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2019 Commission on Legislative, Judicial & Executive Compensation


The Corruption & Fraud of the Three Non-Judge Witnesses
Who Testified in Favor of Judicial Pay Raises
at the Commission's Two Hearings


under construction (12-19-19)
-- come back later



New York City Bar Association President
Roger Maldinado

-- testified at the Commission's Nov. 4, 2019 hearing in Manhattan

click here for:

prior correspondence with the NYC Bar Association  

CJA's July 26, 2011 letter to Bar Leaders who testified at July 20, 2011 hearing --
"The Average/Mean Salaries of Your Lawyer Membership and of NY Lawyers;
Their Views of the Compensation of NY Judges, of the Quality of NY Judges,
of the Efficacy of Safeguarding Mechanisms -- and Whether Your Bar Associations Have Examined These Issues"

CJA's August 1, 2011 letter to Maldonado -- Chair/Council on Judicial Administration --
"The Absence of Evidence that Judicial Compensation has Deterred
Qualified Private Sector Lawyers from Becoming Judges"  fax  e-mail

CJA's August 17, 2011 letter to Advocates of Judicial Pay Raises --
Protecting the People of this State from Fraud: The Commission on Judicial Compensation's Duty to Identify the Case Presented by Opponents of ANY Judicial Pay Raises & to Make Findings with Respect Thereto, in Discharge of its Statutory Responsibilities"   e-mail


cc-e-mail:  CJA's August 5, 2011 letter to New York Times --
Setting the Record Straight: Ensurig that the Public & New York's Judicial Compensation Commission are Not Misled by New York Times' Reporting and Editorializing about 'Judicial Attrition' and the Purportedly Insufficient Pay of New York State Judges" 
         (1)  CJA’s July 6, 2011 FOIL request, with e-mail receipt 
         (2)  OCA’s July 22, 2011 response
         (3)  CJA’s June 13, 2011 e-mail, with attached June 10, 2011 FOIL request
  ABAJournal.Com: “What America’s Lawyers Earn”— NYS’s 62 Counties


cc-e-mail:   CJA's August 8, 2011 letter to the Commission --
Threshold Issues Barring Commission Consideration of Pay Raises for Judges:
(1) Chairman Thompson’s Disqualification for Interest, as to which there has been No Determination; (2) Systemic Corruption in New York’s Judiciary, Embracing the Commission on Judicial Conduct, as to which there has been No Determination; & (3) The Fraud & Lack of Evidence Put Forward by Advocates of Judicial Pay Raises.

Transcription of Elena Sassower's July 20, 2011 testimony before the Commission
"NOT ACCOUNTABLE TO THE PUBLIC", Report of NYS Comptroller Regan, 1989  --                    with his press release, "COMMISSION ON JUDICIAL CONDUCT NEEDS OVERSIGHT"  (December 7, 1989)
Transcription of Elena Sassower's questions at the December 11, 2002 forum on the
Commission on Judicial Conduct, co-sponsored by NYS Bar Association & Fund for Modern Courts


cc-e-mail:  CJA's August 23, 2011 letter to Chief Administrative Judge Ann Pfau -- "Ensuring that the Commission on Judicial Compensation is Not Led into Constitutional Error: Clarification of the Office of Court Administration’s “Memorandum discussing constitutional considerations in establishing judicial pay levels” – and the Substantiating Evidence
        (1) “Memorandum discussing constitutional considerations in establishing judicial pay levels”
             (2) CJA's June 14, 2011 letter to Chief Administrative Judge Ann Pfau
December 7, 2007 and September 23, 2008 Administrative Orders 
                      (2) "Introduction” & "Questions Presented" from appellant’s three appeal briefs
         #1;   #2;   #3 & #4;
                      (3) March 16, 2011 letter to App. Div Justices (Peter) Skelos, Eng, Hall, and Lott;
May 23, 2011 letter to Appointing Authorities: Cuomo, (Dean) Skelos, Silver, Lippman


cc-e-mail: CJA's August 26, 2011 letter to Chief Administrative Judge Ann Pfau --
PART 2: 
Ensuring that the Commission on Judicial Compensation is Not Led into Constitutional Error: Clarification of the Office of Court Administration’s “Memorandum discussing constitutional considerations in establishing judicial pay levels” – and the Substantiating Evidence                     
  “What America’s Lawyers Earn”—NYS’s 62 Counties



