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3rd Commission on Legislative, Judicial & Executive Compensation


Eugene Fahey, Esq., Chair  wikipedia

Disqualified for financial and other interests, arising from his corruption as an associate judge of the New York Court of Appeals.  Together with his five fellow associate judges, Fahey subverted the New York State Constitution, ALL law, and ethical standards to deny/dismiss appeals of right & by leave in CJA v. Cuomo...DiFiore, challenging the constitutionality and lawfulness of Chapter 60, Part E of the Laws of 2015, establishing the first Commission on Legislative, Judicial & Executive Compensation -- & of the $80,000 judicial salary raises resulting from its "false instrument" December 24, 2015 Report & the "false instrument" August 29, 2011 Report of its predecessor, the Commission on Judicial Compensation -- of which Fahey and all state judges are financial beneficiaries.   The clawbacks of judicial salary and pension benefits, of which Fahey is liable, from 2012 to his retirement in 2021 -- based on the open-and-shut, prima facie EVIDENCE that is the CJA v. Cuomo...DiFiore record -- is probably on the order of a million dollars.
The Court of Appeals' self-interested corrupting of CJA v. Cuomo...DiFiore to destroy constitutional, lawful governance and steal vast sums of taxpayer money was the subject of CJA's February 7, 2021 complaint to the Commission on Judicial Conduct, embodied in CJA's March 5, 2021 complaint to JCOPE.  The Commission on Judical Conduct's fraudulent dismissal of the February 7, 2021 complaint was the subject of CJA's November 24, 2021 complaint against it to JCOPE.  All these complaints are exhibits to the verified petition in CJA v. JCOPE, et al. -- a lawsuit whose record is Exhibit B in establishing the corruption of New York's judiciary, disentitling it to ANY salary increases -- Exhibit A being CJA v. Cuomo...DiFiore

What Fahey knows about the statute establishing the Commission on Legislative, Judicial
& Executive Compensation -- and the 2011 and 2015 "false instrument" Commission Reports that gave pay raises to the judges.  Or did the Court of Appeals Clerk's Office withhold from him, in 2018 and 2019, CJA's appeals of right & by leave in CJA v. Cuomo...DiFiore, in issuing five orders that he knew nothing about?

The record of CJA v. Cuomo, et al at the Court of Appeals -- 2019-20

And did he also not read CJA's letter to the editor, "A Call for Scholarship, Civic Engagement, and Amicus Curiae Before the NYCOA", in the August 21, 2019 New York Law Journal, referencing the "shocking record" of CJA v. Cuomo, et al. at the Court of Appeals.


CJA's February 7, 2021 complaint to the Commission on Judicial Conduct
vs Fahey & his Court of Appeals brethren, including Rowan Wilson,

based on CJA v. Cuomo...DiFiore


Fahey's presence at the April 17, 2023 Senate Judiciary Committee confirmation of Rowan Wilson as Court of Appeals Chief Judge, witnessing the following: (

“Judge Wilson is a corrupt judge and I've furnished the evidence of this to every member of the Committee with a request to testify against him under oath.  May I testify in his presence so that he can respond?   May I testify as to his corruption, of which I have furnished you with evidence.  Will you furnish my statement to the full Senate?” 

Hoylman:    “The meeting is still going on, please.”

                   [someone saying, perhaps one of the guards: “This is not the forum.”]

“Of course it is the forum.  This is the forum to examine whether or not he is fit for elevation as chief judge.  He must be removed as associate judge for his corruption in office and I wish to testify as to the evidence of this. 

He has thrown cases suing you for your corruption involving the budget and the pay raises of which you are beneficiaries.  You are acting on your self interest.  He has corrupted his office and has corrupted state governance and you are colluding with him.  You are benefiting from what he has done.  You are sued for corruption involving the budget.  The statement about which I wish to testify was furnished to each member of this Committee.  It’s posted on the website of the Center for Judicial Accountability, of which I am the co-founder and director – www.judgewatch.org – top panel ‘Latest News’.”

Hoylman:   “If you can leave your statement with us.”

“You already have it.  It was sent  to every member and I furnished you a hard copy, with a request to testify.  He has corrupted his office.  Cases are perfect trails, there is a record – and the record is unequivocal.  He corrupted his office to benefit himself and you.  And it’s time that the press did some investigation of what they have been suppressing for years.  I wish to testify and tomorrow against Ms. Halligan for corrupting her office as solicitor general.”

Holyman:    “Thank you so much.  We do have her testimony, as it were.  It was submitted, as I understand.”

AND my brief conversation with him, thereafter in the hallway outside the hearing room, as to his failure to dissent from the Court of Appeals majority in CJA v. Cuomo, et al, in view of his dissent, as an Appellate Division, 4th Dept. justice, in St. Joseph Hospital v.  Novello, challenging the constitutionality of the "force of law" commission scheme.


*  *  *

click here for Menu Page for:
NY's "Force of Law" Commissions -- Unconstitutionality & Fraud IN PLAIN SIGHT

click here Menu Page for:
VIDEO & Paper Trail Chronology of the Corrupt Commission Scheme
to Raise the Salaries of Corrupt Public Officers -- 2011 - to date








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