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Ending NYS' Corrupt Budget "Process"
& "Three Men in a Room" Governance
by a Citizen-Taxpayer Action...


Attorney General's July 28, 2015 Dismissal/Summary Judgment Motion 


July 28, 2015 Notice of Motion

Asst. A.G. Kerwin's July 28, 2015 Affirmation
     Ex. A:  plaintiffs' March 28, 2014 summons & verified complaint (w/o exhibits)
     Ex. B:   Justice McDonough's October 8, 2014 decision/order
     Ex. C:   respondents' November 5, 2014 answer to verified complaint
     Ex. D:  plaintiffs' March 30, 2015 verified supplemental complaint
     Ex. E:   defendant Legislature's coverltr & proposed budget for fiscal year 2014-2015
     Ex. F:   Judiciary's proposed budget for fiscal year 2014-2015
     Ex. G:   defendant Governor's Budget Bill S.6351/A.8551
     Ex. H:   defendant Governor's Budget Bill S.6351-A/A.8551-A
     Ex. I:    defendant Legislature's coverltr & proposed budget for fiscal year 2015-2016
     Ex. J:    Judiciary's proposed budget for fiscal year 2015-2016 
     Ex. K:  defendant Governor's Budget Bill S.2001/A.3001
     Ex. L:   defendant Governor's Budget Bill S.2001-A/A.3001-A
     Ex. M:  defendant Legislature's press release & schedule for budget hearings for 2014-2015
     Ex. N:   defendant Legislature's agenda for February 5, 2014 budget hearing for 2014-2015
     Ex. O:   transcript of defendant Legislature's February 5, 2014 budget hearing for 2014-2015
     Ex. P:   defendant Legislature's press release & schedule for budget hearings for 2015-2016
     Ex. Q:  defendant Legislature's agenda for February 26, 2015 budget hearing for 2015-2016
     Ex. R:   transcript of defendant Legislture's February 26, 2015 budget hearing for 2015-2016

Assistant A.G. Kerwin's July 28, 2015 Memorandum of Law

Plaintiffs' August 14, 2015 letter to the Court -- "RE: Adjournment of Defendants' Dismissal/Summary Judgment Motion to September 28, 2015"


*   *   *

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