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Center for Judicial Accountability, et al. v. Cuomo, et al
(Albany Co. #5122-16)




relating to March 29, 2017 Order to Show Cause

Plaintiffs' March 24, 2017 letter to Justice Hartman --
"RE" Plaintiffs' Request...& Notice to the Attorney General

                 Enclosures --  
                      FOIL-Senate's March 13, 2017 "amended" bills  
                           FOIL - Senate's March 12, 2016 "amended" bills    
                       FOIL-Assembly March 13, 2017 "amended" bills
                         FOIL - Assembly March 11, 2016 "amended" bills


click here for:
plaintiffs' Feb. 15, 2017 order to show cause
for Justice Hartman's disqualification,

vacatur of her Dec. 21, 2016 decision, etc.


Justice Hartman's March 24, 2017 letter 

March 24, 2017 e-mail from Attorney General's Litigation Bureau Chief Jeffrey Dvorin (1:03) pm --
"Subject: CJA v. Cuomo, et al"


Sassower's March 24, 2017 e-mail to Litigation Bureau Chief Dvorin (1:33 pm) --
"Subject: ...plaintiffs' Feb 15 OSC: adjournment request & notice to Attorney General"


Litigation Bureau Chief Dvorin's March 24, 2017 e-mail (1:44 pm)


Sassower's March 24, 2017 e-mail (4:03 pm) --
"Subject: 'Concerns'..."


Litigation Bureau Chief Dvorin's March 24, 2017 e-mail (4:28 pm)


Sassower's March 24, 2017 e-mail (4:48 pm) --
"Subject: Thank you..."


Sassower's March 27, 2017 e-mail (2:38 pm) --
"Subject: Awaiting the results of your review -- ...
OSC with preliminary injunction & TRO: tomorrow 11 am"


Litigation Bureau Chief Dvorin's March 27, 2017 e-mail - 2:38 pm



Sassower's March 27, 2017 e-mail (2:43 pm) --
"Subject: 'handled appropriately in all respects by this office'?..."


Litigation Bureau Chief Dvorin's March 27, 2017 e-mail (2:51 pm)


Sassower's March 27, 2017 e-mail to Deputy Attorney General Meg Levine (3:07 pm) -- "Subject: YOUR SUPERVISORY OVERSIGHT IS URGENTLY REQUIRED..."


Sassower's March 28, 2017 e-mail to Justice Hartman (9:54 am) --
"Subject: ...RESCHEDULING OF OSC for Preliminary Injunction with TRO"


 Enclosures:  FOIL - Senate-March 20, 2017 "amended" debt service bill
                             FOIL - Assembly March 20, 2017 "amended" debt service bill


March 28, 2017 rescheduling letter signed by Justice Hartman


Deputy Attorney General Levine's March 28, 2017 e-mail (10:13 am) --


Sassower's March 28, 2017 e-mail to Deputy Attorney General Levine  (10:38 am) -


Sassower's March 28, 2017 e-mail (11:29 am) --
"Subject: Court's rescheduled time/date for plaintiffs' OSC for preliminary injunction with TRO"



Sassower's March 30, 2017 e-mail to Justice Hartman (11:20 am) --
"Subject: URGENT/TIME-SENSITIVE: Reconsideration & the granting of a TRO and/or the scheduling of an evidentiary hearing, tomorrow, on plaintiffs' entitlement to a preliminary injunction"


Sassower's March 30, 2017 e-mail to Deputy Attorney General Meg Levine (1:35 pm) --
"Subject: Request that the AG rise above his conficts of interest & do his duty to secure the TRO to which plaintiffs were entitled yesterday, as a matter of law"


Assistant Attorney General Helena Lynch's March 30, 2017 e-mail (1:38 pm)


Sassower's March 30, 2017 e-mail to Assistant Attorney General Lynch (3:08 pm) --
"Subject: Your letter of retraction to Justice Hartman"



Sassower's March 31, 2017 e-mail to Attorney General Eric Schneiderman, Chief Deputy Attorneys Generl Jason Brown and Janet Sabel, and Executive Deputy Attorney General for State Counsel Kent Stauffer (3:02 pm) --

  Referred to & enclosed link:  "The 'Three Men in a Room' and Millions Outside",
Gotham Gazette, March 30, 2017 (Rachel Silberstein)



Judge Hartman's March 31, 2017 letter to Sassower & AAG Kerwin --
sent regular mail to P.O. Box   (rec'd by Sassower-4/6/17)


Sassower's April 1, 2017 e-mail to Court Reporter Cindy Affinati (9:30 am) -- "Subject: Please confirm that transcript of March 29th oral argument of plaintiffs' OSC for preliminary injunction with TRO will be furnished by April 3rd/4th..."


Sassower's April 2, 2017 e-mail to Attorney General Schneiderman (11:16 am) --



Sassower's April 5, 2017 e-mail to Assembly members -- Subject: Your DUTY to expose the '3-men-in-a-room'-'amended' budget bills as treason to the NYS Constitution -- violating Article VII, §§4, 5, 6 & Article III, §10"



Sassower's April 5, 2017 e-mail to Attorney General Schneiderman -- Subject: CJA v. Cuomo, et al (#5122-16) -- Your duty to advise your co-defendant clients of their treason to the NYS Constitution by their behind-closed-doors, '3-men-in-a-room'-'amended' budget bills as treason to the NYS Constitution -- violating Article VII, §§4, 5, 6 & Article III, §10"



Sassower's April 5, 2017 e-mail to Assembly members -- AG Schneiderman's duty to advise the Legislature that the behind-closed-doors, '3-men-in-a-room'-'amended' budget bills of Heastie, Flangagan & Cuomo violate Article VII, §§4, 5, 6 & Article III, §10 of the NYS Constitution -- & are treason thereof"


Sassower's April 5, 2017 e-mail to 3rd Judicial District Executive Beth Diebel -- Subject: Request for oversight of the unprofessional, prejudicial conduct of court reporter Cindy Affinati -- March 29, 2017 transcript/OSC/preliminary injunction with TRO"


Sassower's April 7, 2017 e-mail to 3rd Judicial District Deputy District Executive Christy Bass -- "Subject: I look forward to receiving your fact-specific, responsive disposition of my April 5th complaint"


Sassower's April 8, 2017 letter to Court Reporter Cinty Affinati -- "RE: Transcript..."

                 photo of $132 money order


       TRANSCRIPT: March 29, 2017 oral argument -- sent, by e-mail, April 13, 2017



click here for:  

Securing Enforcement of Threshold Integrity Issues
& Compliance with the Citizen-Taxpayer Action Statute



Judge Hartman's April 25, 2017 letter

Sassower's April 28, 2017 letter to Judge Hartman --
"RE: Plaintiffs’ Request to Adjourn Today’s Return Date of their March 29, 2017 Order to Show Cause for Preliminary Injunction with TRO & Due Date for their Reply Papers, Plus Notice to the Attorney General"


May 5, 2017 letter with May 5, 2017 decision denying disqualification/vacatur/reargument

May 5, 2017 letter with May 5, 2017 amended decision


Judge Hartman's May 5, 2017 letter


AAG Kerwin's May 11, 2017 notice of entry for May 5, 2017 decision

AAG Kerwin' May 11, 2017 notice of entry for May 5, 2017 amended decision


click here for:  Menu Page for CJA's TWO Citizen-Taxpayer Actions to End NYS' Corrupt Budget "Process" & Unconstitutional "Three Men in a Room" Governance 





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