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Skewing & Subverting the Electoral Process --


from his first term as Attorney General,
enabling him to be re-elected to a second term as Attorney General, &, thereafter, to be elected Governor...
and NOW to run for NYC Comptroller

*   *   *

To the question

 (coverstory, New York Magazine, January 10, 2005)  

CJA answers --
YES, so long as the press persists in betraying its obligation to examine
the readily-verifiable evidence
establishing the hoax of his
'Public Integrity Unit'
& his modus operandi of litigation misconduct

*   *   *

CJA's Press Release:

(circulated to the Press from May - October 2002)


1.         Spitzer's 1998 Campaign Platform:
                 "Making New York State the Nation's Leader in Public Integrity"

2.     Transcript of A.G. Spitzer's January 27, 1999 public announcement of his establishment of a public integrity unit (at pp. 7-8) -- and Elena Sassower's responding public exchange with him (at pp. 13-14)

3.          CJA's January 27, 1999 letter to A.G. Spitzer -- "RE: Your mandatory professional and ethical obligations" -- which Elena Sassower publicly handed him on that date at the conclusion of her public exchange with him
      Ex. A: "Restraining 'Liars in the Courtroom' and on the Public Payroll", CJA's $3,077 ad, New York Law Journal, August 27, 1997
      Ex.B-1:  CJA's September 19, 1995 letter to A.G. Vacco
      Ex.B-2:  CJA's January 13, 1998 letter to A.G. Vacco
      Ex.C-1:  CJA's December 24, 1998 letter to A.G. Spitzer -- c/o Lloyd Constantine, Chairman-Transition Team --
                    "RE: Rescinding the Appointments of Michelle Hirshman & Richard Rifkin"
      Ex.C-2:  CJA's December 28, 1998 letter to A.G. Spitzer -- c/o Lloyd Constantine --
                    RE: Rescinding the Appointments of Michelle Hirshman & Richard Rifkin"
                    enclosing CJA's Letter to the Editor, "An Appeal to Fairness:  Revisit the Court of Appeals",
                    NY Post , December 28, 1998

      Ex.D-1:  CJA's August 8, 1994 letter to A.G. candidate Spitzer
      Ex. D-2:  CJA's September 7, 1998 letter to A.G. candidate Spitzer
      Ex. D-3: CJA's notice to New York Law Journal/City Bar, with copy to candidate Spitzer
      Ex. E:   CJA's November 18, 1998 letter to City Bar Executive Committee, with copy to Governor Pataki

         CJA's Correspondence with A.G. Spitzer -- including ethics & criminal complaints against him
Record of CJA's public interest lawsuit vs the New York State Commission on Judicial Conduct   (April 1999- December 2002)

New York's "Election-Rigging" Press

CJA's October 8, 2002 memo to The New York Times Editorial Board
see CJA's "Paper Trail" of prior correspondence with The New York Times
(especially CJA's 8/27/99, 8/30/99, 9/13/99, 9/28/99, 11/9/99, 1/7/00, 1/12/00, 4/17/00,
6/18/02, 6/27/02, 7/19/02, 9/18/02, 9/20/02, 9/26/02, 10/4/02, 10/8/02 correspondence)
also, CJA's June 19, 2003 letter to Allan Siegal (at p. 4) and
October 13, 2003 letter to Bill Keller (at pp. 4-7; 15-25)

Editorial Endorsement: October 31, 2002
"Re-elect Eliot Spitzer"

November 6, 2002: "Pataki Coasts to a 3rd Term in New York"
"In other New York races, Attorney General Eliot Spitzer obliterated
his Republican opponent, Dora Irizarry, to win a second term,
firmly establishing himself as one of the brightest young stars
in the state Democratic party and a possible candidate for governor."

CJA's July 8, 2002 letter to The New York Sun

see CJA's "Paper Trail" of subsequent correspondence with The New York Sun

CJA's September 20, 2002 letter to the Associated Press
see CJA's "Paper Trail" of correspondence with the Associated Press

CJA's September 24, 2002 letter to Gannett News Service
CJA's October 2, 2002 letter to Gannett News Service
see CJA's "Paper Trail" of correspondence with Gannett
(especially CJA's 9/8/99, 9/9/99, 1/3/00, 5/19/00 correspondence)

CJA's October 5, 2002 memo to Westchester Journal News Editorial Board   (Gannett-owned)
see CJA's "Paper Trail" of correspondence with Westchester Journal News 
(especially CJA's 9/24/02, 10/10/02 correspondence)

Editorial Endorsement: October 26, 2002

CJA's September 25, 2002 letter to Albany Times Union
see CJA's "Paper Trail of prior correspondence with the Albany Times Union
(especially CJA's 6/26/02 letter)

Editorial Endorsement: November 1, 2002
"Spitzer for attorney general"

CJA's October 8, 2002 memo to Daily News Editorial Board
see CJA's "Paper Trail" of prior correspondence with the Daily News
(especially CJA's 8/31/99, 9/8/99, 9/13/99, 3/13/00, 11/30/01, 9/24/02 correspondence)

