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February 18, 2018 
"How We Judge Prosecutors
WNYC (Fred Mogul)

June 19, 2018
"Bill to Create a Prosecutorial Misconduct Commission is Approved by NY State Assembly"
NYLJ (Dan Clark)

June 19, 2018
"DAs Push Back Against Prosecutorial Conduct Commission"
State of Politics (Nick Reisman)

July 3, 2018
"Bill to Create Prosecutorial Conduct Commission Awaits Cuomo Decision"
Gotham Gazette (Ben Brachfeld)

July 5, 2018
"New DASNY President Urges Cuomo to Reject Bill to Create Prosecutorial Misconduct Board"
NYLJ  (Dan Clark)

August 9, 2018
"Bill creating prosecutorial misconduct commission reaches Cuomo"
Albany Times Union (David Lombardo)

August 13, 2018
"Prosecutorial Misconduct Commission Might Not Survive Judicial Review, AG's Counsel Writes"
NYLJ  (Dan Clark)

August 14, 2018
"D.A.s Plan Constitutional Challenge to Prosecutorial Misconduct Commission"
NYLJ  (Dan Clark)

August 16, 2018
"Sponsor of Prosecutorial Misconduct Commission Bill Expects Approval from Cuomo"
NYLJ  (Dan Clark)

August 23, 2018
"A New Panel Can Investigate Prosecutors.  They Plan to Sue to Block It"
New York Times (Jesse McKinley)

October 2018
"DAs sue over NY's first in the nation posecutor watchdog commission"
Syracuse.com  (Julie McMahon)

October 17, 2018
"DAs File Constitutional Challenge to NY Prosecutorial Conduct Commission"
New York Law Journal (Dan Clark)

Complaint -- Soares v. New York State

Lawsuit -- David Soares v. State of New York
Albany County #906409-18

October 25, 2018
"New York District Attorneys File Lawsuit to Block New Prosecutorial Watchdog Committee"
Syracuse Law Review (Caitlyn Bucklman)


April 1, 2019
"NY State DA's Move to Block Creation of Prosecutorial Conduct Watchdog"
New York Law Journal (Dan Clark)

April 5, 2019
"Prosecutors Sometimes Behave Badly. Now They May Be Held to Account"
NYT (Jay Ransom, Ashley Southwell)

June 2, 2019
"Cuomo, Lawmakers Agree Not to Defend Prosecutorial Watchdog's Constitutionality"
New York Law Journal (Dan Clark)

June 14, 2019
"Sponsor of Prosecutorial Conduct Watchdog Bill Urges Cuomo, Lawmakers to Rejoin the Suit"
New York Law Journal (Dan Clark)

July 24, 2019
"NY District Attorneys Formally Move to Strike Down Prosecutorial Watchdog Law"
New York Law Journal (Dan Clark)


January 28, 2020
"Albany judge strikes down Legislature's prosecutorial watchdog commission"
Albany Times Union (Dan Clark)

January 29, 2020
"Albany Judge Deems Prosecutorial Conduct Commission Unconstitutional"
New York Post (Bernadette Hogan)

January 28, 2020 decision

January 30, 2020
"New York court strikes down prosecutorial conduct commission"
Jurist (Andrew Hursh)

"The New York Prosecutorial Misconduct Commission
and the Dawn of a New Era of Reform for Prosecutors
Cardozo Law Review (Clyde Rastetter)


April 29, 2021
"District Attorneys Push Back On Proposed Prosecutorial Misconduct Panel"
WSKG (Dan Clark)

September 1, 2021
"How New York Lets Prosecutors Off the Hook for Misconduct"
NY Focus (Rory Fleming)

September 2, 2021
"NY Courts Faulted for Lax Approach to Misconduct"

Governor Cuomo's June 21, 2021 press announcement:
"Governor Cuomo Signs Legislation Bolstering Commission on Prosecutorial Conduct"


"New York Creates a Commission on Prosecutor Conduct"
Washington University Law School
34 Criminal Justice 62 (Fall 2019)





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