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CJA's May 4, 2004 memo -- "Beyond Statistics to Documentary Evidence: The Corruption of Federal Judicial Selection/Confirmation, as Readily-Verifiable from Case-Studies of So-Called 'Mainstream', 'Consensus' Nominations -- Including those Engineered by Senator Charles Schumer"--
                             addressed to:

       Professor Michael J. Gerhardt (William & Mary Law School)
       Professor Stephen Presser (Northwestern University Law School)
       Professor John Anthony Maltese (University of Georgia)
       Professor Elliot Slotnick (Ohio State University)
       Professor Sheldon Goldman (University of Massachusetts/Amherst)
       Professor Judith Resnick (Yale Law School)
       Professor Nancy Scherer (University of Miami)
       Professor Jack M. Balkin (Yale Law School)
       Professor Stephen Choi (Boalt Hall School of Law/University of California-Berkeley)
       Professor Mitu Gulati (Georgetown University Law Center)
       Professor John V. Orth (University of North Carolina/Chapel Hill)
       Professor Ahmed E. Taha (Wake Forest University School of Law)

CJA's transmitting May 4, 2004 e-mail to Academic Contributors & to Professor Bernard Hibbetts & Professor Jason Mazzone

May 4, 2004 e-mail failure notice for Professor Scherer

CJA's May 11, 2004 e-mail to Professors Hibbetts & Mazzone

CJA's June 14, 2004 e-mail to Professors Taha. Gulati, and Professor Scherer, with copies to Professors Hibbets & Mazzone & academic contributors

June 14, 2004 e-mail failure notice for Professor Scherer

June 15, 2004 fax for Professor Scherer

Exchange with Professor Presser
Professor Presser's May 4, 2004 e-mail (11:19 am)
CJA's May 4, 2004 e-mail (4:34 pm)
Professor Presser's May 4, 2004 e-mail (5:32 pm)
CJA's May 5, 2004 e-mail (9:18 am)
Professor Presser's May 5, 2004 e-mail (9:48 am)

Exchange with Professor Goldman
Professor Goldman's May 4, 2004 e-mail (1:32 pm)
CJA's May 4, 2004 e-mail (2:01 pm)
Professor Goldman's May 4, 2004 e-mail (2:11 pm)
CJA's May 4, 2004 fax (2:30 pm)

Exchange with Professor Resnick:
June 14, 2004 e-mail from Professor Resnick's student assistant
CJA's June 14, 2004 e-mail
CJA's June 15, 2004 fax


January 22, 2007 -- Professor Mazzone participates in a panel discussion moderated by Jeffrey Toobin, at the 92nd Street Y, on "The Supreme Court: What to Expect" -- and receives, in hand, from CJA's Director, a copy of the May 4, 2004 proposal for scholarship, etc.

February 16, 2007 -- Professors Hibbets and Balkin participate at the symposium "Writing About the Law: From Bluebook to Blogs and Beyond" at New York Law School's program in Law & Journalism -- and receive, in hand, from CJA's Director, a copy of the May 4, 2004 proposal for scholarship, etc.

November 10, 2007 -- Professor Scherer and Choi participate at the 2nd Annual Conference on Empirical Legal Studies, at New York University Law School -- and receive, in hand, from CJA's Director a copy of the May 4, 2004 proposal for scholarship, etc.




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