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Temporary Senate President Andrea Stewart-Cousins
Senate Minority Leader John Flanagan
Assembly Speaker Carl Heastie
Assembly Minority Leader Brian Kolb

CJA's January 24, 2019 e-mail -- 
"Demand that You IMMEDIATELY Rectify Your Willful Violations of Legislative Law Article 5-A & Article 5-B by Appointing the Members of their 14 Joint Legislative Commissions"


click here for:
CJA's February 6, 2017 letter to Legislative Leaders

click here for:
CJA's December 6, 2018 letter to Assembly Speaker Heastie
"Demand that You Substantiate Your November 30, 2018 Testimony Before the New York State Compensation Committee with EVIDENCE -- as You Furnished NONE"


& here's the 3-men-in-a-room emendation of the Revenue Budget Bill --
S.1507-C  /A-2007-C

Part II:  "extends the operation and administration of legislative commissions"


        S. 1507--C                         127                        A. 2007--C
     1    Section 1. Section 13 of chapter 141 of the laws of 1994, amending the
     2  legislative law and the state finance law relating to the operation  and
     3  administration  of  the legislature, as amended by section 2 of part GGG
     4  of chapter 59 of the laws of 2018, is amended to read as follows:
     5    §  13.  This  act shall take effect immediately and shall be deemed to
     6  have been in full force and effect as of April 1, 1994,  provided  that,
     7  the  provisions  of  section  5-a  of  the legislative law as amended by
     8  sections two and two-a of this act shall take effect on January 1, 1995,
     9  and provided further that, the provisions of article 5-A of the legisla-
    10  tive law as added by section eight of this act  shall  expire  June  30,
    11  [2019]  2020 when upon such date the provisions of such article shall be
    12  deemed repealed; and provided further that section twelve  of  this  act
    13  shall be deemed to have been in full force and effect on and after April
    14  10, 1994.
    15    §  2.  This  act  shall take effect immediately, provided, however, if
    16  section one of this act shall take effect on  or  after  June  30,  2019
    17  section  one  of this act shall be deemed to have been in full force and
    18  effect on and after June 30, 2019.


[As of date of Jan. 24, 2019 e-mail & December 6, 2018 letter -- & June 15, 2019]

The 13 “Legislative Commissions”, enumerated on the Assembly’s webpage of “Committees, Commissions & Task Forces”:  https://nyassembly.gov/comm/ -- in the order in which they appear:    

  1. Legislative Commission on Administrative Regulations Review, whose homepage:  https://nyassembly.gov/comm/?id=44, reflects no members other than its chair, Assemblyman Dan Quart – and no activity since a Dec. 2015 hearing;   [again verified: 2-22-19]  [verified again: 6-15-19]
  1. Legislative Commission on Council on Health Care Financing, whose homepage: https://nyassembly.gov/comm/?id=45 reflects no members, including no chair – and no activity whatever;   [again verified: 2-22-19]  [again verified 6-15-19]
  1. Legislative Commission on Critical Transportation Choices, whose homepage: https://nyassembly.gov/comm/?id=46 reflects no members other than its chair, Assemblyman David Gantt – and no activity whatever;   [again verified: 2-22-19]
  1. Legislative Commission on Governmental Administration, whose homepage: https://nyassembly.gov/comm/?id=49 reflects no members other than its Assembly chair – and no activity for more than five years (May 2013) [again verified: 2-22-19 (notice of roundtable in Nov 2014]).  As of 6-15-19, the only changes are these three links: 

      April 15, 2019 press release: 
    "Assemblyman David Buchwald Calls for New York State to Develop Federal Government Shutdown Response Plans"

    April 30, 2019 press release:
    "How Can We Improve State Government?"

