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March 2, 2012
        CJA's March 2, 2012 letter to Gov, Temporay Senate President, Assembly Speaker, Chief Judge, Attorney General, & Comptroller

Ex. A:  Executive Summary of CJA's October 27, 2011 Opposition Report
           Ex. B:  CJA's 11/29/11 complaint to AG's Public Integrity Bureau, etc.
           Ex. C:  AG's website info as to partnership with Comptroller
                              "to investigate public corruption involving taxpayer funds"
           Ex. D:  CJA's 3/1/12 complaint to Comptroller's Investigations Unit]

 click here for: CJA's October 27, 2011 Opposition Report 

Nov. 2012 - Jan. 2013:  
VIDEO of CJA's exhange with Assembly Minority Leader pertaining to Legislative rules --
& correspondence with Legislators about rules reform

Feb. 6, 2013
VIDEO of CJA's testimony at Legislature's budget hearing --
& correspondence with Legislators, Gov, Judiciary, Div of Budget in advance of the hearing

Feb. - March 2013:
CJA's follow-up correspondence to Legislators & the Governor

April 15, 2013
CJA's corruption complaint to U.S. Attorney Bharara (SDNY) 

April 2013 - July 2013:  
CJA's correspondence to Legislature & Gov, to prevent extension
of commission compensation scheme

May 13, 2013
CJA's corruption complaint to U.S. Attorney Lynch (EDNY)

CJA's May 7 and May 22, 2013 letters to ALL the Legislators --

CJA's May - June 2013 letters to individual legislators

June 4, 2013
CJA's letter to Senate Committee on Investigations & Government Operations
& Assembly Committee on Oversight, Analysis & Investigation
DOING YOUR PART TO END PUBLIC CORRUPTION: PART  III:  Request for Legislative Oversight, Analysis and Investigation of CJA’s April 15, 2013 corruption complaint to U.S. Attorney Bharara...

June 13, 2013
CJA's corruption complaint to U.S. Attorney Hartunian (NDNY)

June 27, 2013
CJA's ethics complaint to NYS Joint Commission on Public Ethics (JCOPE)

July 11, 2013
CJA's corruption complaint to NYS Inspector General

July 19, 2019
CJA's corruption complaint to Albany County District Attorney Soares

July 2013 - August 2013
Securing Passage of the Public Trust Act & a Functioning Legislature


August 5, 2013
CJA's letter & complaint to Commission to Investigate Public Corruption

CJA's December 9, 2013 e-mail to Temporary Senate President Klein [cc: Republican Majority Counsel] --"The Legislature's Power & Duty to Reject the Judiciary Budget -- & its Concealed, Unitemized 3rd Phase of Judicial Pay raises"

CJA's December 11, 2013 letter to Governor Cuomo & Legislative Leaders -- "SAFEGUARDING THE PUBLIC PURSE FROM JUDICIAL FRAUD & LARCENY:  Your Constitutional & Statutory Duty to Reject the Entirety of the Judiciary’s Proposed Budget for Fiscal Year 2014-2015, Over & Beyond its Concealed, Unitemized Third Phase of the Judicial Salary Increase that Will Otherwise Take Effect, Automatically, on April 1, 2014" 

CJA's December 16, 2013 e-mail to Assembly Committee on Oversight, Analysis & Investigation Ranking Member Montesano -- "Request for a Meeting: The Legislature's Constitutional & Statutory Duty to Reject the Judiciary's Proposed Budget for Fiscal Year 2014-2015"

CJA's December 16, 2013 e-mail to Assembly Committee on Oversight, Analysis & Investigation Chair Hevesi -- "Request for a Meeting: The Legislature's Constitutional & Statutory Duty to Reject the Judiciary's Proposed Budget for Fiscal Year 2014-2015"
                      -- webpage for June 4, 2013 letter

