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Exhibit W:      Plaintiff Sassower’s May 8, 2014 letter to Acting Supreme Court Justice Roger D. McDonough – “RE: Extension & Hearing Requests”

Exhibit X-1:    Plaintiff Sassower’s March 26, 2014 e-mail to Assistant Attorney General Kerwin  “RE: Citizen Taxpayer Action – Governor’s Budget Bill #S.6351/A.8551”

Exhibit X-2:    Plaintiffs’ Notice to Furnish Papers to the Court Pursuant to CPLR §2214(c)

Exhibit X-3:    Plaintiff Sassower’s March 28, 2014 e-mail to AAG Kerwin – “RE: Citizen Taxpayer Action – Governor’s Budget Bill #S.6351/A.8551”

Exhibit Y:       Transcript of March 28, 2014 oral argument on order to show cause for TRO before Justice Michael C. Lynch

Exhibit Z-1:    Plaintiff Sassower’s March 31, 2014 letter to Justice Lynch – “RE:  Reconsideration of the Court’s from-the-bench decision on March 28, 2014 on Plaintiffs’ Order to Show Cause for a Stay with TRO in the Citizens-Taxpayer Action…”

Exhibit Z-2:    Plaintiff Sassower’s March 31, 2014 e-mail to AAG Kerwin & AAG James McGowan – “Citizen Taxpayer Action…”

Exhibit Z-3:    Justice Lynch’s March 31, 2014 letter/decision

Exhibit Z-4:    Plaintiff Sassower’s March 31, 2014 letter to Justice Lynch – “RE: Supplement to Letter Request…”

Exhibit Z-5:    Plaintiff Sassower’s March 31, 2014 e-mail to Justice Lynch’s law secretary – “Subject:…What Disciplinary Action will be Taken by Justice Lynch vs the Attorney General Consistent with §100.3D(2) of the Chief Administrator’s Rules Governing Judicial Conduct?”

Exhibit Z-6:    Justice Lynch’s April 1, 2014 letter/decision

Exhibit Z-7:    AAG Kerwin’s April 2, 2014 e-mail

Exhibit Z-8:    Plaintiff Sassower’s April 2, 2014 e-mail – “Subject: Please check your inbox…”

Exhibit Z-9:    Plaintiff Sassower’s April 2, 2014 e-mail – “Subject: FW…What Disciplinary Action will be Taken by Justice Lynch vs the Attorney General Consistent with §100.3D(2) of the Chief Administrator’s Rules Governing Judicial Conduct?”

Exhibit AA-1: AAG Kerwin’s May 2, 2014 e-mail – “Subject: Center for Judicial Accountability, Inc, etc. v. Cuomo et al…”

Exhibit AA-2: Plaintiff Sassower’s May 2, 2014 e-mail – “Subject: The Duty of Supervisory Oversight & Independent Evaluation Consistent with Executive Law 63.1 & State Finance Law Article 7-A:…”

Exhibit AA-3: Plaintiff Sassower’s May 2, 2014 e-mail – “Subject: Please forward to Deputy Attorney General Meg Levine – The Duty of Supervisory Oversight & Independent Evaluation Consistent with Executive Law 63.1 & State Finance Law Article 7-A:…”

Exhibit AA-4: Plaintiff Sassower’s May 2, 2014 e-mail/complaint – “Subject: ATT: Counsel Groenwegen; Deputy Counsel Fanshawe; Deputy Comptroller Ward: Reporting Government Fraud – Grand Larceny of the Public Fisc & Taxpayer Monies: Governor Cuomo’s Budget Bill of Legislative & Judiciary Appropriations for Fiscal Year 2014-2015”

Exhibit AA-5: Comptroller’s May 2, 2014 e-mail – “Subject: Re: ATT: Counsel Groenwegen; Deputy Counsel Fanshawe; Deputy Comptroller Ward: Reporting Government Fraud – Grand Larceny of the Public Fisc & Taxpayer Monies: Governor Cuomo’s Budget Bill of Legislative & Judiciary Appropriations for Fiscal Year 2014-2015”

Exhibit BB-1: Comptroller DiNapoli’s May 12, 2014 press release “DiNapoli Expands Anti-Corruption Initiative

Exhibit BB-2: State Comptroller Thomas DiNapoli to add anti-corruption division to office”, Daily News, May 12, 2014, Ken Lovett

Exhibit BB-3: “Attorney General Schneiderman’s May 7, 2014 press release “A.G. Schneiderman & Comptroller DiNapoli Announce Indictment Of NYC Councilman Ruben Wills In Public Corruption Scheme”

Exhibit BB-4:  Commission to Investigate Public Corruption Chief Counsel Kelly Donovan -- simultaneously Attorney General Schneiderman's Executive Deputy Attorney General for Criminal Justice, responsible for his Public Integrity Bureau, Criminal Prosecutions, Taxpayer Protection, etc.

*   *   *

Plaintiff Sassower's May 21, 2014 e-mail -- "Subject: Follow-up to Attorney General Schneiderman's May 20th Community Forum -- & declaration of 'zero tolerance for public corruption', etc."

*   *   *

The People Fight Back! --
click here for: CJA's Citizen-Taxpayer Action - Menu Page

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123 - Legislative purpose.
It is the purpose of the Legislature to recognize
that each individual citizen and taxpayer of the state
has an interest in the proper disposition of all state funds
and properties..."
123-A - Definitions.
123-B - Action for declaratory and equitable relief.
123-C - Pleadings and procedure.
123-D - Security for costs.
123-E - Relief by the court.
123-F - Termination of action.
123-G - Costs and fees.
123-I - Existing rights and remedies preserved.
123-J - Separability.








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