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Lindsay Fellowship in Government Leadership & Practice


2017 Fellows --
(among them,
3 NYS Assemblymembers)

Assemblywoman Nily Rozic
Ways & Means

Assemblywoman Alicia Hyndman
Governmental Operations

Assemblyman Walter Mosley


2018 Fellows --
(among them,
6 NYS Senators; 4 NYS Assemblymembers)

Senator Jamaal Bailey, ESQ.
Ranking Member/Codes
Finance; Judiciary; Crime, Crime Victims & Correction

 CJA's January 12, 2017 e-mail
to Chief of Staff to Ranking Member Senator Jamaal Bailey
"Welcome to 1st term Senator Bailey! 
We need leaders -- & rank & file that will help leaders!"

cc: to Bailey   CJA's February 6, 2017 letter...Legislative Leadership --
   "(1)  Where are your appointments to the Commission on Government Administration
and to the Commission on State-Local relations, required by Legislative Law Article 5-A?
           (2) When will you be responding to my requests for a meeting for purposes of preventing a repeat of the constitutional, statutory and legislative rule violations chronicled by the September 2, 2016 verified complaint in CJA's citizen-taxpayer action?
transmitting e-mail

CJA's February 8, 2017 e-mail to...Lawyer-Senator Bailey as
Ranking Member of the Senate Committee on Crime, Crime Victims, & Correction
"Letter to Leadership: (1) Legislative Law Article 5-A Commission on Gov't Administration & State-Local Relations; (2) requested meetings to prevent repeat of constitutional, statutory, & Legislative rule violations re: fiscal year 2017-18 budget" 

CJA's December 4, 2017 letter --
"Your Duty to Assist the Westchester County Board of Legislators in Discharging its Duty to Safeguard the Westchester County Budget from Statutorily-Violative and Fraudulent District Attorney Salary Increases"

CJA's January 29, 2018 e-mail to Senate Judiciary Committee member Bailey

transmitted written statement in support of testimony

VIDEO of CJA's Testimony
at Legislature's January 30, 2018 budget hearing
on "Public Protection"


Senator Jesse Hamilton
Judiciary; Crime, Crime Victims & Correction

CJA's January 29, 2018 e-mail to Judiciary Committee member Hamilton

transmitted written statement in support of testimony


Assemblyman Ron Castorina, ESQ.

CJA's January 29, 2018 e-mail to Judiciary Committee member Castorina

transmitted written statement in support of testimony

Assemblywoman Latoya Joyner, ESQ.

CJA's January 29, 2018 e-mail to Judiciary Committee member Joyner

transmitted written statement in support of testimony

Senator Roxanne Persaud
Finance; Ethics & Internal Governance

CJA's February 23, 2017 misconduct/fraud complaint
"RE:  FIRST TEST of the Senate's Ethics and Internal Governance Committee:
Senate Rules for 2017-2018"


Senator Brian Benjamin
Finance; Investigations & Gov't Operations

Senator Leroy Comrie
Finance; Corporations, Authorities & Commissions

Senator Marisol Alcantara
Corporations, Authorities & Commissions

Assemblyman Michael Blake
Governmental Operations; Correction; Election Law

Assemblywoman Latrice Walker
Correction; Election Law


cc:  CJA's April 25, 2018 e-mails --
"'Lindsay Fellowship in Government Leadership and Practice', Etc."

April 25, 2018 e-mail from William Glasgall/State & Local Program Director






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