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CJA's June 8, 2001 letter to Erin Sullivan -- "RE: Journalism that makes a difference: An investigate expose of the NYS Commission on Judicial Conduct"
          SEE: Test Cases - State (Commission)

CJA's June 15, 2001 fax to Erin Sullivan -- "RE: As discussed this morning"

CJA's June 18, 2001 fax to Erin Sullivan -- "RE: Voice mail message left for you today"



CJA's February 4, 2002 letter to Erin Sullivan -- "RE: Investigative Expose of the Readily-Verifiable Evidence of the Corruption of the NYS Commission on Judicial Conduct"

Erin Sullivan's February 19, 2002 e-mail

CJA's February 21, 2002 letter to Erin Sullivan -- "RE: Investigative SERIES on the Readily-Verifiable Evidence of the Corruption of the Commission on Judicial Conduct -- INCLUDING the Cover-Up of that Evidence by The Albany Times Union and Other Mainstream Newspapers"

CJA's February 25, 2002 letter to Erin Sullivan -- "RE: Your Investigative Expose of the Readily-Verifiable Evidence of the Corruption of the NYS Commission on Judicial Conduct; (a) Specific Questions for those in leadership; (2) Contact Information for those in leadership; (3) Today's full-page 'Judging the Judges' Daily News editorial 'Lax Discipline Lacks Effectiveness'"

CJA's February 26, 2002 letter to Erin Sullivan -- "RE Getting Answers to Specific Questions abut the NYS Commission on Judicial Conduct"

CJA's February 26, 2002 letter to Erin Sullivan -- "RE: REBUTTAL & CORRECTIONS"

"Who's to Judge?: Critics wonder if the state Commission on Judicial Conduct is fulfilling its mandate to make judges accountable for their actions", by Erin Sullivan, Metroland, February 28, 2002

CJA's March 4, 2002 fax to Erin Sullivan (5:50 pm),-- "RE: 'Who's To Judge?'"

Erin Sullivan's March 4, 2002 e-mail (6:23 pm) -- "Subj: RE: 'Who's to Judge?' -- Attachment"

CJA's March 5, 2002 fax (12 pm) -- "RE: Letter to the Editor: 'Finding the Judge'"

Erin Sullivan's March 5, 2002 e-mail (12:16 pm) -- "Subj: RE: Proposed Letter: 'Finding the Judge'"

March 5, 2002 e-mail from Editor & Publisher Stephen Leon (1:19 pm) -- "Subj: edited letter"

CJA's March 5, 2002 e-mail (4:50 pm) -- "Subj: Letter to Editor"

Erin Sullivan's March 5, 2002 e-mail (4:55 pm) -- "Subj: RE: Letter to Editor"

Stephen Leon's March 5, 2002 e-mail (5:42 pm) -- "Subj: final edit"

Published Letter to the Editor, "Sitting in Judgment", March 7, 2002

CJA's March 11, 2002 letter to Erin Sullivan -- "RE: 'Who's to Judge?' CONTINUED: Verifying the File Evidence of the Corruption of the NYS Commission on Judicial Conduct -- and its Electoral Ramifications on the Governor and Attorney General"

CJA's March 22, 2002 letter -- "RE: 'Who's to Judge?' CONTINUED: Following up on my March 11th letter to you"

CJA's April 23, 2002 fax to Erin Sullivan -- "RE: LAW DAY - May 1st"

CJA's April 24, 2002 fax to Erin Sullivan -- "RE: LAW DAY - May 1st"

"Appeal for Justice: Lawsuit alleges corruption at the state Commission on Judicial Conduct -- and seeks to disqualify all members of the Court of Appeals hearing it", by Erin Sullivan, Metroland, April 25-May 1, 2002


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