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Appeal at the Appellate Division, Third Dept.



* Appellants' July 24, 2018 Order to Show Cause
with Preliminary Injunction & TRO

* furnished to AG Underwood
& TOP supervisory/managerial attorneys --

* CJA's July 20, 2018 e-mail --
(Ex S-1 to below moving affidavit in support of OSC)


* CJA's July 23, 2018 e-mail --
(Ex T-1 to below moving affidavit in support of OSC)



* * *

Order to Show Cause
(final -- posted July 24th 11:30 am)

accompanying subpoena duces tecum

Appellant Sassower's moving affidavit 
(final -- posted July 24th 11:30 am)

incorporated --

Appellants' Brief

Reproduced Record on Appeal --
Volume 1   Volume 2   Volume 3


appended to the moving affidavit


Exhibit A-1:    Appellants’ March 28, 2014 order to show cause, with preliminary injunction & TRO

Exhibit A-2:    Transcript of March 28, 2014 oral argument of TRO
                      before Albany Supreme Court Justice Michael Lynch


Exhibit B:        Appellants’ March 26, 2014 Notice to Furnish Papers to the Court
                       Pursuant to CPLR §2214(c)


Exhibit C-1:    Appellants’ March 31, 2014 letter to Justice Lynch -- “Reconsideration
                     of the
Court’s from-the-bench decision on March 28, 2014…” 


Exhibit C-2:    Justice Lynch’s so-ordered March 31, 2014 letter


Exhibit C-3:    Appellants’ March 31, 2014 letter to Justice Lynch – "Supplement..."


Exhibit C-4:    Appellants’ March 31, 2014 e-mail to Justice Lynch’s law clerk -- “…What Disciplinary
                     Action will be Taken by Justice Lynch vs the Attorney General Consistent with
                     of the Chief Administrator’s Rules Governing Judicial Conduct?”


Exhibit C-5:    Justice Lynch’s so-ordered April 1, 2014 letter 


Exhibit D-1:    Appellants’ May 16, 2014 notice of cross-motion [R.1120-1122]


Exhibit D-2:    Appellant Sassower’s May 16, 2014 affidavit in further support of OSC,
                      in opposition to AAG Kerwin’s dismissal motion, & in support of plaintiffs’ cross-motion


Exhibit E:        Appellant’s June 16, 2014 order to show cause with TRO
                      to prevent destruction of original records and direct turn-over, with moving affidavit 


Exhibit F-1:     Appellants’ March 23, 2016 order to show cause with stay & TRO


Exhibit F-2:     Transcript of March 23, 2016 oral argument of TRO
                      before Albany Acting Supreme Court Justice Roger McDonough


Exhibit G:       Inventory of two-volume compendium of exhibits, plus free-standing exhibits,
                      substantiating appellant’s March 23, 2016 verified second supplemental complaint 


Exhibit H:       Part HHH of fiscal year 2018-2019 budget bill #S.7509-C/A.9509-C


Exhibit I-1:      Appellant Sassower’s May 16, 2018 letter to Attorney General Barbara Underwood --

                       "NOTICE: Corruption and Litigation Fraud by Former Attorney General Eric Schneiderman

                       & his Office -- and Your Duty to Take Investigative and Remedial Action, most
                       immediately, in the Citizen-Taxpayer Action...and pursuant to 'The Public Trust Act'
                       (Penal Law 496: 'Corrupting the government')", with e-mail & mail receipts


Exhibit I-2     Appellant Sassower’s May 18, 2018 letter to Interim Attorney General Candidates –
                       "Testing the Fitness of Acting Attorney General Barbara Underwood – & Every Other
                       Candidate for Interim Attorney General”, with e-mail receipt


                                                Free-Standing Exhibits I & J



Exhibit J-1:      Appellant Sassower’s May 30, 2018 letter to Attorney General Underwood --
                       "What is the Status? -- CJA's May 16, 2018 letter: NOTICE...",
                            (1) Disclosure of facts giving rise to your duty to secure appointment of
                                 independent/outside counsel to investigate and report on your ethical and
                                 law enforcement obligations with respect to the May 16, 2018 NOTICE,
                                 or a special prosecutor; 
(2) FOIL/records request – conflicts of interest; Executive Law §63.11;
                                 legislative oversight.

                         with e-mail & mail receipts 

Exhibit J-2:      Attorney General’s May 30, 2018 FOIL pre-acknowledgment

Exhibit J-3:      Attorney General’s June 6, 2018 FOIL acknowledgment

Exhibit J-4:      Attorney General’s July 5, 2018 FOIL response


Exhibit K:       Appellant Sassower’s June 6, 2018 e-mail to Attorney General Underwood --
                      "RE: What is the Status?..."


Exhibit L:        Appellant Sassower’s June 14, 2018 e-mail to Attorney General Underwood --
                      "NOTICE: OSC/with preliminary injuction & TRO to be presented to the Appellate Division,
                      3rd Dept -- Citizen-Taxpayer Action..."