CJA's December 17, 2013 e-mail to Assembly Judiciary Committee Chair Helene Weinstein -- "The Judiciary's Proposed Budget for Fiscal Year 2014-2015: Safeguarding the Public Purse from Judicial Fraud & Larceny"

CJA's December 17, 2013 e-mail to Senate Committee on Investigations and Government Operations Ranking Member Hoylman -- [cc: Marcellino, Hevesi, Montesano] --  "Request for a Meeting: The Legislature's Constitutional & Statutory Duty to Reject the Judiciary's Proposed Budget for Fiscal Year 2014-2015"
                 -- webpage for June 4, 2013 letter

CJA's December 18, 2013 e-mail to Senate Committee on Investigations and Government Operations Chair Marcellino -- [cc: Hoylman]
"Request for a Meeting: The Legislature's Constitutional & Statutory Duty to Reject the Judiciary's Proposed Budget for Fiscal Year 2014-2015"

                -- webpage for June 4, 2013 letter

CJA's December 18, 2013 e-mail to Assembly Ways & Means Committee Chair Herman Farrell -- [cc: Oaks]  "Meeting with Ways & Means Committee Chairman Farrell to Discuss Dec. 11 Letter for Rejection of Judiciary Budget"

CJA's December 19, 2013 e-mail to Senator George Latimer -- "Request for a Meeting: The Judiciary's Proposed Budget for Fiscal Year 2014-2015"

CJA's December 30, 2013 letter to Governor Cuomo -- "SAFEGUARDING THE PUBLIC PURSE FROM LEGISLATIVE FRAUD & LARCENY:  Your Duty to Exclude the Legislature’s Proposed Budget from the State Budget for Fiscal Year 2014-2015 Because its Absence of Certified Itemized Estimates Violates Article VII, §1 of the NYS Constitution; Alternatively, to Recommend that the Legislature Reject it, or Alter it Based on Certification of Itemized Estimates" 

CJA's January 7, 2014 letters to Governor & Legislature -- AND to the Commission to Investigate Public Corruption -- "FOLLOWING THE MONEY'..." 

Legislature's January 10, 2017 Announcement of Budget Hearings --

CJA's January 8, 2014 e-mail to Ranking Member Hoylman -- "'Following the Money': The Proposed Judiciary & Legislative Budgets for Fiscal Year 2014-2015"  enclosure-Jan 7 letter

CJA's January 8, 2014 e-mail to Chair Marcellino -- "FW: 'Following the Money': The Proposed Judiciary & Legislative Budgets for Fiscal Year 2014-2015"

CJA's January 8, 2014 e-mail to Ranking Member Janet Duprey -- "Thank you -- RE: 'Following the Money': The Proposed Judiciary & Legislative Budgets for Fiscal Year 2014-2015"

CJA's January 14, 2014 letter to "The Appropriate Committees of the Legislature" -- "Vindicating the Public’s Rights under Article VII, §1 of the NYS Constitution & Legislative Law §32-a:
(1) request to testify at the Legislature’s joint budget hearings in opposition to the proposed Judiciary & Legislative budgets;
      (2) request for information/records as to the process, if any, by which the Legislature’s proposed budget was compiled."
         -- CJA's January 14, 2014 transmittal to recipients

CJA's January 29, 2014 letter to Senate Finance Committee & Assembly Ways & Means Committee Chairs & Ranking Members -- "Your Mandatory Duty under Legislative Law §32-a to Hear Testimony in Opposition to the Legislature’s Proposed Budget & Governor Cuomo’s Budget Bill #S.6351/A.8551 at Public Budget Hearings"

Legislature's January 31, 2014 Joint Budget Schedule

CJA's February 3, 2014 e-mail to Senate Finance Committee & Assembly Ways & Means Committee Chairs & Ranking Members -- "Request to Testify in Opposition to ANY Funding for the Commission to Investigate Public Corruption -- including the proposed $270,000 appropriation"

