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CJA's SECOND Citizen-Taxpayer Action --
to End NYS' Corrupt Budget "Process"

& Unconstitutional "Three Men in a Room" Governance






Plaintiffs' June 12, 2017 Order to Show Cause,
signed by Judge Hartman June 16, 2017



Plaintiff Sassower's June 12, 2017 moving affidavit


Exhibit A-1:   AAG Kerwin’s May 11, 2017 notice of entry for Judge Hartman’s May 5, 2017 decision and order

Exhibit A-2:   Judge Hartman’s May 5, 2017 decision and order

Exhibit B-1:   AAG Kerwin’s May 11, 2017 notice of entry for Judge Hartman’s May 5, 2017 amended decision and order

Exhibit B-2:  Judge Hartman’s May 5, 2017 amended decision and order

Exhibit C:   Plaintiffs’ June 10, 2017 notice of appeal and pre-calendar statement

Exhibit D:   Plaintiffs’ e-mail receipt of their June 10, 2017 transmittal of this order to show cause to AAG Kerwin -- & to supervisory authorities at the Attorney General’s office, including defendant Attorney General Schneiderman

Exhibit E:    Plaintiffs’ analysis of AAG Kerwin’s March 22, 2017 affirmation and memorandum of law in opposition to plaintiffs’ February 15, 2017 order to show cause to disqualify Judge Hartman, vacate her December 21, 2016 decision/order, disclosure, reargument/renewal & other relief

Exhibit F:   Plaintiffs’ April 10, 2017 complaint to Third Judicial District Administrative Judge Thomas Breslin – “RE:  IMMEDIATE SUPERVISORY OVERSIGHT REQUIRED: willful, deliberate, and purposeful violation of State Finance Law §123-c(4) by Acting Supreme Court Justice/Court of Claims Judge Denise A. Hartman”

Exhibit G:  Plaintiff’s April 21, 2017 complaint to Deputy Chief Administrative Judge Michael Coccoma – “RE: IMMEDIATE SUPERVISORY ACTION REQUIRED:  Misconduct Complaint against Third Judicial District Administrative Judge Thomas A. Breslin & his highest ranking administrative staff, District Executive Beth A. Diebel and Deputy District Executive Christy Q. Bass for aiding and abetting the willful, deliberate, and purposeful violation of State Finance Law §123-c(4) by Acting Supreme Court Justice/Court of Claims Judge Denis A. Hartman – & by Senior Court Reporter Cindy Affinati





click here for: 
CJA's Citizen-Taxpayer Actions to End NYS' Corrupt Budget "Process"
& Unconstitutional "Three Men in a Room" Governance 






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