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NJC's June 18, 1992 fax to Fred Strasser, Managing Editor
SEE: Judicial Selection - Federal 1992-3

NJC's August 4, 1992 fax to Strasser

NJC's January 25, 1993 fax to Chris Carmody

NJC's January 26, 1993 fax to Carmody


CJA's July 1, 1996 fax to Marcia Coyle
  -- transmitting CJA's June 28, 1996 letter to U.S. Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Hatch
 -- SEE: Judicial Selection - Federal: 1996


CJA's March 15, 2004 memo to Marcia Coyle/Accredited US Supreme Court Reporter --
"BRINGING IN THE EDITORS TO REVIEW CJA's March 1st story proposal & March 3rd supplement"


CJA's November 19, 2007 e-mail to Kris Fischer, Editor-in-Chief, New York Law Journal, requesting that she forward to "ALL editors and reporters at American Lawyer Media responsible for Supreme Court coverage", CJA's e-mail: "Press Release: Bringing Accountability to the U.S. Supreme Court"

Kris Fischer's November 19, 2007 e-mail -- "Subject: Re: Press Release: Bringing Accountability to the U.S. Supreme Court"

 CJA's November 19, 2007 e-mail to Kris Fischer, with copies to Tony Mauro, Marcia Coyle, Tom Schoenberg, Marisa McQuilken -- "Subject: THANK YOU!, etc -- RE: Press Release: Bringing Accountability to the U.S. Supreme Court"

CJA's March 11, 2008 e-mail to The National Law Journal & Legal Times -- "RE:  Peeking Behind the Closed Doors of the Judicial Conference -- Deliberations on the Proposed New Rules for Federal Judicial Discipline"

 SEE:     CJA's March 6, 2008 Letter to Chief Justice Roberts & Critique of the Report to the
              Chief Justice
on the Implementation of the Judicial Conduct & Disability Act of 1980


National Law Journal / Legal Times (BLT)


CJA's March 17, 2001 e-mail -- "'WITHOUT PRINTED REPORT': The Senate Executive Calendar for Caitlin Halligan's nomination to the US Ct of Appeals for the DC Circuit"

March 17, 2011 BLT article -- "Senate Confirms Another D.C. Judge" by David Ingram


Legal Times



CJA's March 3, 2004 memo to Tony Mauro/Accredited U.S. Supreme Court Reporter -- "RE: Supplementing & Reinforcing CJA's March 1, 2004 story proposal: your 'Courtside' column, 'Decoding High Court Recusals', Legal Times, 3/1/04 "

CJA's March 15, 2004 follow-up memo to Tony Mauro -- "RE: BRINGING IN THE EDITORS TO REVIEW CJA's March 1st story proposal & March 3rd supplement"

CJA's April 2, 2004 memo to Tom Schoenberg -- "RE: United States v. Elena Ruth Sassower, 'Disruption of Congress'"

CJA's April 8, 2004 memo to Tom Schoenberg

CJA's April 9, 2004 fax to Tom Schoenberg -- "RE: Disruption of Congress"

CJA's April 9, 2004 fax to Tom Schoenberg -- "RE: 'Disruption of Congress' case"

APRIL 12, 2004 FRONT-PAGE ARTICLE by Tom Schoenberg: "The Trial Of A Judicial Gadfly"

APRIL 19, 2004 ARTICLE by Tom Schoenberg: "On Trial"

APRIL 26, 2004 ARTICLE by Tom Schoenberg: "Quick Conviction"

CJA's May 27, 2004 memo to Tom Schoenberg; Jonathan Groner/Editor-at-Large; Eva Rodriguez/Editor-in-Chief
-- "RE: FOLLOW- UP COVERAGE: 'DISRUPTION OF CONGRESS': JUNE 1st SENTENCING: USA v. Elena Ruth Sassower: 'Championing Basic Citizen Rights  -- and the Vital Importance of Citizen Participation in Federal Judicial Selection'"

CJA's June 25, 2004 memo to Tom Schoenberg; Jonathan Groner/Editor-at-Large; Eva Rodriguez/Editor-in-Chief
 -- "RE: FOLLOW- UP COVERAGE: 'DISRUPTION OF CONGRESS': JUNE 28th SENTENCING: USA v. Elena Ruth Sassower: 'Championing Basic Citizen Rights  -- and the Vital Importance of Citizen Participation in Federal Judicial Selection'

JULY 5, 2004 ARTICLE by Tom Schoenberg: "Jailed"

DECEMBER 20, 2004 ISSUE: "2004 Year in Review -- It Was Not Their Year: Investigated, Attacked, Defeated. Jailed.  The players who'd like to forget 2004."