Exhibit M-1:    Appellant Sassower’s June 18, 2018 e-mail to Assistant Solicitor General Victor Paladino
                      – “OSC/with preliminary injunction & TRO to be presented to the Appellate Division,
                      3rd Dept – Citizen-Taxpayer Action…” (12:09 pm)


Exhibit M-2:    Assistant Solicitor General Paladino’s June 18, 2018 e-mail  (12:43 pm)


Exhibit M-3:    Appellant Sassower’s June 18, 2018 e-mail to Assistant Solicitor General Frederick Brodie
                      (1:04 pm)


Exhibit M-4:    Assistant Solicitor General Brodie’s June 18, 2018 e-mail  (1:22 pm)


Exhibit M-5:    Assistant Solicitor General Brodie’s June 18, 2018 e-mail (6:28 pm)


Exhibit M-6:    Appellant Sassower’s June 19, 2018 e-mail (1:10 pm)


Exhibit M-7:    Assistant Solicitor General Brodie’s June 19, 2018 e-mail (1:54 pm)



Exhibit N-1:    Assistant Solicitor General Brodie’s June 25, 2018 e-mail (10:14 am)


Exhibit N-2:    Appellant Sassower’s June 26, 2018 e-mail (6:56 pm)


Exhibit N-3:    Assistant Solicitor General Brodie’s June 27, 2018 e-mail (10:35 am)


Exhibit N-4:    Appellant Sassower’s June 29, 2018 e-mail (1:52 pm)



Exhibit O-1:    Appellant Sassower’s July 3, 2018 e-mail  (1:16 pm)


Exhibit O-2:    Assistant Solicitor General Brodie’s July 3, 2018 e-mail  (2:34 pm)


Exhibit O-3:    Assistant Solicitor General Brodie’s July 3, 2018 e-mail (12:15 pm)


Exhibit O-4:    Appellant Sassower’s July 3, 3018 e-mail (3:36 pm)


Exhibit O-5:    Assistant Solicitor General Brodie’s July 3, 2018 e-mail (3:41 pm)


Exhibit O-6:    Appellant Sassower’s July 3, 2018 e-mail (4:19 pm)



Exhibit P-1:     Appellant Sassower’s July 5, 2018 e-mail  (11:24 am)


Exhibit P-2:     Assistant Solicitor General Brodie’s July 5, 2018 e-mail (1:35 pm)


Exhibit P-3:     Appellant Sassower’s July 5, 2018 e-mail (2:01 pm)


Exhibit P-4:     Assistant Solicitor General Brodie’s July 5, 2018 e-mail (2:09 pm)



Exhibit Q-1:    Appellant Sassower’s July 6, 2018 e-mail (1:46 pm)


Exhibit Q-2:    Assistant Solicitor General Brodie’s July 6, 2018 e-mail (3:57 pm), with signed stipulation


Exhibit Q-3:    Appellant Sassower’s July 6, 2018 e-mail (4:25 pm), with signed stipulation


Exhibit Q-4:    Appellant Sassower’s July 10, 2018 e-mail (1:48 pm)


Exhibit Q-5:    Assistant Solicitor General Brodie’s July 10, 2018 e-mail (1:52 pm) 


Exhibit R-1:    Appellant Sassower’s July 13, 2018 e-mail (3:48 pm)


Exhibit R-2:    Assistant Solicitor General Brodie’s July 13, 2018 e-mail (4:10 pm)


Exhibit R-3:    Appellant Sassower’s July 13, 2018 e-mail (4:29 pm)


Exhibit R-4:    Assistant Solicitor General Brodie’s July 13, 2018 e-mail (4:32 pm)

Exhibit R-5:    Appellant Sassower’s July 17, 2018 e-mail (2:02 pm)

Exhibit R-6:    Assistant Solicitor General Brodie’s July 17, 2018 e-mail (2:07 pm)

Exhibit S-1:     Appellant Sassower’s July 20, 2018 e-mail to Appellate Division, 3rd Dept. Court Attorney
                      Jane Landes, with copies to Assistant Solicitor General Brodie & supervisory/managerial
                      attorneys, including Attorney General Underwood – (12:20 pm) – “…order to show cause,
                      with preliminary injunction & TRO, to be presented July 24
th at the Appellate Division,
rd Dept.”

Exhibit S-2:     Court Attorney Landes’ July 20, 2018 e-mail (3:21 pm)

Exhibit S-3:     Appellant Sassower’s July 20, 2018 e-mail  (4:31 pm)

Exhibit S-4:     Assistant Attorney General Brodie’s July 20, 2018 e-mail (4:38 pm)

Exhibit T-1:     Appellant Sassower’s July 23, 2018 e-mail to Court Attorney Landes,
                      with copies to Assistant Solicitor General Brodie & supervisory/managerial attorneys,
                      including Attorney General Underwood – (10:52 am)

Exhibit T-2:     Assistant Solicitor General Brodie’s July 23, 2018 e-mail (3:47 pm),
                      with attached letter to Appellate Division, 3rd Dept Clerk Robert Mayberger

Exhibit T-3:     Court Attorney Landes’ July 23, 2018 e-mail (4:24 pm)

Exhibit U:        Appellant Sassower’s July 20, 2018 e-mail to Third Department Attorney Grievance
                      Committee Chief Attorney Monica Duffy  (3:44 pm)



*  *  *

click here for:
CJA's SECOND citizen-taxpayer action --

(born September 2, 2016 - murdered February 18, 2020)

CJA's FIRST citizen-taxpayer action --

(born March 28, 2014 - murdered August 1, 2016)

click here for:






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