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Examining Manhattan D.A. Morgenthau's Record with Respect to Judicial Corruption and Conflicts of Interest --
Getting His Response


CJA's September 2, 2005 memo to D.A. Morgenthau --


*      *      * 

NYS Comptroller Edward Regan's 1989 Report
on the NYS Commission on Judicial Conduct:

-- with press release,

(December 7, 1989)

*       *      * 

1st lawsuit vs Commission on Judicial Conduct

Doris L. Sassower v. Commission on Judicial Conduct of the State of New York
(NY Co. #95-109141)


           Exhibit A: October 26, 1994 ad-complaint,
                              "Where Do You Go When Judges Break the Law?"

        Exhibit B-1: Martindale-Hubbell law listing, 1989
        Exhibit B-2: Elected Fellow of the American Bar Foundation, 1989
        Exhibit C: October 5, 1989 judicial misconduct complaint
        Exhibit D: October 24, 1991judicial misconduct complaint
        Exhibit E: January 2, 1992 judicial misconduct complaint
        Exhibit F: December 4, 1992 judicial misconduct complaint
        Exhibit G:  September 19, 1994 judicial misconduct complaint
        Exhibit H: October 5, 1994 judicial misconduct complaint
        Exhibit I: October 26, 1994 judicial misconduct complaint
        Exhibit J: December 5, 1994 judicial misconduct complaint
        Exhibit K: Commission acknowledgment letters
        Exhibit L: Commission dismissal letters
        Exhibit M: January 22, 1993 letter to Commission
        Exhibit N:  May 20, 1986 judicial misconduct complaint

CJA's May 19, 1995 criminal complaint against the NYS Commission on Judicial Conduct, handwritten on form provided by D.A. Morgenthau's walk-in Special Prosecutions Bureau


CJA's May 26, 1995 letter to Special Prosecutions Bureau


CJA's September 19, 1995 criminal complaint, handwritten on a copy of Elena Sassower's Letter to the Editor, "Comm'n Abandons Investigative Mandate ", NYLJ, August 14, 1995, for intervention and action to vindicate the public's rights  

                       click here for RECORD -- Doris L. Sassower v. Commission 


CJA's January 31, 1996 letter to Special Prosecutions Bureau, protesting "the inaction and dereliction of the Manhattan D.A.'s office" - with request for the "direct personal involvement of District Attorney Morgenthau" on "an emergency basis"   
 -- Exhibit C:  Notice of Right to Seek Intervention
        -- Exhibit D:  "Comm'n Abandons Investigative Mandate", NYLJ, August 14, 1995
        -- Exhibit E:  analysis of Cahn decision contained in  December 15, 1995 ltr to Assembly Judiciary Committee

February 7, 1996 letter from Deputy Chief, Special Prosecutions Bureau

CJA's March 5, 1996 letter to Deputy Chief, Special Prosecutions Bureau, requesting "direct personal involvement of District Attorney Morgenthau" on an "an emergency basis"
 -- Exhibit A: p. 7 of verified petition
          -- Exhibit B:  Notice to Furnish Record
          -- Exhibit C:  Manhattan ADA affirmation


CJA's May 6, 1997 coverfax to Deputy Chief, Special Prosecutions Bureau, transmitting CJA's May 5, 1997 notice-challenge to D.A. Morgenthau


*     *     *

2nd lawsuit vs Commission on Judicial Conduct

Elena Ruth Sassower, Coordinator of the Center for Judicial Accountability, Inc, acting pro bono public v. Commission on Judicial Conduct of the State of New York
(NY Co. #99-108551)


       Exhibit A: CJA's May 5, 1997 memorandum-notice, with 3-page analysis of the fraudulent judicial decision in Doris L. Sassower v. Commission on Judicial Conduct

Exhibit B: CJA's public interest ad, "Restraining 'Liars in the Courtroom' and on the Public Payroll" (NYLJ, 8/27/97, pp. 3-4)
Exhibit C-1: CJA's October 6, 1998 judicial misconduct complaint, filed with Commission on Judicial Conduct [Commission]