CJA's August 22, 2007 e-mail to Legal Times' Editorial Assistant Marisa McQuilken & Executive Editor Tom Schoenberg, with copy to Tony Mauro -- "Subject: Cert Petition - 'Disruption of Congress' Case & Legal Times articles by Chief Justice Roberts"

cc to Mauro: CJA's August 24, 2007 e-mail to Justice at Stake Campaign & Partners -- "Subject: Championing Judicial Independence at the U.S. Supreme Court -- Cert Petition in the 'Disruption of Congress' Case" 

CJA's August 30, 2007 e-mail to Marisa McQuilken, with copies to Tom Schoenberg and Tony Mauro -- Subject: Have You Found the Legal Times articles by Chief Justice Roberts?"

Marisa McQuilken's August 30, 2007 e-mail to CJA -- "RE: Subject: Have You Found the Legal Times articles by Chief Justice Roberts?"

CJA's August 30, 2007 e-mail to Marisa McQuilken, with copies to Tom Schoenberg and Tony Mauro -- "Subject: Thank You!  Re: Have You Found the Legal Times articles by Chief Justice Roberts?"

CJA's September 20, 2007 e-mail to Tony Mauro, with copies to Tom Schoenberg and Marisa McQuilken -- "Subject: Justice Roberts' Theme of Judicial Independence & The First Amendment -- Now Playing Out in the 'Disruption of Congress' Case Before Him & The Court"

CJA's September 20, 2007 e-mail to Tony Mauro, with copies to Tom Schoenberg and Marisa McQuilken -- "Please call me when you're off deadline.  It's URGENT"

CJA's September 21, 2007 e-mail to Tony Mauro, with copies to Tom Schoenberg and Marisa McQuilken -- "Subject: A Law Unto Itself -- The U.S. Supreme Court Clerk's Office"

CJA's October 9, 2007 e-mail to Tony Mauro, with copies to Marisa McQuilken and Tom Schoenberg -- "Your coverage of Chief Justice Roberts' speech at Syracuse University"

CJA's October 12, 2007 e-mail to Tony Mauro -- "Subject: Boumediene -- It's Not Just about Guantanamo Bay Detainees"

CJA's November 13, 2007 e-mail to Tony Mauro, with copy to Tom Schoenberg -- "Subject: Laying Bare the 'Internal Operations and Culture' of the Supreme Court & Its Clerk's Office"

CJA's November 15, 2007 e-mail to Tony Mauro, with copy to Tom Schoenberg -- "Subject: UPDATE: Laying Bare the 'Internal Operations and Culture' of the Supreme Court & Its Clerk's Office -- & Its Legal Office"

CJA's November 19, 2007 e-mail to Tony Mauro, with copies to Tom Schoenberg and Marisa McQuilken -- "Subject: PRESS RELEASE: 'How Does the U.S. Supreme Court Handle Misconduct Complaints against its Staff?"

CJA's November 19, 2007 e-mail to Kris Fischer, Editor-in-Chief, New York Law Journal, requesting that she forward to "ALL editors and reporters at American Lawyer Media responsible for Supreme Court coverage", CJA's e-mail: "Press Release: Bringing Accountability to the U.S. Supreme Court"

Kris Fischer's November 19, 2007 e-mail -- "Subject: Re: Press Release: Bringing Accountability to the U.S. Supreme Court"

CJA's November 19, 2007 e-mail to Kris Fischer, with copies to Tony Mauro, Marcia Coyle, Tom Schoenberg, Marisa McQuilken -- "Subject: THANK YOU!, etc -- RE: Press Release: Bringing Accountability to the U.S. Supreme Court"

Kris Fischer's November 19, 2007 e-mail -- "Subject: Re:  THANK YOU!, etc -- RE: Press Release: Bringing Accountability to the U.S. Supreme Court"

CJA's November 19, 2007 e-mail to Kris Fischer -- "Subject: Thank you -- and to you, too."

cc to Mauro:  CJA's November 20-21, 2007 e-mail -- "Subject: Defending Your Column 'Hey Justices: Stop Talking, Start Working" vs Mark Obbie's Lawbeat Blog"

CJA's March 11, 2008 e-mail to The National Law Journal & Legal Times
-- "RE:  Peeking Behind the Closed Doors of the Judicial Conference -- Deliberations on the Proposed New Rules for Federal Judicial Discipline"

  SEE:     CJA's March 6, 2008 Letter to Chief Justice Roberts & Critique of the Report to the
              Chief Justice
on the Implementation of the Judicial Conduct & Disability Act of 1980

