-mail --
"Achieving BOTH a Properly Functioning Legislature & the Public Trust Act (program Bill #3 -- the Sine Qua Non for 'Government Working' & 'Working for the People'"

CJA's September 3, 2013 e-mail --
"NEWS LEAD: Commission to Investigate Public Corruption has, without explanation, taken down Sept. 18th hearing (in Buffalo) from its website"



CJA's 2014-2016 e-mails to LCA roster



cc:  CJA's December 23, 2015 e-mail to Catherine Loper/News Director/WRVO Public Media -- "Responding to 'DA Fitzpatrick responds to Albany corruption...' (WVRO, Dec. 23, 2015)"  



CJA's 2017 e-mails to LCA roster 



CJA's 2018 e-mails to LCA roster

cc:  CJA's April 10, 2018 e-mail to Adjunct Professor Loper/Newhouse School of Journalism --
"Follow-up -- The dishonest, cover-up journalism of NPR/PBS correspondents Karen DeWitt & Matt Ryan, ongoing and unabated"

CJA's April 12, 2018 e-mail --
"Response?  Follow-up -- The dishonest, cover-up journalism
of NPR/PBS correspondents Karen DeWitt & Matt Ryan, ungoing and unabated"

cc: CJA's April 16, 2018 e-mail --
"CJA's media-unreported March 29, 2018 'CORRUPTION ALERT:
Does Albany 'Outsider' Cynthia Nixon think the 'three/four men in a room' budget deal-making, happening now & behind-cosed-doors, is constitutional?  How about The New York Times?"   click here for forwarded   March 29, 2018 "Corruption Alert:..."

November 1, 2018 e-mail
"Behind-the-scenes at tonight's gubernatorial debate -- Why shouldn't 'long-shot' candidates become the front-runners?"

CJA's December 6, 2018 e-mail --
"Behind-the-Scenes: NYS Compensation Committee -- today's 2:30 pm meeting"



CJA's 2019 e-mails to LCA roster

CJA's August 21, 2019 e-mail --
"Is NY's new Public Campaign Financing & Election Commission constitutional?"

CJA's September 4, 2019 e-mail --
"ALERT: NYS Public Campaign Financing & Election Commission is INACCESSIBLE TO THE PUBLIC"



CJA's 2020 e-mails to LCA roster

CJA's July 10, 2020 e-mail --
Erie County's 2020 elections for district attorney, for 13 state senate and assembly seats & for its 27th congressional seat -- A Tale of Two Complaints"

CJA's October 2, 2020 e-mail --
ELECTION ALERT:  NYS' 15 D.A. races -- & the rigging of the 213 races for state Senate & Assembly seats"

December 5, 2020
"The Upstater behind the Mic:
Karen DeWitt reflects on three decades in Albany



CJA's 2021 e-mails to LCA roster

CJA's March 20, 2021 e-mail to DeWitt --
"LCA Directory -- & Gov. Cuomo's corrupting of state governance, involving pay raises & the state budget -- embodied in FULLY-DOCUMENTED corruption & ethics complaints"


CJA's 2022 e-mails to LCA roster

CJA's March 31, 2022 e-mail to DeWitt --
"Your tomorrow's taping of New York NOW: 'Final Days of Budget Talks, Lawmakers Scramble, Path to Ethics Reform', your live blog on the NYS budget -- & your other public-supported journalism



CJA's 2023 e-mails to LCA roster

cc:  CJA's May 8, 2023 complaint to NPR Public Editor Kelly McBride --
"Complaint against New York Public Radio for journalistic fraud, most recently by its reporting on New York’s FY2023-24 state budget & the Senate confirmations of New York Court of Appeals Associate Judge Rowan Wilson as Chief Judge and Former Solicitor General Caitlin Halligan as Associate Judge
 transmitting e-mail


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