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"Selection Member" Governor Hochul's proposed nomination
of James Caras, ESQ.

July 3, 2024
"Governor Hochul Announces Nominee
for the Commission on Ethics and Lobbying in Government


CJA's July 10, 2024 comment to Governor Hochul,
sent via her website portal, at 10:30 pm --

"250 words is inadequate for this comment concerning Gov. Hochul's proposed nomination of James Caras to the Commission on Ethics & Lobbying in Government -- and all the more so as this electronic portal does not accommodate hyperlinking or attachments. My comment is, therefore, posted with hyperlinked evidence on a webpage I have constructed on the website of the Center for Judicial Accountability, Inc., www.judgewatch.org, accessible from the top panel "Latest News". The direct link is: https://www.judgewatch.org/web-pages/searching-nys/celg/caras-james.htm.
I will gladly e-mail the comment to you, if you send me an e-mail address for doing so.
I am available to answer question[s] -- and would welcome the opportunity to do so under oath. Thank you.
Elena Sassower, Director/Center for Judicial Accountability, Inc. (CJA)"


Governor Hochul’s July 3, 2024 announcement of her proposed nomination of James Caras to the Commission on Ethics and Lobbying in Government states:

"James Caras served as Special Counsel to the current Speaker of the New York City Council until his retirement in 2023 and as General Counsel and then Special Counsel to the City Council under the prior Speaker."

Not included in the announcement are the dates of his service in those positions – or his duties, particularly as “Special Counsel”. 

Had Mr. Caras been doing his job – certainly as General Counsel – he would know that the City Council and its relevant committees are in flagrant violation of the New York City Charter, Chapter 2, §29, requiring oversight “on a regular and continuous basis”, including yearly hearings, of “the activities of the agencies of the city”. The most important of these “agencies”, for purposes of ensuring the integrity of city governance, are the New York City Public Advocate, the New York City Conflicts of Interest Board, the New York City Department of Investigation, and New York City's five district attorneys. 

I directly apprised the City Council and its relevant committees of the corruption of these “entities” in connection with the mayor’s appointment of Milton Williams, Esq. as chair of the Conflicts of Interest Board and Anthony Crowell, Esq. as a member of the New York City Planning Commission.  The City Council confirmed both of them on September 14, 2022, following a sham September 7, 2022 hearing of its Committee on Rules, Privileges and Elections, of which Speaker Adams is a member and at which she was present, though not for the portion at the end where citizens are permitted to testify for two minutes.  No findings of fact or conclusions of law were made with respect to my evidence-filled written testimony – presumably a responsibility of the Office of the General Counsel under whose auspices the hearing was held.

Below are links to webpages substantiating this comment.  In addition to the first pertaining to my testimony at the September 7, 2022 City Council hearing and my correspondence to the City Council and its pertinent committees and members relating thereto, are links to my FOIL requests to the New York City Council, which are handled through its General Counsel’s Office.  These are, most importantly:

  • my September 8, 2022 FOIL request entitled "FOIL -- Compliance with Chapter 2, §29 of the NYC Charter: NYC Conflicts of Interest Board, NYC Dept of Investigation, NYC's 5 D.A.s, & the Office of the Public Advocate -- plus ‘allowance[s]’ to City Council Committee chairs & officers";

  • my September 13, 2022 FOIL request entitled "FOIL -- Records, Rules & Procedures pertaining to the Sept. 7, 2022 Rules Committee hearing on mayoral appointees &, in particular, Milton Williams, Jr., Esq. & Anthony Crowell, Esq.".

To the September 8, 2022 FOIL request, there was only a dilatory, insufficient response reflecting the City Council’s non-compliance with Chapter 2, §29 of the City Charter.  To the September 13, 2022 FOIL request, there was NO response whatever.

Also posted are my FOIL requests to the City Council, from 2021, alerting it to the situation with respect to the Public Advocate, to whom the FOIL requests were also addressed:

All three of these FOIL requests were acknowledged by the City Council’s FOIL officer, but the only response thereafter was to the second, deferring to the Public Advocate’s palpably deficient, Charter-violating response. As for the Public Advocate’s responses to the other two FOIL requests, they also were palpably deficient and violative of Charter requirements.