Editorial Endorsement: October 31, 2002
"Another term for Spitzer"

CJA's October 9, 2002 memo to Newsday Editorial Board
see CJA's "Paper Trail" of prior correspondence with Newsday
(especially CJA's 9/24/02, 9/30/02 correspondence)

Editorial Endorsement: October 28, 2002
"An Achiever With Star Power"

CJA's October 10, 2002 memo to New York Post Editorial Board
see CJA's "Paper Trail" of correspondence with the New York Post
(especially CJA's 9/10/99, 12/31/99, 1/4/00, 1/10/00, 1/11/00, 10/2/02 correspondence)

Editorial Endorsement: October 13, 2002
"Spitzer, The Reformer"

Editorial Endorsement: October 27, 2002
"Spitzer for Attorney General"

CJA's October 11, 2002 letter to New York Law Journal Publisher
See CJA's "Paper Trail" of prior correspondence with the New York Law Journal
(especially 1/26/99, 1/14/00, 10/3/01, 11/30/01, 1/7/02, 5/3/02 correspondence)

CJA's October 7, 2002 memo to The Black Star News

CJA's May 20, 2002 letter to Politicsny.com
see CJA's "Paper Trail" of correspondence with Politicsny.com

*   *   *

Yonkers Mayor John Spencer's June 26, 2003 complaint of political corruption,
filed with Attorney General Spitzer for investigation by his "Public Integrity Unit" --
& endorsed for investigation by Westchester County's nine Martinelli newspapers, July 24, 2003

Follow-up by Martinelli newspapers:

"Attorney General Spitzer Can't Find Any Documents From Spencer Complaint"
June 24, 2004

"Still No Records Found By Attorney General About Spencer Complaint"
July 8, 2004

NOTE: --  New York Sun's October 18, 2006 posting of Mayor Spencer's June 26, 2003 complaint has mysteriously vanished

*   *   *



CJA's July 29, 2005 letter to New York Times Executive Editor Bill Keller on "Being True to the First Amendment by reporting on the readily-verifiable evidence...of the corruption of the processes of judicial selection & discipline and the complicity of our highest public officers, including those seeking re-election or further public office --...New York State Attorney General Eliot Spitzer...among them..."  

Fn #7 (at p. 7): "Analysis of Times coverage would show it is heavily weighted to reporting on speculation, on political power brokers who support the incumbents or who are commenting on their prospects, on the incumbents' fundraising, on their politically-expedient posturings and positions  -- for which, by virtue of their public office, they get added free publicity -- and on polls.  The polls would tumble, as likewise the fundraising, if the public were informed of the records of these public officers with respect to judicial selection and discipline"

SEE:  Suing The New York Times --Verified Complaint, para. 110



CJA's April 11, 2006 e-mail to The New York Times' "Talk to the Newsroom: Executive Editor Bill Keller" -- "RE: QUESTIONS FOR PUBLIC RESPONSE BY BILL KELLER"

"...as to New York Attorney General Eliot Spitzer, running to be New York's next governor in this year's elections, and New York's Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton, running to be re-elected to the U.S. Senate this year while eyeing the 2008 presidential race, WHAT WILL IT TAKE for The Times to investigate their records with respect to the processes of judicial selection and discipline -- and to report its scandalous findings to the voting public?  (capitalization in original).

SEE: Elections 2006: Informing the Voters

:  to New York Times -- CJA's June 20, 2006 memorandum to Candidates for the Democratic Nomination for NY Attorney General -- Andrew Cuomo, Mark Green, Charlie King, Sean Patrick Maloney -- & to the Republican Nominee for NY Attorney General Jeanine Pirro
-- "RE: Informing the Voters: Whether You Will Confront Readily-Verifiable Casefile Proof of Corruption by New York Attorneys General, Past and Present, and Discharge Your Mandatory Professional and Ethical Obligations with Respect Thereto, Including by Criminal Prosecutions"      

cc:  to New York Times --  CJA's June 26, 2006 letter to John Faso, Republican Nominee for New York Governor -- "RE: Informing the Voters: Attorney General Eliot Spitzer's readily-verifiable corruption in office -- covered up by an election-rigging press"

CJA's August 25, 2006 memo to NEW YORK TIMES Editorial Page Editor Gail Collins, Editorial Board, Publisher Arthur Sulzberger, Jr., Executive Editor Bill Keller, Managing Editor Jill Abramson -- "RE: Your Upcoming Editorial Endorsements and On-Going Election Coverage: The Races for New York Governor, U.S. Senator from New York, and New York Attorney General"    


SEE: Elections 2006: Informing the Voters


* * *

in the Spitzer Fiasco -- The Media's Role as "his Enabler"

"The fall of New York Gov. Eliot Spitzer holds many lessons...
but don't expect the press corps to delve into the biggest lesson of all --
 its own role as his enabler."
tzer's Media Enablers",
Wall Street Journal op-ed,
Kimberly A. Strassel, March 12, 2008)






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