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2013 Press in Action -- Compensation Progeny

click here for webpage:
Fighting Off Progeny of the Judicial Compensation Statute
& Securing a Functioning Legislative Process


Albany Times Union

April 16, 2013
Raising the salary bar for some state workers: Pending bill establishes panel to study,
mandate certain pay increases
(Rick Karlin)

April 22, 2013 
"Step raises coming for some: Many midlevel staff to get step raises or longevity bonuses"
(Rick Karlin)

April 29, 2013   
An unfair pay impasse"

CJA's April 30, 2013 email to Editorial Page Editor Jay Jochnowitz --
"Clarifying &/or Retracting Your Albany Times Union Editorial -- 'An unfair pay impasse', 4/29/13"

Jay Jochnowitz' April 30, 2013 e-mail

CJA's April 30, 2013 e-mail -- "Thanks..." 

June 12, 2013 
"MC's put their stock in a pay commission"
Rick Karlin

June 13, 2013 
State managers push for raises: Five years with no raises,
non-union mix seeks action in bill
Rick Karlin

June 21, 2013
pay bill heads to Cuomo's desk"
Casey Seiler

CJA's June 21, 2013 e-mail to Rex Smith/Vice-President & Editor --
"Times-Union coverage of the bill creating a special commission on compensation of managerial and confidential state employees"   

(cc: Jochnowitz, Karlin, Seiler, Odato, Vielkind)

June 28, 2013
Letter: Restore raises, payments due to state employees"

September 18, 2013 
Cuomo weighs pay panel for M/C jobs"
Rick Karlin

September 24, 2013 
Unfreeze pay for managers"

September 27, 2013 
If it's Friday night; Cuomo's signing/vetoing bills"
Casey Seiler

September 28, 2013 
Cuomo vetoes M/C pay bill; OMCE is upset"
Casey Seiler

September 28, 2013
Cuomo's Friday Night Massacre: Cuomo's signings, vetos"
Casey Seiler

CJA's October 2, 2013 e-mail to Seiler  (cc: Karlin, Odato, Jochnowitz, Smith, Carleo-Evangelist)-- "A propos of your September 28th Capitol Confidential blog 'Cuomo vetoes M/C/ paybill; OMCE is upset' -- to which there are 123 comments, currently --"
    -- attaching:
CJA's June 25, 2013 letter to Gov. Cuomo

January 22, 2014
OMCE seeks relief in 30 days"
Rick Karlin

December 17, 2014 
Deja veto: M/C/ pay commission rejected by Cuomo"
Rick Karlin

New York World-Columbia University
The New York World -- "Track the action in Albany"

CJA's May 9, 2013 e-mail to The New York World --
"Your Invitation for Suggestions of Bills for Inclusion in Your 'New York Legislative Bill Tracker"

CJA's June 19, 2013 e-mail to The New York World --
"What kind of 'accountability journalism' -- indeed, ethical responsibility -- do they teach at Columbia University Graduate School of Journalism?"

CJA's June 21, 2013 e-mail to The New York World --
"Yes! Absolutely!"                              
   CJA's attached May 7, 2013 e-mail

New York Daily News

June 4, 2013
CIVIL SERVICE: State managers seek raises to bring their salaries
higher than those of subordinates
", Reuven Blau

CJA's June 20, 2013 e-mail to Reuven Blau -
"Your June 4th article: CIVIL SERVICE: State Managers seek raises to bring their salaries higher than those of subordinates"

Reuven Blau's June 20, 2013 e-mail

CJA's June 21, 2013 e-mail to Reuven Blau --
"Taking the Lead: The Scandal that Will End William Thompson's Mayoral Campaign -- & Bring Down a 'Who's Who' -- Beginning with Governor Cuomo..."

July 1, 2013
Civil Service: State managers want Gov. Cuomo to sign bill
that could end five-year wait for pay raises
Reuven Blau

September 30, 2013
Civil Service: Gov. Cuomo vetoes bill to raise pay for 8,000 state managers
and confidential secretarie

Reuven Blau


Schenectady Gazette

April 23, 2013:
Some non-unionized state workers getting raises" , Schenectady Gazette, David Lombardo

Syracuse Post Standard

September 18, 2013
DeFrancisco bill could give pay raises to $9,000 New Yorkers", Teri Weaver

*  *  *

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