CJA's February 6, 2014 e-mail to Chairman Bonacic & Ranking Member Hassell-Thompson -- "Request for a Meeting with Senators Bonacic & Hassell-Thompson and to make a presentation to the Senate Judiciary Committee  -- so that they can discharge their oversight responsibilities with respect to the Judiciary & its Budget"

CJA's February 7, 2014 e-mail to Assemblyman Steck -- "Thank you for your call -- & for your significant questioning about the Judiciary budget at the Legislature's February 5, 2017 joint budget hearing on 'public protection', from which Assembly Judiciary Committee Chair Weinstein was absent"

CJA's February 18, 2014 e-mail to Senator Marcellino [cc: Lupinacci] -- "Request from Constituents Linda, Cie, and Michael Sharp for Feb. 28 Meeting with Senator Marcellino"

CJA's February 21, 2014 letter to Senate Finance Committee & Assembly Ways & Means Committee Chairs & Ranking Members -- "Restoring Value to Your Sham and Rigged February 5, 2014 'Public Protection' Budget Hearing on the Judiciary’s Proposed Budget by Appropriate Questioning of Chief Administrative Judge Prudenti"

CJA's February 21, 2014 e-mail to Rank & File Members of Senate Finance Committee & Assembly Ways and Means Committee -- "HEADS UP: What's Been Happening with the Judiciary & Legislative Budgets -- & Appropriations for the Commission to Investigate Public Corruption?"

CJA's February 24, 2014 e-mail to Rank & File Members of Senate Finance Committee & Assembly Ways and Means Committee -- "Again, HEADS UP!: What's Been Happening with the Judiciary & Legislative Budgets -- & Appropriations for the Commission to Investigate Public Corruption?"

CJA's February 25, 2014 e-mail to Chair Englebright & Ranking Member Duprey -- "REQUEST FOR MEETING: Budget Bill #S.6351/A.8551: Judiciary & Legislative Budgets -- & appropriations for Commission to Investigate Public Corruption"  

CJA's February 26, 2014 e-mail to Chairman Bonacic & Ranking Member Hassell-Thompson -- "At what committee meeting with the Senate Judiciary Committee be reviewing the Judiciary's proposed budget -- & the Legislature's February 5th joint 'public protection' budget hearing thereon?"

CJA's February 26, 2014 e-mail to Rank & File Members of the Senate Judiciary Committee -- "Tomorrow's Senate Judiciary Committee Meeting -- AGENDA"

CJA's February 27, 2014 e-mail to Chairman Bonacic & Ranking Member Hassell-Thompson -- "The Senate Judiciary Committee's duty to scrutinize the Judiciary's proposed budget -- & to forward to Chief Administrative Judge Prudenti the questions enclosed with our Feb. 21st letter"

CJA's March 4, 2014 letter to Chairs and Ranking Members of "Appropriate Committees of the Legislature" -- "Your Constitutional Duty:
       "(1) to address the evidence of fraud and unconstitutionality in the proposed Judiciary and Legislative budgets – and in the materially-divergent Governor’s Budget Bill #S.6351/A.8551, which, in violation of Senate and Assembly Rules, is unsupported by a fiscal note and introducer’s memorandum;
        (2) to address the $270,000 and other appropriations, embedded in the Executive Budget, for a demonstrably corrupt Commission to Investigate Public Corruption"

CJA's March 5, 2014 letter to recipients

CJA's March 12, 2014 e-mail to Assemblyman Walter   -- "Substantiation for Assemblyman Walter's comment on the Assembly floor about rejecting the Executive budget & going 'back to the drawing board'"


CJA's February 23, 2015 letter to Chairs & Ranking Members of the Senate Finance Committee & Assembly Ways & Means Committee – “YOUR FEBRUARY 26, 2015 ‘PUBLIC PROTECTION’ BUDGET HEARING: Reconsidering Your Denial of CJA’s Request to Testify, Pursuant to Legislative Law 32-a, in Opposition to the Proposed Judiciary and Legislative Budgets – and the Governor’s Budget Bill #S.2001/A.3001”





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