Exhibit C-2: CJA's October 5, 1998 letter to Commission on Judicial Nomination

Exhibit D-1: CJA's November 3, 1998 letter to Commission

Exhibit D-2: Commission's November 3, 1998 letter to CJA

Exhibit E:    CJA's November 18, 1998 letter to City Bar

Exhibit F-1: Commission's December 2, 1998 letter to CJA

Exhibit F-2: CJA's December 10, 1998 letter to Commission

Exhibit F-3: Commission's December 23, 1998 letter to CJA

Exhibit F-4: CJA's December 29, 1998 letter to Commission

Exhibit F-5: Commission's January 25, 1999 letter to CJA

Exhibit F-6: CJA's February 3, 1999 letter to Commission

Exhibit F-7: Commission's February 5, 1999 letter to CJA

Exhibit G: CJA's March 11, 1999 letter to Commission

Exhibit H: pp. 368-72 of NYS Assembly Judiciary Committee's September 22, 1987 public hearing on the Commission

CJA's October 21, 1999 letter to Deputy Chief, Special Prosecutions Bureau, inter alia, initiating and supplementing criminal complaints against Attorney General, Commission, and NYS Commission on Judicial Nomination, and for Manhattan D.A. Morgenthau's recusal due to conflicts of interest and referral to the U.S. Justice Department's Public Integrity Section of its Criminal Division
Ex. A: "Restraining 'Liars in the Courtroom' and on the Public Payroll",
                          NYLJ ad, August 27, 1997

            Ex. B:  CJA's January 31, 1996 letter to D.A. Morgenthau
            Ex. C:  February 7, 1996 letter from Deputy Chief/Special Prosecutions Bureau
            Ex. D:  CJA's March 5, 1996 letter to D.A. Morgenthau
            Ex. E:  CJA's May 6, 1997 fax to D.A. Morgenthau
            Ex. F:  signed receipt for July 28, 1999 omnibus motion & memo of law
            Ex. G: "State Commission Can Refuse to Investigate Judge",
                           NYLJ, October 5, 1999
            Ex. H-1: Inventory
Ex. H-2: Inventory

                            click here for:  RECORD -- Elena Sassower v Commission
 [Test Case-State(Commission)]


CJA's October 29, 1999 letter to Deputy Chief, Special Prosecutions Bureau, requesting legal authority, specificity, and review by D.A. Morgenthau personally


October 29, 1999 letter from Deputy Chief, Special Prosecutions Bureau


CJA' November 4, 1999 letter to Deputy Chief, Special Prosecutions Bureau, requesting legal authority, specificity, and referral to superiors, including D.A. Morgenthau   personally


CJA's February 25, 2000 notice to D.A. Morgenthau & other proposed intervenors,                        enclosing:
     CJA's February 23, 2000 letter to Governor Pataki  --
     Ex. A: CJA's February 7, 2000 letter to Nan Weiner
     Ex. B-1: "Comm'n Abandons Investigative Mandate",
                       CJA's letter to editor, NYLJ, August 14, 1995
     Ex. B-2: "A Call for Concerted Action", CJA's $1,648 ad, NYLJ, November 20, 1997
     Ex. B-3: "Restraining 'Liars in the Courtroom and on the Public Payroll",
                       CJA's $3,077 ad, NYLJ, August 27, 1997
     Ex. C: computerized court record & recusal orders of 5 justices
 Ex. D: statement of former Bronx Surrogate Gelfand
                     at the NY City Bar Association's public hearing on the Commission
     Ex. E: CJA's January 7, 1998 letter to Chief Judge Kaye
             Ex. A: "On Choosing Judges, Pataki Creates Problems",
                             CJA's ltr to editor/NYT, November 16, 1996
             Ex. B-1: CJA's July 25, 1997 ltr to Chair/1st Dept Judicial Screening Committee
             Ex. B-2-6: follow-up faxes to 1st Dept. Judicial Screening Committee
             Ex. C-1: "Restraining 'Liars in the Courtroom' and on the Public Payroll",
                                CJA's $3,077 ad, NYLJ, August 27, 1997
             Ex. C-2: NYLJ item, September 22, 1997
             Ex. D: NYLJ item, December 26, 1997
             Ex. E: receipted 1st page of CJA's December 29, 1997 memo
                         to State Judicial Screening Committee members
             Ex. F: pp. 5-13 of the transcript of the May 17, 1999 proceeding
             Ex. G: pp. 8-17, 22-23 of the transcript of the June 14, 1999 court conference
             Ex. H:  transcript of the October 8, 1999 proceeding before Justice Zweibel
             Ex. I:  "Pols Rule Courtrooms: Acting Judges Owe Their Jobs to Pataki, Rudy",
                             NYDaily News, January 18, 2000
             Ex. J:  Kamau Bey's 3 judicial misconduct complaints against Justice Wetzel,
                         & Commission acknowledgment & dismissal letters
             Ex. K: "Observers Say Judge Doomed Defense", NY Post, April 17, 1998,
                      "Wacko Wetzel Left Oliver's Lawyer Defenseless", NYPost May 30, 1998,
                      "Cybersex Defense Wants Trial Halted", NY Daily News, March 24, 1998,
                      "Defense in Sexual Torture Case Says Court Let the Accuser Lie",
                              NYT, March 24, 1998,
                      "Oliver Jovanovic: First Sacrifice of the Digital Age",
                              La Journada, May 19, 1998