National Law Journal

American Lawyer

CJA's June 17, 1992 fax to Ann Glusker, Senior Editor
  SEE: Judicial Selection - Federal 1992-3

CJA's February 5, 1997 letter to Susan Hansen, Senior Reporter





CJA's Letters to the Editor about the "disruption of Congress" case & three press releases about The New York Times case, given to Dahlia Lithwick, in hand, on November 18, 2006



CJA's correspondence given to Lithwick, in hand, on February 16, 2007 for her review & transmittal to Lyle Denniston

CJA's March 23, 2007 e-mail -- "Thank you, etc."

cc to Lithwick: CJA's June 19, 2007 e-mail to Justice at Stake Campaign --
Championing Judicial Independence at the U.S. Supreme Court by Amicus Curiae Support of Cert Petition in 'Disruption of Congress' Case"

cc to Lithwick: CJA's June 29, 2007 e-mail to Justice at Stake Campaign --
"'Working to Keep Our Courts Fair and Impartial'- as Empirically Tested by the 'Disruption of Congress' Case" 

cc to Lithwick: CJA's July 2, 2007 e-mail to Justice at Stake Campaign Partners --
"'Working to Keep Our Courts Fair and Impartial'- as Empirically Tested by the 'Disruption of Congress' Case" 

cc to Lithwick: CJA's August 24, 2007 e-mail to Justice at Stake Campaign & Partners -- "Championing Judicial Independence at the U.S. Supreme Court -- Cert Petition in the 'Disruption of Congress' Case" 

CJA's September 20, 2007 e-mail --
"Justice Roberts' Theme of Judicial Independence & The First Amendment -- Now Playing Out in the 'Disruption of Congress' Case Before Him & The Court"

CJA's September 20, 2007 e-mail --
"The Supreme Court Clerk's Office: A Law Unto Itself"

Dahlia Lithwick's September 20, 2007 e-mail --
"Re: The Supreme Court Clerk's Office: A Law Unto Itself"

CJA's September 20, 2007 e-mail --
"Bless You!  I Promise You a Prize-Winning & History-Making Story -- Beginning --"

CJA's September 21, 2007 e-mail --
"A Law Unto Itself -- The U.S. Supreme Court Clerk's Office"

CJA's October 12, 2007 e-mail --
"Boumediene -- It's Not Just about Guantanamo Bay Detainees"

CJA's November 13, 2007 e-mail --
"Laying Bare the 'Internal Operations and Culture' of the Supreme Court & Its Clerk's Office"

CJA's November 15, 2007 e-mail --
"UPDATE: Laying Bare the 'Internal Operations and Culture' of the Supreme Court & Its Clerk's Office -- & Its Legal Office"

Lithwick's November 15, 2007 e-mail --
"RE: UPDATE: Laying Bare the 'Internal Operations and Culture' of the Supreme Court & Its Clerk's Office -- & Its Legal Office"

CJA's November 15, 2007 e-mail --
"For You I will Wait, etc! -- RE: UPDATE: Laying Bare the 'Internal Operations and Culture' of the Supreme Court & Its Clerk's Office -- & Its Legal Office"

CJA's November 19, 2007 e-mail --
"PRESS RELEASE: 'How Does the U.S. Supreme Court Handle Misconduct Complaints against its Staff?"

Lithwick's November 19, 2007 e-mail --
"RE: PRESS RELEASE: 'How Does the U.S. Supreme Court Handle Misconduct Complaints against its Staff?"

CJA's November 19, 2007 e-mail --
"Thank you, but --"

Dahlia Lithwick's November 19, 2007 e-mail --
"RE: Thank you, but --"

cc to Lithwick:  CJA's November 20-21, 2007 e-mail --
"Defending Your Column 'Hey Justices: Stop Talking, Start Working" vs Mark Obbie's Lawbeat Blog"

CJA's December 11, 2007 memo --

CJA's December 12, 2007 e-mail --
"Bringing Accountability to the U.S. Supreme Court -- Starting with Reporters and Editors"

Lithwick's December 12, 2007 e-mail --
"RE: Bringing Accountability to the U.S. Supreme Court -- Starting with Reporters and Editors"

CJA's December 12, 2007 e-mail --
"Thank you, etc. -- Bringing Accountability to the U.S. Supreme Court -- Starting with Reporters and Editors"



CJA's March 11, 2008 e-mail -- 
"TODAY'S Closed-Door Judicial Conference Deliberations on the Proposed New Rules for Federal Judicial Discipline



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