CJA's October 28, 2011 memo to Judicial Pay Raise Advocates --
"Holding Government Accountable: CJA's October 27, 2011 Opposition Report in Support of Legislative Override of the Commission on Judicial Compensation's Judicial Pay Recommendations & Other Relief"  e-mail

CJA's October 27, 2011 Opposition Report
to the Commission on Judicial Compensation's August 29, 2011 Report



New York State Bar Association President
Henry Greenberg

-- testified at the Nov. 14, 2019 hearing in Albany

Contact #1:
Moderator of June 16, 2015 forum --
"Budgets and the Balance of Power:
The Lasting Impact of
Silver v. Pataki
and How It Shapes the Future of Government in New York State",
sponsored by the Rockefeller Institute of Gov't & Albany Law School

VIDEO:  Introduction & Keynote 
VIDEO #1: "Constitutional Framework"
VIDEO #2: "Perspective from the Players"

VIDEO #3: "Silver v. Pataki in Practice"
VIDEO #4: "Discussion from the Trenches"

CJA's April 18, 2017 e-mail --
"In search of scholarship: 'Budgets and the Balance of Power:
The Lasting Impact of Silver v. Pataki and How It Shapes the Future of Government
in New York State' -- June 16, 2015 forum"

CJA's April 18, 2017 e-mail to Greenberg.

CJA's July 20, 2017 e-mail --
"Subject: STILL in search of scholarship..."

CJA's October 6, 2017 e-mail --
"Subject: Suing to Secure Constitutional Governance:
Surer & More Expedient than a Constitutional Convention


Contact #2:
President of the NYS Bar Association

CJA's June 27, 2019 e-mail to President Greenberg --
"GAPS in scholarship on the NY Court of Appeals, including (1) its 2004 Silver v. Pataki decision; (2) its subversion of appeals of right -- & mandatory appeals by leave; (3) Judiciary Law 14 & disqualification/disclosure by the Court's judges"

Immediately preceding correspondence with the NYS Bar Association



Fund for Modern Courts Executive Director
Dennis Hawkins

-- testified at the Commission's Nov. 4, 2019 hearing in Manhattan

CJA's March 14, 1995 misconduct complaint to Brooklyn District Attorney Hynes against Mr. Hawkins -- to which there was NO response

& here's the correspondence underlying it --

CJA's April 27, 1994 criminal complaint against the Justices of the Appellate Division, Second Department --
enclosing Doris Sassower's October 24, 1991 letter to Governor for appointment of a special prosecutor      

June 9, 1994 letter from Dennis Hawkins/Chief/Corruption Investigation Division


CJA's July 11, 1994 supplement       

CJA's July 22, 1994 supplement    


CJA's August 12, 1994 supplement


Mr. Hawkins' August 16, 1994 letter


CJA's August 26, 1994 notation on Mr. Hawkins' August 16, 1994 letter


CJA's September 9, 1994 fax to D.A. Hynes, enclosing CJA's September 9, 1994 letter to WNBC-Channel 4 reporter Gabe Pressman, providing a specific question for the Democratic candidates for Attorney General at the News Forum debate 


CJA's November 29, 1994 letter, enclosing "Where Do You Go When Judges Break the Law?",
CJA's $17,660 ad, published on the op-ed page of the October 26, 1994 New York Times, reprinted as a $2,280 ad in the November 1, 1994 New York Law Journal


click here for correspondence with
Fund for Modern Courts



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Commission on Legislative, Judicial & Executive Compensation -- 2019-2020 





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