CJA's March 17, 2000 letter  to Deputy Chief, Special Prosecutions Bureau, protesting his wilful disregard of fundamental conflict of interest rules, requesting supervisory review by superiors, including by D.A. Morgenthau:  Ex. A-1 Ex. A-2 Ex. A-3 
            -- and enclosing
CJA's March 17, 2000 memo to D.A. Morgenthau & other proposed intervenors, transmitting copies of correspondence to which he was an indicated recipient: 

    (1) CJA's March 3, 2000 letter to Chief Judge Kaye
         Ex. A:  pages from Chief Judge Kaye's January 10, 2000
                        "State of the Judiciary Address"

         Ex. B:  exchange of correspondence between Kamau Bey
                         & Chief Judge Kaye's office

CJA's March 3, 2000 judicial misconduct complaint to Commission on Judicial Conduct


    (3) CJA’s March 17, 2000 letter to Andrew Dember, Chief/Public Integrity Unit; US Attorney, Southern District of NY

    (4) CJA's March 17, 2000 letter to Andrew Weissman, Deputy Chief-Criminal Division/US Attorney, Eastern District of NY
      Ex. A-1: "Fund-Raiser For Pataki Faces Charges", NYT, 12/16/99
      Ex. A-2: "Watch Out For the Feds", Empire State Report, 9/99
      Ex. A-3: "Pataki's 1994 Fund-Raising Is Under Investigation", NYT, 1/21/98
      Ex. A-4: CJA's February 12, 1998 fax to NYS Ethics Commission/
                        Public Information Officer
      Ex. B-1: 1998 Report to Congress on the Activities & Operations
                  of the Public Integrity Section, pp. 1-2

      Ex. B-2: 28 USC Sec. 528


CJA's April 24, 2000 letter  to D.A. Morgenthau, reiterating request for supervisory review, and enclosing CJA's April 24, 2000 memo to D.A. Morgenthau, etc., transmitting copies of correspondence to which he was an indicated recipient:

     (1) CJA's April 18, 2000 letter to Chief Judge Kaye
     Ex. A: March 27, 2000 letter from Michael Colodner,
                      Counsel/Unified Court System
            Ex. B: Chief Administrative Judge's 1998 report, pp. 45-6, 57
            Ex. C-1: CJA's March 3, 2000 judicial misconduct complaint
                         vs. Judges Wetzel & Crane
            Ex. C-2: Commission's March 7, 2000 acknowledgment letter
            Ex. C-3: Commission's April 6, 2000 dismissal letter


    (2) CJA's April 24, 2000 letter to Commission on Judicial Conduct

    (3) CJA's April 24, 2000 letter to Manhattan D.A. Morgenthau

    (4) CJA's April 24, 2000 letter to U.S. Attorney White

    (5) CJA's April 24, 2000 letter to U.S. Attorney Lynch


CJA's September 27, 2000 letter to NYS Attorney General Spitzer --
to which D.A. Morgenthau was an indicated recipient and to whom it was given,
in hand, on that date, with copies of the following correspondence to which D.A. Morgenthau was also an indicated recipient:

CJA’s August 9, 2000 letter to U.S. Attorney Mary Jo White 

     (2)  CJA’s September 6, 2000 letter to U.S. Attorney Mary Jo White
               Ex A:   August 15, 2000 letter from Shirah Neiman, Deputy U.S. Attorney

     (3) CJA’s August 14, 2000 letter to U.S. Attorney Lynch 

Ex. A: "U.S. Attorney's Office Promotes Seven", NYLJ, June 29, 2000
     Ex. E:  "Influence-Peddling Trial Begins for a Pataki Fund-Raiser", NYT, July 12, 2000;
                "Pataki Fund-Raiser Is Guilty Of Obstruction of Justice", NYT, July 29, 2000

    (4) CJA’s September 6, 2000 letter to U.S. Attorney Lynch --
         Ex A:  August 15, 2000 letter from Alan Vinegrad, Chief Assistant U.S. Attorney








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