    "Survey on Improving Efficiency of New York State Government"

  1. Legislative Commission on Legislative Ethics, whose homepage:  https://nyassembly.gov/comm/?id=48 reflects no members other than its chair, Assemblywoman Avarella Simotas – and no activity whatever  [again verified: 2-22-19]; unchanged 6-15-19;
  1. Legislative Commission on Rural Resources, whose homepage:  https://nyassembly.gov/comm/?id=47 reflects that its chair is Assemblyman Angelo Santabarbara and two members, Assemblywomen Barbara Lifton and Carrie Woerner – and no activity for more than eight years (summer 2012)  [again verified: 2-22-19] -- unchanged 6-15-19;
  1. Legislative Commission on Science and Technology, whose homepage: https://nyassembly.gov/comm/?id=51, reflects no members other than its chair, Assemblyman Sean Ryan – and no activity for more than four years (April 2014)  [again verified: 2-22-19, update of new chair, Assemblywoman Patricia Fahy, last activity, here corrected: May 2014] -- unchanged 6-15-19;
  1. Legislative Commission on Skills Development and Career Education, whose homepage:  https://nyassembly.gov/comm/?id=52 reflects no members other than its chair, Assemblyman Harry Bronson – and no activity since an October 2017 posting of a legislative report  [again verified: 2-22-19, update of new chair, Assemblyman Walter Mosley] -- unchanged 6-15-19;
  1. Legislative Commission on Solid Waste Management, whose homepage: https://nyassembly.gov/comm/?id=53 reflects no members, including no chair – and no activity since a Feb. 2016 hearing  [again verified: 2-22-19] -- unchanged 6-15-19;
  1. Legislative Commission on State-Local Relations, whose homepage: https://nyassembly.gov/comm/?id=54&sec=hearings, reflects no members other than its chair, Assemblyman Victor Pichardo – and no activity since a Nov. 2016 posting of a notice of roundtable [again verified: 2-22-19] -- unchanged 6-15-19;
  1. Legislative Commission on Tax Study, whose homepage: https://nyassembly.gov/comm/?id=55 reflects no members, including no chair – and no activity whatever [again verified: 2-22-19] -- unchanged 6-15-19; 
  1. Legislative Commission on Toxic Substances and Hazardous Wastes, whose homepage: https://nyassembly.gov/comm/?id=56 reflects no members other than its chair, Assemblywoman Christine Pellegrino – and no activity since a Jan. 2018 posted notice of hearing  [again verified: 2-22-19] -- only change reflected, as of 6-15-19, is removal of Pellegrino's name: now no members & no chair;
  1. Legislative Commission on Water Resource Needs of New York State, whose homepage: https://nyassembly.gov/comm/?id=57 reflects no members, including no chair – and no activity for more than five years (Oct. 2013) [again verified: 2-22-19] -- unchanged 6-15-19.


Only 2 legislative commissions are reflected by the Senate’s webpage for “Senators & Committees”: https://www.nysenate.gov/senators-committees:

  1. The Administrative Regulations Review Commission, whose homepage: https://www.nysenate.gov/committees/administrative-regulations-review-commission-arrc  reflects that Senator Christopher Jacobs is its chair, presiding over two members, Senator Liz Krueger and Senator Phil Boyle – and that it has had no activity since a January 4, 2018 hearing, with little before that  [again verified: 2-22-19, update NO chair, NO members, and no activity since January 4, 2018 hearing] -- changes, as reflected on 6-15-19: no chair, no members.
  1. Legislative Commission on Rural Resources, whose homepage: https://www.nysenate.gov/committees/legislative-commission-rural-resources, reflects that Senator Pamela Helming is its chair, presiding over three members, Senator Fred Akshar, Senator Patty Ritchie, and Senator David Valesky – whose last activity was announcement of a May 8, 2018 winery roundtable, and not much vigorous activity before that  [again verified: 2-22-19, update -- NEW chair, Senator Rachel Ray and four additional members -- Senator Patty Ritchie, plus Senators Pamela Helming, Neil Breslin, Jen Metzger -- & a February 11, 2019 announcement of new director, who will "continue the good work the Rural Resources Commission has done in recent years, which has made it one of the primary advocacy and policy bodies in Albany representing the interests of New York's rural communities."] -- only change reflected, as of 6-15-19, is March 11, 2019 "Mission Statement" (Helming is "Ranking Member")


----  & Here's the only joint legislative commission included in Legislative Budget:

Senate website:  "Task Force on Demographic Research and Reapportionment" -- unchanged 6-15-19 -- inactive and no members

Assembly website:  "Task Force on Demographic Research and Reapportionment" -- unchanged 6-15-19 -- inactive since 2012 and with but a single member, its so-called chair, Assemblyman Robert Rodriguez





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