Suffice to add that as to the third FOIL request pertaining to the Public Advocate’s website, the ONLY change thereafter made was to the sentence highlighted by the FOIL request:  “These duties, worded somewhat ambiguously, are laid out in Section 24 of the City Charter.”  This was changed to remove the “worded somewhat ambiguously”.  No hyperlinking to Section 24 was added, nor listing of the Public Advocate's duties pursuant thereto, as my FOIL had requested, thereby concealing the Public Advocate's past violations, which would be continued.

What did Mr. Caras know and what should he have known, consistent with his General Counsel and Special Counsel duties?   And what does Mr. Caras believe to be his ethical duties now, upon being furnished with this evidence-substantiated comment, where, additionally, my September 7, 2022 written testimony against Anthony Crowell (at pp. 3-6) and its two-minute summary exposed not only his corruption in 2015 as a member, if not de facto chair, of the JCOPE/LEC review commission, and, in 2021, as a member of the New York City Conflicts of Interest Board, but, since 2022, as chair of the Independent Review Committee (IRC) that will be reviewing the Govenor's proposed nomination of Mr. Caras’ to COELIG.  This, in addition to exposing the corruption of the IRC’s 14 other law school deans – all fully knowledgeable, since my first June 12, 2022 letter to them, of the lawsuit CJA v. JCOPE, et al. (Albany Co. #904235-22), brought "on behalf of the People of the State of New York & the Public Interest", whose sixth cause of action is dispositive of the unconstitutionality and fraud of the “ethics commission reform act of 2022” that replaced JCOPE with COELIG. 

As my subsequent correspondence to the 15 IRC deans reveals -- and it spans from July 2022 to February 2023 -- they have covered-up the wilful failure of COELIG's "selection members" -- the Governor among them -- to reject their own proposed nominees based on investigation of adverse comment, and, upon approving these corrupt proposed nominees, have, thereafter, covered up their corruption as COELIG commissioners, as, for instance, their dismissal, without investigation, of COELIG’s first complaint, to wit, CJA's July 8, 2022 complaint and October 6, 2022 supplement against Attorney General Letitia James for corrupting the judicial process in CJA v. JCOPE, et al., rewarded by fraudulent Supreme Court decisions.

As for what has become of CJA's subsequent complaints to COELIG -- CJA's October 2, 2023 complaint and January 29, 2024 complaint, each involving CJA v. JCOPE, et al. -- COELIG has been "sitting on" them.  As reflected by my most recent June 5, 2024 e-mail to the COELIG commissioners, COELIG has not even acknowledged receipt of these two fully-documented complaints.  Meanwhile, the IRC and COELIG have been defending against two subsequent lawsuits challenging the constitutionality of the "ethics commission reform act of 2022" -- Lavine v. State of New York...IRC, defended by outside counsel, for which the taxpayers have needlessly paid tens of thousands of dollars, and Cuomo v. COELIG -- each lawsuit, as they know, mooted by the sixth cause of action of CJA v. JCOPE, et al.

Will Mr. Caras, if approved to be a COELIG commissioner by the IRC deans, have the integrity to "blow the whistle" on what's been going on?

I am available to answer questions about the foregoing and would welcome the opportunity to do so, under oath.

Thank you.

Elena Sassower, Director
Center for Judicial Accountability, Inc. (CJA)


CJA's Sept 7, 2022 Testimony in Opposition to NYC Council
Confirmations of Anthony Crowell & Milton Williams, Etc.

CJA's 2022 FOIL to NYC Council

CJA's 2021 FOIL to NYC Council & Public Advocate

CJA's complaints & FOIL requests to COELIG

A Tale of Three Lawsuits
(1) CJA v. JCOPE, et al; (2) Lavine v. NYS...IRC; (3) Cuomo v. COELIG



Adrienne Adams is Speaker from January 2022

Corey Johnson was Speaker of the New York City Council 
from January 2018 to January 2022.




July 3, 2024
"James Caras Nominated to Commission on Ethics"

July 3, 2024
"Governor Hochul Appoints Veteran New York City Lawyer
to New York's Ethics Commission Amid Ongoing Legal Battle"

July 3, 2024
"Attorney Nominated to Ethics Panel as Its Validity is Before NY's Top Court"
NYLJ (Brian Lee)

July 3, 2024
"Hochul nominates latest nominees
to the Commission on Ethics and Lobbying in Government
Spectrum News (Luke Parsnow)

July 3, 2024
"Hochul nominates New York City lawyer to state ethics Board"

July 3, 2024
"Hochul nominates ethics commissioner as the panel's future is in limbo"
Albany Times Union (Brendon Lyons)




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