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NY's 120th Assembly District
representing approx. 126,000 residents
encompassing parts of Jefferson, Onondaga, Oswego Counties


Assemblyman William Barclay, Esq.
What He Knows -- & Since When

as Assembly Ways & Means Committee ranking member,
for which he received a $20,500 stipend

CJA's January 18, 2019 e-mail to Ranking Member Barclay --
"FW: Request to Testify at the Legislature's Jan. 29, 2019 and Feb. 11, 2019 Joint Budget Hearings -- plus request as to the referred-to constitutional provisions
concerning budget approval by April 1st"    


CJA's May 16, 2018 NOTICE/complaint to Acting Attorney General Underwood

cc:  CJA's February 11, 2019 e-mail to Senate Finance Committee Ranking Member Seward --
"QUESTIONS: (1) CJA's citizen-taxpayer action, suing the Legislature for its corruption with respect to the budget; (2) the fiscal committee's Jan. 15, 2019 announcement of their joint budget hearings; & (3) 'full-time' v. 'part-time' legislators"

CJA's February 12, 2019 e-mail to Ranking Member Barclay's Legislative Director --
"Request for posting of the Green Book/analysis of the budget, etc."

Legislative Director's February 12, 2019 responding e-mail with attached Green Book page

CJA's February 12, 2019 e-mail -- "Thank you!"

cc:  CJA's February 12, 2019 e-mail to Senate Finance Committee Chair Krueger --
"Follow-Up to Yesterday's E-Mail: "QUESTIONS...(2) the fiscal committee's Jan. 15, 2019 announcement of their joint budget hearings; & (3) 'full-time' v. 'part-time' legislators"

CJA's February 14, 2019 letter to Ranking Member Barclay --
"EVIDENCE substantiating written testimony for the Legislature's February 11, 2019 budget hearing on 'local government officials/general government', submitted at last year's January 30, 2018 budget hearing on 'public protection' -- and required to be preserved pursuant to Legislative Law §67   e-mail

January 30, 2018 budget hearing on "public protection"

February 5, 2018 budget hearing on "local government officials/general government"

CJA's February 19, 2019 written testimony, with appended QUESTIONS
submitted for the February 11, 2019 budget hearing
on "local government officials/general government"

CJA's March 1, 2019 e-mail to Ranking Member Barclay --
"AGENDA:  Legislative/Judiciary Budget Bill #S.1501/A.2001 -- & the Questions to be Answered by Chief Administrative Judge Marks & by Temporary Senate Presidents Steward-Cousins/Flanagan & Assembly Speaker Heastie"

CJA's  July 16, 2019 e-mail to Ranking Member Barclay --
"NOTICE  of Your Duty to Void the December 10, 2018 Report of the Committee on Legislative & Executive Compensation that Boosted Your Salaries",
attaching July 15, 2019 written NOTICE and substantiating analysis -- webpage


as Assembly Minority Leader, paid a $34,500 stipend

CJA's March 3, 2020 e-mail to Assembly Minority Leader Barclay
attaching: March 3, 2020 letter to Governor Cuomo --
"Your January 21, 2020 address on the Executive Budget -- Part II:
The so-called 'independent commission [that] proposed pay raises for New York's elected officials because we performed' -- & your other related slides and claims about public trust in government, transparency, & 'nothing to hide'"  

CJA's March 18, 2020 e-mail to Assembly Minority Leader Barclay --
& March 20, 2020 e-mail

attaching: March 18, 2020 letter to Governor Cuomo --
"Your January 21, 2020 address on the Executive Budget -- Part III:
You Can Chuck Six of Your Seven 'Article VII Bills' Because They are Unconstitutional. 
Here's why based on analysis of the Court of Appeals' 2004 plurality, concurring,
and dissenting opinions in Pataki v. Assembly/Silver v. Pataki, 4 N.Y3d 75" 

cc:  CJA's September 16, 2020 e-mail to Onondaga County "Local Journalism" --
"Onondaga County Elections 2020 -- Informing Voters with EVIDENCE:
public corruption/grand jury complaint vs Oneida County's 7 state legislators --
5 seeking re-election -- which Onondaga County D.A. Fitzpatrick is 'sitting on'"

cc:  CJA's September 16, 2020 e-mail to Jefferson County "Local Journalism" --
"Jefferson County Elections 2020 -- Informing Voters with EVIDENCE:
public corruption/grand jury complaint vs Jefferson County's 4 re-election-seeking
state legislators, which D.A. Mills is 'sitting on'"


cc:  CJA's September 16, 2020 e-mail to Oswego County "Local Journalism" --
"Oswego County Elections 2020 -- Informing Voters with EVIDENCE:
public corruption/grand jury complaint vs Oswego County's 3 re-election-seeking
state legislators, which Oswego County D.A. Oakes is 'sitting on'"





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