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Attorney Disciplinary Complaint
of Elena Sassower


CJA's November 14, 2000 complaint to the Attorney Disciplinary Committee -- ATT: Thomas J. Cahill/Chief Counsel -- "Verified Complaint of Professional Misconduct against the Association of the Bar of the City of New York; the Women's Bar Association of the State of New York; the New York State Trial Lawyers Association; and the New York State Bar Association and the Culpable Lawyers Acting on Their Behalf"

     CJA's November 13, 2000 letter to Association of the Bar of the City of New York.

     CJA's November 13, 2000 letter to New York State Bar Association.

     CJA's November 13, 2000 letter to New York State Trial Lawyers Association.

     CJA's November 13, 2000 letter to Women's Bar Association of the State of New York.

             Substantiating Documentary Proof:

   Exhibit A-1: City Bar President Evan Davis' 10/18/00 letter to Governor Pataki, with accompanying 10/18/00 press release
       Exhibit A-2: 10/19/00 front-page item, NYLJ
       Exhibit A-3:  CJA's 10/16/00 fax coversheet to City Bar Counsel
       Exhibit A-4: CJA's 10/19/00 fax to City Bar Counsel
       Exhibit A-5:  10/19/00 fax from City Bar Counsel
       Exhibit A-6:  10/25/00 fax coversheet from City Bar Counsel, enclosing member rosters
       Exhibit A-7:  11/17/98 fax from City Bar Counsel with Executive Committee membership
       Exhibit B-1: State Bar President's October 24, 2000 letter to Gov. Pataki
                          with accompanying "Guidelines for Evaluating Qualifications of Judicial Candidates"
Exhibit B-2: State Bar's 10/24/00 "News Release"

       Exhibit B-3: 10/25/00 NYLJ front page item on State Bar's ratings
       Exhibit B-4: CJA's 10/25/00 fax to State Bar counsel
       Exhibit B-5: State Bar membership list of its Executive Committee & Judicial Selection Committee
       Exhibit B-6: State bar President's 11/2/00 letter to NYS Senate Judiciary Committee
       Exhibit C-1: Women's Bar Association's 10/20/00 "Media Advisory"
       Exhibit C-2: 10/23/00 NYLJ front-page item on Women's Bar ratings
       Exhibit C-3: CJA's 10/23/00 letter to Women's Bar
       Exhibit C-4: website of Women's Bar listing its officers & past presidents
       Exhibit D-1: 10/20/00 letter from President/NYS Trial Lawyers Association to Gov. Pataki's counsel
       Exhibit D-2: Trial Lawyers' October 20, 2000 "News Release"
       Exhibit D-3: 10/24/00 NYLJ front-page item on Trial Lawyers' ratings
       Exhibit D-4: CJA's 10/24/00 letter-fax to Trial Lawyers
       Exhibit E: "Court of Appeals Nominees Grilled by Bar Groups", 10/17/00 front-page article, NYLJ
       Exhibit F-1: Gov Pataki's 11/2/00 press release: "Governor Pataki Nominates Graffeo to
                          Court of Appeals"
       Exhibit F-2: "Pataki Selects Judge for Appeals Court He Sees as Lenient", NYT, 11/3/00
       Exhibit F-3: "Pataki Names Graffeo to Court of Appeals", NYLJ, 11/3/00
       Exhibit G: CJA's 6/20/00 letter to Cit Bar President Evan Davis
       Exhibit H-1: CJA's 9/18/00 letter to Guy Miller Struve & P. Kevin Castel
       Exhibit H-2: 11/3/00 front-page item/NYLJ
       Exhibit I-1: CJA's 11/19/98 letter to Chairman/NYS Bar's Judicial Selection Committee
       Exhibit I-2: CJA's 1/4/99 letter to State Bar President
       Exhibit I-3: CJA's 2/17/99 letter to State Bar President
       Exhibit I-4: February 18, 1999 letter from Counsel/NYS Bar
       Exhibit J-1: "Where Do You Go When Judges Break the Law?"
       Exhibit J-2: 6/1/95 letter to Chairman/State Bar Committee on Professional Discipline
       Exhibit J-3: 6/5/95 letter from Counsel/NYS Bar
       Exhibit K: CJA's 11/19/98 letter to Co-Chair/Women's Bar Judiciary Committee/
                        with fax coversheets to her & her Co-Chair, and Women's Bar President



     Exhibit A-1: "An Appeal to Fairness: Revisit the Court of Appeals",
                          CJA's letter to the editor, NYPost, 12/28/98
      Exhibit A-2: CJA's 3/26/99 ethics complaint to the NYS Ethics Commission
      Exhibit B:  CJA's 9/15/99 ethics complaint/supplement to the NYS Ethics Commission
      Exhibit C-1: CJA's 10/16/00 letter to NYS Commission on Judicial Nomination
      Exhibit C-2: Commission on Judicial Nomination's 10/4/000 report of recommendees
      Exhibit D-1:  CJA's 10/11/00 letter to Commission on Judicial Nomination
      Exhibit D-2:  CJA's 10/11/00 letter to Commission on Judicial Nomination
      Exhibit D-3:  10/13/00 letter from Counsel/Commission on Judicial Nomination
      Exhibit E-1: 2/24/00 letter from Counsel/Commission on Judicial Nomination,
enclosing Commission's 11/12/98 report of recommendees

      Exhibit E-2:  CJA's 3/12/99 letter to Commission on Judicial Nomination
      Exhibit F:  CJA's 2/5/99 letter to Commission on Judicial Nomination
          Ex A-1:  11/25/98 letter from Counsel/Commission on Judicial Nomination
          Ex. A-2: CJA's 12/1/98 letter to Commission on Judicial Nomination
          Ex. B:  CJA's 12/16/98 letter to Senior Counsel/NYS Senate Judiciary Committee
          Ex. C:  "An Appeal to Fairness: Revisit the Court of Appeals", NY Post, 12/28/98
          Ex. D:  CJA's 1/13/99 letter to NYS Senate Judiciary Committee/Clerk
      Exhibit G-1: 4/26/99 letter of Exec.Director/NYS Committee on Open Government
      Exhibit G-2: CJA's 5/3/99 letter to Commission on Judicial Nomination
      Exhibit H: CJA's 10/5/98 letter to Commission on Judicial Nomination
          Ex. A: NYLJ notices, 9/15/98, 9/21/98
          Ex. B-1: Commission on Judicial Nomination brochure
          Ex. B-2-5: Commission on Judicial Nomination questionnaire
          Ex. C: "Where Do You Go When Judges Break the Law?", CJA's $16,770 ad, NYT, 10/26/94 
          Ex. D: "Restraining 'Liars in the Courtroom and on the Public Payroll",
                    CJA's $3,077 ad, NYLJ, 8/27/97
          Ex. E-1: "Commission Abandons Investigative Mandate", NYLJ, 8/14/95
          Ex. E-2: "A Call for Concerted Action", CJA's $1,648 ad, NYLJ, 11/20/96
          Ex. F:  "On Choosing Judges, Pataki Creates Problems", CJA's letter to editor, NYT, 11/16/96
      Exhibit I: CJA's 10/18/98 letter to Exec. Committee/City Bar
      Exhibit J-1:  "On Choosing Judges, Pataki Creates Problems", letter to the editor, NYT, 11/16/96
      Exhibit J-2: CJA's 6/12/96 letter to Counsel to Governor Pataki
      Exhibit J-3: CJA's 6/11/96 letter to NYS Senate
          Ex.  A: CJA's April 18, 1996 letter to Counsel/Senate Judiciary Committee
                Ex. D: "Commission Abandons Investigative Mandate", NYLJ, 8/14/95
                Ex. F:  CJA's 3-page analysis of decision in Doris L. Sassower v. Commission
          Ex. B:  CJA's 4/29/96 letter to Counsel to Governor Pataki 
      Exhibit K:  NYS Assembly Bill: 2/23/83 


INVENTORY OF FILE FOLDER A:  documents pertaining to the Commission on Judicial Nomination's recommendation of Stephen Crane as "well qualified" for appointment to the NY Court of Appeals

INVENTORY OF FILE FOLDER B:  documents pertaining to the Commission on Judicial Nomination's recommendation of Juanita Bing Newton as "well qualified" for appointment to the NY Court of Appeals


Attorney Disciplinary Committee's December 11, 2000 letter

CJA's  February 26, 2001 letter to the Attorney Disciplinary Committee - ATT: Thomas J. Cahill/Chief Counsel -- "CJA's November 14, 2000 complaint docketed as #2000.3089: Association of the Bar of the City of New York; #2000-2090: Women's Bar Association of the State of New York; #2000-3091: New York State Trial Lawyers Association; #2000.3157: New York State Bar Association"

CJA's March 7, 2001 letter -- "CJA's November 14, 2000 complaint docketed as #2000.3089: Association of the Bar of the City of New York; #2000-2090: Women's Bar Association of the State of New York; #2000-3091: New York State Trial Lawyers Association; #2000.3157: New York State Bar Association"
nclosing CJA's March 2, 2001 letter to Committee to Promote Trust & Confidence in the Legal System, with CJA's March 1, 2001 letter to Chief Judge Kaye and CJA's March 7, 2001 letter to Committee on Professionalism in the Law

Attorney Disciplinary Committee's March 21, 2001 letter

Attorney Disciplinary Committee's April 3, 2001 letter





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